
  1. Skoria - Queen, Fifth Queendom.
  2. Tarrak - King, Fifth Queendom. {Queen Gwintesa - Tarrak’s Mother. King Horran- Tarrak’s Father.}
  3. Skoriana - Crown Princess, Fifth Queendom. Also called Cindy, and the High Queen of Dracorma
  4. Mina - Princess, Fifth Queendom. Adopted by Queen Skoria and King Tarrak, her birth Mother and Father are Anna and Ture. Mina becomes the Crown Princess of the Fourth Queendom.
  5. Tempae - Crown Prince of the Fifth Queendom by marrying Skoriana. His Mother and Father are Yistel and Starn.
  6. Tamar - Queen, First Queendom.
  7. Karnur - King, First Queendom.
  8. Dessarana - Queen, Second Queendom.
  9. Gartok - King, Second Quendom.
  10. Siphon - Queen, Third Queendom.
  11. Vorcet - King, Third Queendom.
  12. Celan - Queen, Fourth Queendom.
  13. Finnor - King, Fourth Queendom.
  14. Tancor - Crown Prince, Fourth Queedom. Marries Princss Mina.


First Queendom

  1. Misteen - Duchess, Darth Dukedom.
  2. Larn - Duke, Darth Dukedom.
  3. Rissela - Duchess, Pintar Dukedom.
  4. Artor - Duke, Pintar Dukedom.
  5. Harena - Duchess, Istal Dukedom.
  6. Bannal - Duke, Istal Dukedom.
  7. Yarmilla - Duchess, Tinkerr Dukedom.
  8. Jorhan - Duke, Tinkerr Dukedom.

Second Queendom

  1. Tinella - Duchess, Harcot Dukedom.
  2. Parmann - Duke, Harcot Dukedom.
  3. Fellis - Duchess, Dristel Dukedom.
  4. Kallon - Duke, Dristel Dukedom.
  5. Sinlispa - Duchess, Baltos Dukedom.
  6. Tornok - Duke, Baltos Dukedom.
  7. Bekela - Duchess, Ristarr Dukedom.
  8. Rocorl - Duke, Ristarr Dukedom.

Third Queendom
  1. Karina - Duchess, Belar Dukedom.
  2. Morel - Duke, Belar Dukedom.
  3. Florna - Duchess, Lornak Dukedom.
  4. Oren - Duke, Lornak Dukedom.
  5. Phenor - Duchess, Illtur Dukedom.
  6. Norak - Duke, Illtur Dukedom.
  7. Gelica - Duchess, Estorr Dukedom.
  8. Borran - Duke, Estorr Dukedom.

Fourth Queendom

  1. Listah - Duchess, Sarteck Dukedom.
  2. Mentarr - Duke, Sarteck Dukdom.
  3. Coranna - Duchess, Lepora Dukedom.
  4. Horan - Duke, Lepora Dukedom.
  5. Sifeena - Duchess, Grett Dukedom.
  6. Karton - Duke, Grett Dukedom.
  7. Enja - Duchess, Niston Dukedom.
  8. Arnorr - Duke, Niston Dukedom.
  9. Bessil - Duchess, Lekeur Dukedom.
  10. Larrak - Duke, Lekeur Dukedom.

Fifth Queendom

  1. Anna - Duchess, Highland Dukedom.
  2. Ture - Duke, Highland Dukedom.
  3. Silmar - Barroness, Highland Dukedom.
  4. Torr - Baron, Highland Dukedom. Silmar’s husband, Anna’s brother. Silmar and Torr are in charge of the Highland river boats, and guiding rafts of logs down the Krem River to the Lowlands.
  5. Yistel - Barrroness, Highland Dukedom. Anna’s sister.
  6. Starn - Baron, Highland Dukedom. Yistel’s husband. Yistel and Starn are in charge of the Highland Orchards (Fruit & Nuts).
  7. Olume -Barron, Highland Dukedom. Anna’s younger brother, who is still single. Olume is in charge of the Highland dragon-lizards and domestic animals.
  8. Vellor - Duchess, Coastal Dukedom.
  9. Rappa - Duke, Coastal Dukedom.
  10. Tanna - Duchess, Lowland Dukedom.
  11. Pontok - Duke, Lowland Dukedom.
  12. Phaett - Duchess, Southland Dukedom.
  13. Urtek - Duke, Southland Dukedom.

Common Folk, Other Dracormians

  1. The Larinnas - Skoriana's ladies whom she taught the 'Old Ways'.
  2. Paetor - First Captain of the Palace Guard. Koree's husband.
  3. Koree - Anna’s younger sister who chose to go to the Palace and marry First Captain Paetor instead of being a Highland Barroness.
  4. Arack - King Tarrak’s Messenger.

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