"I'm Not Gonna Let Ya Go" by: Grace

"God, I think Kloppman gets worse ev'ry week," Racetrack muttered as he and the rest of the newsies hit the street. "If he doesn't start findin' a betta way to get us up ev'ry mornin', I might go an' see if Brooklyn needs another newsie."

"Aw, come on, Race," Blink protested. "Ya know they're worse in Brooklyn."

"The Bronx then," Racetrack declared.

"You're gettin' crazier ev'ry day, Race," said Jack as he caught up with him in time to hear the tail end of the conversation.

"You don't like it any more'n I do," Racetrack shot back and Jack grinned as he shrugged.

The band of newsies reached the distribution alley and stepped in line to buy their papers. As each one got their's they sat down to scope the headlines and wait for the others.

"Geez, ya'd think they could give us a good headline ev'ry now an' then, wouldn't ya?" Mush complained as he flipped through one of his papers.

"That'd make it too easy fer us," Jack replied and Mush nodded.

"Yeah, they'd rather see us make 'em up," Skittery agreed, as he sat down on the stairs beside Jack and Racetrack.

"Well, today's gonna be another one of those days," Racetrack sighed.

"At least we can sell them back if we have extras," said David as he joined his friends.

"Heya Dave," Jack greeted him. Then he grinned. "How's Ginnie?" he asked, coyly and grinned more as David looked embarrassed.

"Fine," David mumbled. The other guys exchanged amused glances. "Not that you can talk, Cowboy," David said suddenly to Jack and amused glances turned to outright laughter.

"Yeah, an' speakin' of Sarah," said Jack, trying not to look too taken aback, "if ya don't stop watchin' me all the time when I'm wid 'er---"

"All right! All right!" David exclaimed, holding up his hands in surrender. "It's just that she's my sister."

"Yeah, yer older sister," Jack pointed out.

"Would the two of ya stop an' let us get ta work?" Blink asked.

David and Jack stopped their arguing and the other newsies ceased teasing David about his girlfriend, Virginia.

Despite the lousy headlines, nearly all of his papers had been sold as Blink headed towards the Lodging House that evening around eight-thirty. He was taking a short cut through some back alleys in order to get back sooner. He had heard that there was going to be a terrific poker game going on sometime around nine or so, and he didn't want to miss it.

Blink was almost to his destination when the toe of his shoe collided with something and he went sprawling across the alley.

"What the hell?" he muttered as he picked himself up off of the ground. He dusted himself off and picked up his scattered papers. He looked back to see what it was he had tripped over, but the alley was dark and all he could see was what looked like a pile of someone's laundry. He knelt down for a closer look and his mouth fell open.

What had looked like a pile of clothes was a person. A girl. Blink reached out cautiously and shook the girl's shoulder. She didn't so much as stir and he wondered if she was even alive. He bent down closer and could see that she was breathing, but just barely. Then he realized that his hand that was on the girl's shoulder felt suddenly warm. He quickly withdrew it and to his horror, saw that it was covered with blood. He wiped his hand across one of his papers to rid it of some of the blood. It helped, though not greatly.

Blink saw, now that his eyes had adjusted to the dimness, that the girl's dress was badly ripped and her shoulder was cut deeply. His hand went to her matted hair and he brushed it off of her face. He felt his breath catch in his throat. She was beautiful, even through the dirt and blood that partially hid her features from him.

Knowing that he couldn't leave her here like this, Blink left his papers where they were and picked her up gingerly, trying to avoid moving her shoulder any more than was necessary. He half-expected her to awaken, but she remained unconscious. Blink was thankful that she hadn't regain consciousness yet. He knew that when she did, she'd be in a ton of pain and he would rather have that happen when she was inside somewhere with people looking out for her instead of in some alley where no one was there to help her.

The poker game had started at nine-fifteen, when Jack and Racetrack had decided that Blink wasn't going to show. They were surprised, to say the least, when he at last entered the Lodging House, carrying a girl who was passed out cold.

"I found 'er in an alley on the way 'ere an' I couldn't leave 'er there. She's messed up pretty bad," Blink explained as Kloppman came over to investigate.

"Yeah, she's in pretty bad shape all right," he agreed. "Take 'er up to the bedroom and I'll call for the doctor."

The cards were abandoned as everyone trooped upstairs after Blink and the girl. He lay her gently on his bunk, which was just under Jack's and now that they were in a room that was fairly well lit, he could see that she was much worse off than he had originally thought. The others newsies muttered shocked comments under their breaths as they got their first good look at her.

The girl's dress had been ripped---or cut---all over and through the fabric they could see bruises and slashes, though none as bad as the one on her left shoulder. The blood from the cuts had stained her once white undergarments a dull rust color and the one cut on her shoulder was still bleeding slightly. Her face hadn't received any of the slashes the rest of her body had, but it had received some of the bruises. Many were only slightly blue, but one on her jaw was an angry purple in color. Her hair looked like it had once been some shade of blond or brown, but was now so thickly matted and covered with dirt and dried blood that it was impossible to tell for certain.

