Ebirah: Welcome, today we review... SpaceGodzilla: Valley of Gwangi?! Ebirah: Umm... no... not at all... SpaceGodzilla: Star Wars Episode 1?! Ebirah: Give it up! Just because you havn't gotten tickets yet doesn't mean that you can use Gorosaur's paycheck to see it! SpaceGodzilla: Hey... don't rub it in..... Ebirah: Now, back to our review! We are watching... SpaceGodzilla: DRUM ROLL!!!!! Ebirah: Hmph... anyways, we are watching GODZILLA Vs. DESTOROYAH! SpaceGodzilla: WAHOO!!! (Does the Scottish jig) Ebirah: Well, it starts out as a helicopter flys over Bass Island... or at least what remains of it SpaceGodzilla: Yes... for it had been blown up by some unknown force Ebirah: Good, but do you remember much else SpaceGodzilla: Everything! Ebirah: We'll see. Anywho, all of the sudden, Godzilla arrives in... SpaceGodzilla: TOKYO!!! Ebirah: Not really, he was in Hong Kong! I see that you sure studdied well! SpaceGodzilla: Thank you, but I think that you are WAY off! Ebirah: That wasn't a compliment... SpaceGodzilla: Don't risk your life, Mr. Ebirah: Uhh... umm..., I understant! A-hee hee! Go ahead! Why didn't he attack Hong Kong? SpaceGodzilla: Ha ha ha... you are such a fool! Since when does the big G attack Hong Kong?! Havn't you ever watched a G movie?! Hong Kong is in China! Ebirah: Ugh... you poor, weary soul. He, for some reason decided to attack China in the movie. now, that proves that you havn't watched the beginning! You always fast- forward to the monster attack! What is wrong with you?! I bet ya' feel stupid now! Yes, no? SpaceGodzilla: Don't rub it in. You know what happens when you get me mad. Ebirah: I'm SO sorry, oh Tokyo-smashing, Deanzilla-bashing, greatest monster of all time! Forgive me!...please?!... SpaceGodzilla: That's better! Hey, it even rymed! Ebirah: (grumbles) Must've flunked kindergarden... twice... SpaceGodzilla: Hmm?! What was that?! Ebirah: Uh.. umm... I said that... umm.. Oh yea! You must've really beat up Moguera! SpaceGodzilla: That's a good, loyal crustacian. Hee hee... No kaiju is a match for me! Ha ha ha! Gigan: SUPRISE! No kaiju, hmm?! SpaceGodzilla: A-hee hee! Umm... yes? Gigan: Wrong answer. Ebirah: While they are sparring back there, I'll tell the story! SpaceGodzilla: Ugh! My foot! OUCH! Hey, those things are sharp! Ebirah: Ok, so these scientists find out that the oxygen destroyer has long-lasting effects. SpaceGodzilla: Hey, Redjik sucks! Ha ha.... OWIE!... Gigan: You sure are asking for it! Ebirah: Um hmm... well, they find that a creature lives in the infected soil. Well, as you may have guessed, it is the first stage of Desotoryah's life. SpaceGodzilla: Ahh... well, he is disposed of, now, back to the movie! Ebirah: Ok, umm... so you beat Gigan?! SpaceGodzilla: Well, I think so, I can't find him. That chicken must have ran away! Ha ha ha! Ebirah: Uhh... you are going to be screaming soon... SpaceGodzilla: WHAT?! Let me guess... you are gonna' hurt me! Redjik: HOO HOO HA HA HA!!!!! SpaceGodzilla: AAAAUUUUGGGHHH!!!!! Ebirah: Ok, while they duke it out, I'll skip to the movie's end Redjik: PARALIZE RAY!!! FIRE!!!!! SpaceGodzilla: ACK!.....I...I can't move anything...even... my....mouth... Redjik: Now, let us discuss this in peace Ebirah: Lets! Redjik: Ok, out in Tokyo, Destoroyah had really slaughtered the Japanees special brigades Ebirah: Then, as Destoroyah movs into 3rd stage, he has to fight Junior Redjik: Junior does alright until Destoroyah moves into his last stage, a full-sized kaiju Ebirah: Since Junior was no match, Godzilla appears Redjik: As he steps onto Tokyo's grounds, and heads towards Destoroyah, Ifukube's Godzilla march starts up Gorosaurus: Man! That is my favorite part, that awesome music as G walks behind those buildings, and then goes straight for his greatest foe, my favorite part! Redjik: Uhh... HI!... SpaceGodzilla: Ahh.... it's worn off, anyways, I was G's greatest foe! Gorosaurus: You, Spacie, you are wrong. You, Redjik, you are dead! GGRRRRAAAAAWWWWW!!!!! Redjik: AAAAAAUUUUGGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!! Ebirah: Uh oh, well, you guys take it outside! Gorosaurus: Hee hee.. you are comming with us! Ebirah: Wha?... NO! Let go! I don't want to!!!!! SpaceGodzilla: Well, it's up to me to finish up. G uses his new spiral-beam all over Destoroyah. As you may have guessed, Destoroyah gets his butt kicked. I could have done soooo much better! Ebirah: OUCH!!! SpaceGodzilla: So, G's meltdown takes place, and because of the mighty Supa X 3, it freezes him enough to keep the meltdown to a minimum, so it only kills G Redjik: My hand! You bit my hand!!! Gorosaurus: Hee hee hee... OW! My tail! Your stupid pincers! SpaceGodzilla: Okaaay... so it's a sentimental moment for everyone. But the exess radiation soaks into the dead Junior. Then, in all of the smoke, a figure rises up, and a VERY familiar roar is heard. No, not mine, the infamous G roar! Ebirah: AAAHHH!!! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! MAKE IT STOP! Redjik: I'm outta' here! Adios! Gorosaurus: Ya', you get outta' here! Ha ha ha! SpaceGodzilla: Man! This was one of our better ones! Ebirah: Got any XXXXXXXXX large band-aids? My poor elbow! Gorosaurus: Welp, I've enjoyed it, gotta' go as well! SpaceGodzilla: Bye! Ebirah: .........Good rithens..... Gorosaurus: I HEARD THAT!!! Ebirah: NNNOOOOOO!!!!!! SpaceGodzilla: Welp, tune in next time! Soooooo long!