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Profile: Yamcha

Image of Yamcha

Yamcha's History:
Yamcha first appeared as a villain in Dragon Ball. He was a dessert bandit along with his shape shifting cat for a partner named Puar. Yamcha then joins Goku, Buruma and Oolong on their quest for the Dragon Balls and has never looked back. His purpose for finding the Dragon Balls: Yamcha was very veyr shy around women you'd have to watch the first 12 episodes of Dragon Ball to see how shy he really was. Soon he realizes Buruma wants a boyfriend and they date throughout all of Dragon Ball. He was one of the strongest characters in Dragon Ball as well. When DBZ starts we find out him and Buruma have broken up and Yamcha was playing professional baseball. He dies during the battle with Nappa, the first at that matter. He then goes to train under Kaio-Sama along with Tenshinhan, Piccolo and Chaozu. He is probably the weakest human in DBZ due compared to the Saiyans and Piccolo. He still remains a main character throughout Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z. Altough his role diminishes in DBZ.

Saiyajin Name: None

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