The doctor arrived then and Kloppman shooed everyone out of the room. He followed them downstairs and they all took various seats.

"Goddamn, who'd do somethin' like dat ta a goyle?" muttered a familiar voice.

Blink looked up and noticed for the first time that Spot Conlonwas there among the others. He must have come all the way from Brooklyn for the poker game.

"I dunno," Jack replied with a heavy sigh, "but it 'appens all the time."

"Don't make it easier ta take the next time," Blink said, and Jack nodded his agreement.

Blink looked down and realized that his hands were still covered in blood. He paled as he saw just how much blood there was on them and didn't notice Jack until he felt Jack's hand touch his shoulder.

"Come on," Jack said and Blink allowed himself to be led into the kitchen. Jack leaned against the counter, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched Blink scrub his hands over the sink. He saw Blink rinse his hands once and go back for another soaping.

"It ain't neva gonna feel like it's gone, Blink," Jack said quietly and Blink paused before rinsing the soap off of his hands and drying them on a towel that was draped over the side of the counter.

"You're right," he responded a moment later.

"Dat must've been pretty bad for ya ta find 'er the way ya did," Jack said as Blink leaned against the counter across from the one Jack occupied.

"Yeah, I tripped over 'er, actually," Blink confessed. "When I put my hand on 'er shoulder to see if she'd wake up, an' I felt the blood..." he trailed off, remembering that horror.

Jack said nothing, but patted Blink's shoulder as they went back into the main room of the Lodging House.

They took their seats again and all the newsies were silent, something of a rarity with them. Now, they were each still thinking of the ghastly act that had been done to the girl that was upstairs, and no words would have been appropriate. After another thirty minutes, the doctor's footsteps could be heard descending the stairs and every newsie in the building looked up. Blink stood and met the doctor at the foot of the stairs, anxiously.

"Is she gonna be okay?" he asked and the doctor looked serious.

"Once she wakes up, she should recover just fine, physically, ut I don't know about emotionally," he said.

"Was she---?" Jack's voice broke off before he said the word loud, but everyone knew what would have followed.

"Raped?" the doctor asked and Jack nodded slowly. The doctor sighed. "Yes, she was," he answered. "Pretty roughly, too."

Blink's jaw tightened with anger, and he wasn't the only one.

The doctor met Kloppman at the door. "Let me know when she regains consciousness," he said. "In the meantime, keep her in one place, don't try to move her around too much. That could cause her shoulder to resume bleeding. Also, have someone sit with her at all times to keep an eye on her."

"Anything else?" Kloppman asked.

"When she wakes up, if she remembers any of what happened to her, it would be helpful to have a woman around to talk with her. Nothing against any of you," he said to the newsies who were still congregated around the staircase, and they nodded, understanding.

"Thanks," said Kloppman, as he saw the doctor out. He reentered the room a moment later.

"Well, ya all heard the doctor. Who's gonna watch her tonight?" he asked.

"I will," said Blink quickly. "I'm the one that found 'er an' ev'rything," he explained.

Kloppman nodded. "Then ya better go on and get up there. Who nows when she could wake up."

"When she does, I'll ask Sarah ta come over an' talk wid 'er," ack offered. "Ginnie might come too."

"That's fine," Kloppman said. "Now, I don't want everybody ittin' around here not saying nothin'. Go on and find somethin' to do, if ya feel like it. If not, then go on to bed. I know it's only ten, but you all never get enough sleep as it is."

A few newsies halfheartedly resumed their poker game, but most either left the building to roam around for a while, or followed Blink upstairs. Blink sat in a chair by his bed the entire night, never once dozing off. He just stared at the girl, who by now was looking somewhat better.

The doctor had cleaned her wounds and patched them up nicely, putting several stitches in the one on her shoulder. The dirt and blood had been washed from her and her hair color was now recognizable. It fell over her shoulders in untamed strawberry blond curls, and had been gently brushed. Her skin was very pale and fragile looking from all the blood she had lost, but her lips were tinted dark rose and her long, dark eyelashes rested gently on her cheeks. Her clothes had been too tattered to be of any further use and the doctor had dressed her in one of Blink's shirts that had been draped over the end of his bed.

She sure was a pretty thing. Blink wondered how on earth anyone could treat her so cruelly. It was beyond his comprehension. Like Jack had said, though, it happened all the time.

Blink watched her all night long, expecting her to awaken at any moment. He was disappointed, for when Kloppman came to wake up the boys and get them moving, she had still not stirred. Kloppman gave him a sympathetic look.

"I'm gonna stay 'ere today, if dat's okay wid ya," Blink said and Kloppman nodded.

"That's fine. Let me know if ya need anything."

Everyone else seemed rather disappointed to awaken and find the girl still unconscious, for now curiosity had set in and they were all wondering who she was and where she had come from. Were there people out there---maybe her parents---who were worried about her, and wondering where she was?

