In the picture above you will see me Linda with Spam an intern from WHFS 99.1. This picture was taked on March 6th 1999 at American University's Bender Arena at the Soul Coughing and Everclear concert I went to. At that same concert I was fortunate enough to meet the members of Soul Coughing who are in the pictures below. I went to this concert with my boyfriend Jason and our friend Darryl.
This pic is of me, Jason and Darryl and Johnny RIggs a DJ at WHFS 99.1. We met him at the HFSmas Nutcracker. He's a kik'n kinda guy,
In this picture are 3 of the 4 guys in Soul Coughing. Sebastian is missing in this picture however below is a separate picture of him. It was so neat meeting these guys....they were really laid back and just kinda hung out with us. I definitely was an experience I wouldn't mind living again!! Spam(above) was the koolest guy to talk to too...he's just a really nice normal kinda guy! We got signatures from Soul Coughing and Spam on our tickets, which I'm going to scan my ticket soon.
This is Sebastian, the awesome bassist from Soul Coughing. The other awesome thing that happened at the concert was that Soul Coughing dedicated a song to us....if I remember correctly I believe the song was "Marietta" off of "Irresistable Bliss".
And finally was Everclear, who was an awesome awesome band that night!! Although I think Soul Coughing was a little better, I'm probably biased considering I met them earlier! All in all the concert was great!! If you ever get a chance to see either of the bands I beg of you to go!!!! Below in the pictures are Art Alexakis and Craig Montoya of Everclear!