Anime Generation

The time is/

Dragon Ball Z
Sailor Moon
Magic Knights Rayearth
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Anime Generation

last updated 98/04/30

I greet you to the Anime Generation .

As many webpages we are far from perfection so we strive our best to update and add to this webpage.
Now you can see what awards this page has won and what webrings We joined all right Here
I am adding many more anime series and always looking for new ideas why notE-mail Us with a suggestion?

I'll tell you a little about Our selves


This many people came to visit ever since we learned to count (97/11/04)

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Here's just some leagle mumbo jumbo....
All images and documents and information are those either mine or borrowed
from there respective owners . Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla
Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla
If you wish to copy or use something of this page go ahead I don't care .
But you must plug my site so they can view it from the source .
All opinions are those of the incredibly cute and genius webmaster .
If you do copy things outta my site that are strictly forbidden may
giant ants with big 2x4's and rusty nails in them come after you in
the night and feed upon your pancreas.
I am not responsible for blindness,rashes,sudden urges to move to Montana,
extra limbs and eyes suddenly appearing and the need to eat Spam on fridays.
I am also not promoting harm to come to Bill Gates,104 keybord assemblers,
Pez Candy Corprate Office employees,wrestlers of the WCW,
Police officers of the Tulsa Oklahoma police force,goldfish owners,Harvey the Wonder Hamster,
anyone in the John Tesh fanclub,trekkies,sega owners,Coke Drinkers,members of any Quake clan
and lastly any Walmart shoppers of any kind
thank you ,
(Webmaster of Anime Generation )

LinkExchange Member