Racetrack, Jack, and Mush all offered to stay with the girl while Blink went out for a while and sold a few papers, but he staunchly refused. By six o'clock, the building was quiet. Even Kloppman had gone, and by ten, Blink had begun to fall asleep in the silence of the room.

He had just dozed off when he heard the girl moan softly. He jerked himself awake and leaned forward, watching her anxiously. After a moment her eyelashes fluttered and she opened her eyes. Blink found himself staring into the prettiest violet eyes he had ever seen. He had opened his mouth to speak when the girl's eyes suddenly flew wide open and she looked at him with unmasked terror on her face. She screamed once and Blink jumped back, startled.

"Hey, it's okay, I'm not gonna hurt ya," he said, but she remained looking terrified.

"Get away from me!" she cried. "Oh God, oh God---"

Blink hurried from the room and rushed downstairs to telephone Sarah Jacobs, who came as soon as she could. Ten minutes later, Sarah met Blink at the door of the Lodging House. Jack had dropped by that morning to tell David of the incident the night before and to warn Sarah that she was on call to help.

"Is she upstairs?" Sarah asked and Blink nodded, still looking shaken.

Sarah gave him a reassuring smile as she brushed past him and headed upstairs. She took a deep breath before she entered the room. When she did, she closed the door behind her. Looking towards Blink's bed, all she could see was an unruly mane of blond hair and a trembling form that cowered beneath the blankets.

"Hi," Sarah said softly. "They asked me to come and talk with ya. I think ya scared Blink pretty good when ya screamed a few minutes ago." She laughed a bit and stepped closer to the bed.

"I didn't mean to scare him," said a small voice from underneath the blankets. Sarah took this as her cue and walked over to sit on the edge of the bed. As she sat, she put one hand tentatively on the girl's hair.

"Don't worry about it," Sarah said. "He'll get over it. He's had worse scares than that before."

The girl slowly pushed the blankets back down and she looked up at Sarah. She no longer looked terrified, but there was still an inhuman look in her eyes that reminded Sarah of a lost, wild animal. Other than that look and the bruise that remained on her jaw, she was beautiful.

"There, that's better," Sarah said. "Before we say anything else, I hafta ask ya a couple of things."

"All right," the girl agreed softly.

"First, do ya have any family that would be looking for ya? Is there anybody we need to call?"

The girl shook her head. "I have no family," she replied. "I live by myself in my apartment."

"Okay," Sarah continued, relieved that the girl could still remember things. "Second, what's your name?"

"Laurel Harris," the girl said.

"Hi Laurel," Sarah said with a smile. "I guess I oughta tell ya mine now. I'm Sarah Jacobs."

"Hi," the girl replied, with a bit of a smile.

Sarah stood briefly and stole the pillow from Jack's bed. She put it behind Laurel's so that the girl could sit up somewhat. That would make talking easier. Sarah took her place at the edge of the bed again.

"Who was it that you said I frightened earlier?" Laurel asked.

"Blink. Actually, his name's Kid Blink, or at least, that's his newsie name."

"Are you his girlfriend?"

Sarah shook her head. "Naw, we're only friends. I'm Jack Kelly's girlfriend. He's the newsie that sleeps up there," she said, pointing to the upper bunk.

"Where am I then?" Laurel asked, taking her first good look around.

"Oh, sorry," Sarah apologized. "You're in the Newsboy's Lodging House on Duane Street. Blink found ya in an alley on his way back here last night and Kloppman, the guy who's brave enough to keep all these guys in line, called the doctor," Sarah explained.

"Then I am sorry that I frightened...Blink, since he's the one who got me out of that alley and all," Laurel said.

"Like I said before, don't worry about it," Sarah reassured. "He'll get over it. He's staying here with ya today so I'll ask him to come up later, if ya want me to."

"That would be fine," Laurel said softly. "I'll apologize in person then."

Sarah grew serious and Laurel knew what was coming next.

"Do ya have any idea what happened to ya last night and who didit?" Sarah asked and Laurel's eyes once again gained that lost animal look.

"I know what happened, but I don't know who did it. I couldn't see his face at all," she replied and her violet eyes began to swim in tears. Sarah put her hand comfortingly on Laurel's uninjured shoulder.

"It's okay," she said softly. "These guys'll take care of ya until ya feel well enough to go home. They're pretty nice like that."

Laurel nodded.

"How'd this happen?" Sarah asked and Laurel looked at her, some of the terror returning to her eyes.

"I was walking back home after delivering my laundry---that's what I do for a living---when some guy...came out of an alley...and threw me up against the wall...and he...oh God," she said, and she began to tremble again.

"It's okay," Sarah said, leaning down to embrace Laurel, all the time, careful of the injuries. "Ya don't have to go on if ya don't want to."

"I'll tell you, but I don't want to tell any of the guys here. Will---will you tell them for me?" Laurel asked and Sarah sat back, nodding. "Thank you," Laurel continued. "He---he hit me several times and I figured that it would hurt for a while, but I'd get over it. That's when I saw...that he had a---a knife, and that he wasn't just going to beat me up. That's when he---" Laurel broke off as tears began to spill down her face.

