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Profile: Goten

Image of Gohan

Goten's History:

Goten is the youngest son of Goku and ChiChi. He looks almost exactly like Goku down to the hair. He was taught some basic martial arts from ChiChi and trains with his best friend Trunks and Gohan. He possesses his father's great fighting ability and is able to naturally achieve Super Saiyan status. ChiChi was much less hard on him then she was with Gohan. He sees his father for the first time at the 25th Tenkaichibudoukai because of his fathers wish to return to earth for one day. He finishes 2nd in that tournament with only his best friends Trunks ahead. During the battle with Buu Goku is able to teach him and Trunks fusion. Fusion is the technique enabling fighters to come together to make a better fighter. Trunks and Goten fuse to become the super powerful Gotenks and easily defeat Buu.

Race:1/2 Saiyajin/ 1/2 humen
Saiyajin Name: None

Personal Favorite Fight
I have never seen a fight involving Goten.

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