"That's when he raped you?" Sarah asked quietly, holding Laurel's hands tightly.

Laurel nodded as she took a deep breath to somewhat calm her sobs.

"I remember all of it too," she said. "I kept wishing that I could either die or pass out, but I couldn't do either one. I didn't pass out until long after he left. Before he left, he used his knife to---and then left me there, I guess to bleed to death. No one would have known who I was. No one that would have cared, that is."

"Well, these newsies are a pretty territorial bunch," Sarah said kindly. "I think ya have about forty people who do care, now."

She let Laurel cry on her shoulder until all Laurel's tear were spent. Then she pulled back.

"The doctor wanted us to let him know when ya woke up, so I'm going to go and call him. Do ya want me to send Blink up now?"

Laurel nodded, drying her eyes on the handkerchief Sarah had handed her. "Give me ten minutes, all right?"

"Sure," Sarah said. "I'll also have them bring something up for ya to eat if you're hungry."

"Not right now. I'm not feeling well enough to eat," said Laurel.

Sarah nodded and left the room, closing the door quietly behind her.

Laurel took several deep breaths, as she calmed her tears. She leaned back painfully on the pillows. God, she needed an asprin---or several. She looked around her and smiled somewhat. This was obviously the bedroom of a few dozen boys. Clothes hung from every side of every bed and shoes were scattered across the floor. Oil paper shades still covered the windows, turning the light in the room a golden color. Laurel was thankful that the shades were still drawn---the outside world terrified her now. She wondered if she would ever have the courage to step out of these four walls.

She would have begun to cry again, had Blink not entered at that moment. Laurel looked up and took a deep breath. On second thought, he looked more nervous than she did.

"I'm sorry that I screamed at you," she apologized softly and Blink came over to sit in the chair he had spent the night in.

"Dat's okay," he replied. "I guess ya jus' weren't 'spectin' ta see me, dat's all."

"Thank you...for what you did last night. Bringing me here and sending for the doctor and everything. I also have the feeling that I'm occupying your space," Laurel said, gesturing to the bunk.

"Yeah, well, dat an' my other shirt," he added, and Laurel looked down, for the first time realizing what she was dressed in. She blushed somewhat.

"What happened to my clothes?" she asked, hoping that she had still been clothed when he had found her.

"I guess the doctor threw 'em away," Blink answered. "Dey wouldn't 'ave been much use anymore. Dey was ripped up pretty bad."


A long silence followed, then Laurel spoke up.

"I'm Laurel Harris, by the way," she said and Blink looked back up at her. He had previously been staring at the floor.

"Dat's a pretty name," he said and then looked as though he wished he hadn't said it. "I'm Kid Blink, but most ev'rybody jus' uses Blink."

"Sarah told me," Laurel said. "Did she explain...what...happened to me?" she asked, glancing away.

"Yeah," he answered. "I wish I'd come through dat alley earlier. I might've been able ta stop 'im 'fore he..." Blink trailed off.

The doctor arrived then and Blink left the room. He headed downstairs and found Jack and Racetrack, really his two best friends among the newsies, waiting for him in the main room.

"Heya Blink," said Racetrack as Blink sat down on a chair opposite them. "How's she doin'?"

"Okay, I guess," Blink replied. "'Er name's Laurel Harris," he told them.

"Does she know what 'appened ta 'er?" Jack asked and Blink nodded slowly.

"She remembers ev'rything, accordin' ta Sarah," he replied. "Sarah said dat Laurel didn't pass out 'till afta he'd already left 'er fer dead in the alley."

"Damn it," Jack muttered. "I was really hopin' she wouldn't remember any of it. It'd make it a lot easier fer 'er ta get over it an' move on."

"Does she 'ave any family?" Racetrack answered.

"Nope," Blink said. "Dat's good, 'cause dat way, nobody was lookin' fer 'er an' worryin' 'bout 'er, but it's bad too, 'cause she really oughta 'ave family 'round ta help 'er get over it."

"Listen, we'll all do ev'rything we can," Jack said.

"Sure," Racetrack agreed. "Spot's still hangin' 'round 'ere. He didn't wanna go back ta Brooklyn 'till she woke up an' we found out who she was an' all. He's sellin' in Manhattan taday. Laurel's got ev'rybody pretty worried 'bout 'er."

"Yeah, I mean, we knew stuff like dat 'appened an' all," said Jack, "but it's neva come dis close 'fore."

"She's doin' pretty well, considerin' she remembers ev'rything," said Blink, "but I don't really think it's hit 'er yet. I don't think she really realizes it all yet. When she does..."

"It ain't gonna be pretty," Jack finished and Blink nodded. "Sarah said she'd come back later dis aftanoon wid Ginnie," Jack added. "She looked pretty bad herself when she left. She was real upset."

"So's ev'rybody," Blink said. He sighed. "So's ev'rybody."

Laurel slept through the afternoon with the aid of some sleeping powder that the doctor gave her before he left. Blink dozed for awhile in the lower bunk of the bed next to his, where he could get some sleep, but still be close if Laurel awoke and needed him. Ginnie and Sarah arrived around six that evening and entered the bedroom to find both Blink and Laurel still sound asleep.

Ginnie was one of Sarah's best friends, who had visited the Jacob's apartment one evening a few months before, and David had fallen for her the second he saw her. She wasn't soft spoken by any means, but she knew when to shut up. Her light brown hair was streaked with auburn highlights and her green eyes usually sparkled with enthusiasm, but not today. Her nose had a slight impish tilt and across its bridge were sprinkled at least a dozen or more freckles. All in all she wasn't necessarily beautiful to anyone except David, rather she was cute, and all the newsies found her a lot of fun to pal around with. She could laugh, joke, and tease with the best of them.

Today, however, Ginnie was unusually quiet and thoughtful. Her eyes had become sad when Sarah told her of Laurel and she had willingly agreed to come back to the Lodging House that night. Now they stood in the doorway, deciding whether or not to go in. Blink had heard them come up the stairs and sat up sleepily.

"Hey Blink," Ginnie said as she and Sarah entered the room.

Blink stood and stretched. He glanced over at Laurel and saw that she still slept.

"She oughta wake up pretty soon," he told them. "The doctor gave 'er dat sleepin' powder 'bout five hours ago. When she does wake up, he said ta give 'er a couple of asprin," he instructed, pointing to the chair beside Laurel where two white pills and a glass of water sat. "If ya wanna jus' stay 'ere 'till she wakes up, I'm gonna go ta Tibby's an' get somethin' ta eat," he said.

"Yeah, we'll stay," Ginnie agreed. "All the other guys are probably already at Tibby's by now. Dave told me that they were gonna stop by there 'fore they came back here."

Blink nodded. "All right, I'll see ya later."

He glanced once more at Laurel before he left the room.

Sarah led Ginnie over to where Laurel lay and they pulled up another chair, setting the water on the floor and the aspirin on Jack's bed.

"God, Sarah," Ginnie whispered, as they took their seats. "She's gorgeous."

"Ya oughta see her eyes," Sarah whispered back. "They're not quite blue. More like lavender or violet. Pretty unusual, but real striking. I think Blink's already starting to like her," Sarah confessed. "It's really sweet, the way he's stayed with her since he found her last night. Jack told me that Blink didn't sleep at all last night, at least, he was never asleep when Jack woke up and glanced over at him."

A few minutes of silence followed.

"Look, she's startin' to wake up," Ginnie said quickly as Laurel's eyes fluttered open. Sarah had been right. They were really striking. Laurel yawned and still looked drowsy, but she was awake.

"Hello Sarah," she said and looked curiously at Ginnie.

"This is Virginia---Ginnie," Sarah said, introducing them. "She's my brother's girlfriend. My brother, David, is a newsie too."

"Heya Laurel," Ginnie said, holding out her hand.

Laurel accepted it. "Hi," she whispered back.

Sarah retrieved the aspirin and water and Laurel took them gladly.

"Are ya in much pain?" Sarah asked, looking concerned.

"Some," Laurel said. "Well, more than some, but the aspirin helps a lot."

Ginnie nodded and Laurel looked around.

"When will everyone be back?" she asked.

"Usually they don't come back until nine or so, but tonight, they'll probably be back by seven," Ginnie answered. "They're all wantin' to meet ya."

Laurel looked a little pale. "How many are there?" she asked and Sarah shrugged.

"Probably around forty or so, but usually only thirty are regulars here. The others come and go," she answered.

"I don't know if I want to see that many people," Laurel said, looking somewhat frightened. Sarah and Ginnie exchanged a quick glance.

"Listen, Laurel," said Ginnie. "None of 'em would ever do anything to hurt ya. They're all really nice, and they've all been really worried about ya. It's actually been pretty funny for me and Sarah to see them actin' this way. They've been actin' like protective older brothers. It's cute, really."

"It's just that I'm still so..." Laurel trailed off.

"Scared? Wary?" Sarah suggested and Laurel nodded.

"That and more, I guess," she answered.

"Well, you're gonna have to get used to them sooner or later, 'cause you're livin' in their house," Ginnie said. "Ya might as well get to know 'em now."

"You're right," Laurel said. She pulled the blankets up around her a little more. She looked down and saw that she still wore Blink's shirt. While it was huge on her, she knew it wasn't very long. She ached too much to venture out of bed now, but in a few days, when she did, she would need to be wearing something that covered a little bit more.

"Do you think that someone could go by my apartment and bring me some of my things?" she asked Sarah and Ginnie.

"Sure," said Ginnie. "I'll go now if ya want. Is it nearby?"

"It's on the corner of Broadway and Leonard Street," Laurel answered. "It's apartment five on the second floor. Just ask the landlady for the key. She doesn't have many security rules, so she'll probably give it to you---no questions asked."

"What do ya want me to get?" Ginnie asked, standing and moving towards the door.

"God, let's see," Laurel said thoughtfully. "There's so much...A nightdress first of all and my dressing gown. A couple of changes of clothes, my hairbrush and hand mirror, and some books. I have an entire bookcase full, so just bring any of them. Six or seven."

"God, ya read a lot, don't ya?" Ginnie said, looking surprised.

"It's gets lonely by myself," Laurel explained.

Ginnie was back in thirty minutes with Laurel's belongings. She found Laurel resting against the pillows while Sarah told her about the various newsies she would meet soon.

"I'm giving her fair warning," Sarah explained and Ginnie grinned.

"I know I look awful anyway," Laurel said, "but I can at least change into my own clothes and brush my hair before I meet everyone."

Ginnie and Sarah helped her to put her nightdress on, for Laurel's injured left shoulder prevented her from moving that arm much at all.

"Here," said Laurel as she handed Sarah Blink's shirt, "Blink can have his shirt back. He might like having a choice of what to wear again."

Sarah hung it over the bunk and Ginnie helped Laurel brush her hair.

Sarah had predicted correctly, and at seven, newsies could be heard downstairs, entering the building. Laurel looked a bit scared and Sarah squeezed her hand reassuringly. Laurel nodded and took a deep breath as the door opened and several newsies entered, though not nearly forty. More like a dozen or so. Sarah and Ginnie met two of them at the door and received kisses from both. Laurel knew Blink and she guessed that the one whose arm was around Sarah, was Jack, and she could see the resemblance in Sarah and the guy who held Ginnie and guessed that he was David. The others were a mystery. Sarah really hadn't had the chance to explain much earlier.

Laurel's heart was pounding in her ears, but she tried not to let

it show too much. Blink approached her first and could see in her eyes that she was apprehensive. He sat in the chair beside her and the other newsies took seats around the room.

"Hey, I'm Jack," said the one she had pegged as Jack when he entered.

"Hi," she fairly whispered.

Jack held out his hand, but Laurel just looked at it and couldn't bring herself to reach out her own hand. Sarah quickly pulled Jack's hand back and he looked flustered. He felt like he should have realized that the last thing this girl wanted was for a man to touch her, even if it was only to shake hands.

"I'm Sarah's brother, David," said one of the other newsies, breaking the uncomfortable silence. Laurel congratulated herself on another correct guess.

"See?" Ginnie said to her. "What did I tell ya? Is he cute or what?"

The other newsies laughed as David flushed. Laurel even managed a small smile.

"Dis is Racetrack," Blink said, deciding to handle the rest of the introductions himself. He pointed to each newsie in turn, for they were scattered about the room. "Dis is Mush, Skittery, Specs, Crutchy, Snipeshooter, Boots, an' Les. Les is Sarah an' Dave's lil' brudder," Blink explained.

Laurel smiled brightly at Les and held out her hand to him. The other newsies, Sarah and Ginnie looked on curiously, all silent for once. Les smiled back and took her hand.

"Hello Les," she said. "How old are you?" she asked, her voice soft and kind.

"Ten," Les replied.

"Ten! My goodness," Laurel said, and there was actually laughter in her voice. "I would've thought you were eleven, at least."

Les grinned even more broadly and the other newsies chuckled.

"Brooklyn's 'ere!" called a voice from the hallway and a moment later another newsie appeared in the doorway. He leaned against the doorframe and grinned at everyone.

"An' dis is Spot Conlon," continued Blink. "New York's biggest showoff," he added dryly and Spot pretended to be insulted.

"See if ya don't get yerself soaked fer dat," Spot muttered to Blink and Blink grinned.

Laurel met the rest of the newsies a little later when they arrived and she was still nervous, though no longer afraid. However, she couldn't bring herself to shake their hands. Why was something so simple so difficult to think about doing?

Spot and Blink were both sleeping on the floor that night, for Spot was only visiting and there were no extra beds. Laurel, of course, was occupying Blink's bed. It was two in the morning and everyone had been asleep for nearly three hours when a blood curdling scream echoed throughout the room. No one could sleep through that. Any newsie who had been anywhere near the edge of his bed found himself jolted awake and landing on the floor. Blink, who was already on the floor beside his bed, realized that the scream had come from Laurel, and scrambled to his knees.

Laurel, whose attack was obviously replaying itself in her nightmares, thrashed around wildly and Blink was terrified that she would pull the stitches in her shoulder loose or hurt herself some other way. He tried to hold her arms down, but she lashed out at him, not realizing who he was and thinking that he was the man who had raped her. Jack jumped down from his bed and flipped on the lights in the room. Every newsie turned to see Blink struggling to calm Laurel.

"Laurel! It's me, Blink! You're fine, you're okay! Laurel!" he yelled, trying to get through to her, for she was still not fully awake.

"No! Go away! Oh God, leave me alone! Help me, somebody please help me! Oh God, oh God, oh God!" Laurel cried, through hysterical sobs that racked her whole body.

The newsies exchanged serious glances. This was not something they were familiar with at all and it was horrifying to watch. She was totally changed from the person who they had met a few hours before.

Spot had been sleeping on the floor near the door and he stepped quickly to where Laurel and Blink were. He took her left arm, careful not to touch her shoulder, and held it firmly to the mattress. Blink was able to hold her right arm down. Laurel stopped trying to fight back and she stopped screaming, but she continued to sob and she turned her head to the right side, trying to bury her face in her pillow. Her breathing was ragged as she gasped for air between gulping sobs. Blink and Spot slowly released their grips on her arms and she made no more attempts to strike out at them.

Spot sat back and watched along with everyone else. Blink straightened the blankets over Laurel, and smoothed her tangled hair back from her face. Kloppman had appeared in the doorway and stood beside Jack, watching as everyone else was.

"If I ever find out who did dis ta 'er, I'll kill 'im," Jack said angrily, as he watched Laurel's sobs quiet and her breathing even out. "I'll absolutely kill 'im. Why, Kloppman?" he asked. "Why would anybody do dis ta an innocent goyle?"

Kloppman placed his hand on Jack's shoulder. "I don't know, Jacky," he replied. "I've seen it before, but I'll never be able to understand it. Never, no matter how many times I see it, it never gets any easier."

Laurel awoke the next morning to sunlight streaming through the shades. At first she thought that the room was empty, but then she looked over at the bunk to her right and saw Blink on the lower bed, sound asleep. Memories from the night before came flooding back, though they were sketchy. She remembered dreaming that she was once again being attacked and screaming out for someone to help her. It had been so real to her then and it wasn't until Blink's voice came through that dream that she realized she was safe in the Lodging House. She had sobbed for what seemed like hours afterward. The dream had put everything into perspective. Before last night, she had known what had happened to her and it had scared her, but it hadn't really sunken in yet. Now that it had, she felt weaker than she had ever felt before. She felt weak, violated, and alone.

Laurel felt the tears form in her eyes again and she buried her face in her pillow, muffling her crying. Obviously she wasn't quiet enough.

"Laurel?" said Blink questionally.

"Please go away, Blink," she whispered back, never raising her head from her pillow. "I don't want to talk to anyone right now."

"Do ya want me ta call Sarah?" Blink asked, realizing that Laurel's attack had finally sunken in.

"No, I don't want to talk to anyone. Not even Sarah," she responded.

"Okay, I'll come back an' check on ya later," he said, slipping quietly out of the room.

Blink informed Kloppman that he was going out for a while and he wandered toward the Jacob's apartment. Maybe Laurel didn't want to talk with Sarah, but Sarah might be able to give him some advice.

He let himself in the apartment, for it was never locked, and Esther Jacobs, looked up from her ironing.

"Hello, Blink," she said with a smile. "How are you doing today?"

"Fine," Blink mumbled as he sat himself down in a chair. Esther's face grew serious. She set her iron aside and took a seat next to Blink.

"You don't look fine," she said. "Is this about Laurel?"

"Yeah," Blink said. "I guess Jack stopped by this mornin' ta tell ya what 'appened last night."

"Yes, he told us. That must have been awful to watch."

"She jus' wasn't the same person," Blink said with a sigh. "It was like she...was...I dunno."

"It's just that she finally realized the full impact of what happened to her. There's no way that you can ever realize that yourself, Blink. It's too terrible for anyone to imagine except the person it happens to."

"I know, but I dunno how ta make 'er see dat I'd neva do anything like dat ta 'er. She doesn't trust anybody, even the people who are tryin' ta help 'er."

"You just said it yourself. She doesn't trust anyone right now, especially men. Imagine how she must feel, living night and day in a newsie lodging house with Kloppman and about forty newsies. If you were her and if what happened to her, had happened to you, you would feel just as threatened as she does," Esther said.

Blink sighed. "The on'y one she'd let shake 'er hand was Les."

"That's because Les is just a little boy. He poses no threat and doesn't really even understand what happened."

"Do ya think he'd come over taday?" Blink asked, suddenly getting an idea.

"Of course. He likes Laurel. But why?"

"Well, if he's the on'y one she trusts, then maybe if he sorta ya know, breaks the ice..."

"I'll send him over there as soon as he gets home for lunch."

Laurel had cried until she had no more tears. Now she was lying on the bed, staring up at the bunk above her. Kloppman had brought her some food earlier, for she hadn't eaten at all since she had arrived. She ate about half of it and then put her plate aside. For the past two hours she had been staring, dry-eyed, at the bunk above her, wondering why. Why had this happened to her? Why was she terrified of the outside world? And lastly, why couldn't she bring herself to get to know these newsies, who seemed like perfectly nice, fun-loving people?

The door opened and Laurel turned her head. Blink entered, but he was not alone. Les was with him.

"I said that I didn't want to talk to anyone," Laurel said to Blink.

"I know dat, but Les 'ere, wanted ta see ya," he replied and Laurel tried to smile at Les. He didn't understand what had happened and she wanted to keep it that way. He moved across the room and sat on the edge of her bed. Laurel sat up a bit and Les grinned at her. Blink moved to the chair on the other side of Laurel and watched, hoping that Les would do the trick.

"Hi Les," Laurel said. "Was it a good selling day?"

"Yeah!" he said enthusiastically . "Me an' Cowboy sold almost sixty just this mornin'!"

"Cowboy?" Laurel asked.

"Dat's Jack," Blink told her and she nodded.

"What's this?" Les asked and Laurel glanced at him, seeing that he held one of her books in his hands. "Hans Christian Anderson," Les read from the spine. He looked up at Laurel. "Who's he?" he asked, looking puzzled.

"He's a very great writer," Laurel answered. She patted the bed beside her and Les sat, still holding the book. Blink looked on. He didn't know who Hans Christian Anderson was either. "He's a writer of fairy tales," Laurel explained.

"Like the stories Ma tells me 'fore I go to bed every night?" Les asked.

"Probably," Laurel replied. "Would you like to read one of the stories? You can if you want or I can read it to you."

"I'll read it to you," Les answered.

"All right."

Les opened the book and turned to the first story. "The Wild Swans," he said aloud. "Far, far away, in regions where the swallows fly in our winter-time, there lived a King who had eleven sons and an only daughter called Elise..."

It was nearly two hours later when Les finished the story. Laurel sighed happily.

"I've always liked that story," she said. "Thank you for reading it to me, Les."

"You're welcome. Elise was a very nice princess wasn't she?" he asked.

"Yes, she was. She saved her brother's lives and everything," Laurel replied as Les flipped back to the first page of the story where an sketch of Princess Elise was. He turned and looked at Laurel.

"You're pretty, just like she was," he said and Laurel smiled as her cheeks flushed a bit. She looked over at Blink and found him staring at her thoughtfully.

"I've always heard that children and fools tell the truth," she said to him, embarrassed.

"Then I guess I'm the fool, huh?" Blink asked as he stood and walked from the room, leaving Laurel to stare at the doorway through which he had just exited, looking shocked.

"Laurel!" Les said, tugging on her nightdress sleeve. "Laurel, I asked if ya wanted me to read the next story. Do ya?"

Laurel blinked and shook her head as she turned to look at Les.

"Um...oh, yes, go on Les, I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention," Laurel said.

"The Red Shoes," Les said as he began the next story. Once his attention was on the book again, Laurel's eyes shifted back to the doorway, as though waiting for Blink to reappear, but he did not.

For the next several days, Blink stayed with Laurel some of the time, but refrained from talking too much, if at all. He thought that surely she would think that he was crazy because of the comment he had made after hearing Les read "The Wild Swans". He hadn't meant to say it---It had just slipped out. As soon as he said it, he regretted it. Not because he hadn't been telling the truth...he had. He regretted it because he knew that it would make Laurel uncomfortable.

Laurel noticed that Blink was much more aloof than he had ever been before and she wished that she could reassure him. The problem was that she was far from reassured herself. She liked Blink very much and it frightened her. She still couldn't bring herself to shake anyone's hand, especially Blink's. How could she reassure someone she was afraid to touch? Everything frightened her these days, but nothing more than her heart.

It was nearly a week after she had first been brought to the Lodging House that Laurel felt well enough to venture out of bed. No one was in the room, for they were all out selling their papers, and had been for the past four or five hours. Laurel stumbled a bit as she first stood, for she had not used her legs at all for six and a half days. Once she regained her balance, she tied her dressing gown over her nightdress and walked to the window. She sat in a chair that was underneath it and lifted the shade hesitantly.

It was a beautiful summer day and the sun shone brightly on the people in the street below. Laurel felt her breath catch in her throat as anxiety once again attacked. The thought of ever going outside of the Lodging House scared her to death. At every corner she knew that she would run past, afraid that there was someone lurking on the other side in the shadows, ready to pounce. There had been a couple of people nearby when that manhad grabbed her and pulled her into the deserted alley, but not one had come to her rescue. Why should she think that they would if it ever happened again?

"What are ya doin' outta bed?"

Laurel turned to see Blink in the doorway, looking very concerned. He crossed the room and stood beside her chair.

"Well?" he asked. "Why are ya outta bed?"

"Don't worry so much, Blink," she said. "I'm fine. I'm still resting, but the view from your bunk isn't the most interesting in the world and I wanted to see something different, that's all."

"Still..." Blink protested.

"Still, nothing. I'm fine," Laurel insisted. "I'm seated, it's not like it took that much energy to cross the room, and the doctor said yesterday that I was doing much better. He's even planning to take out my stitches tomorrow."

Blink pulled a chair over to the window and sat across from Laurel. He looked out of the window.

"Dis view's supposed ta be thrillin'?" he asked, his eyebrows raised. All he could see was a dirty, Lower East Side street crowded with people and steam grates.

"Well, actually, no," Laurel admitted. "It's terrifying, really," she continued. Blink looked over at her and she looked out of the window again. "I don't know how I'm ever going to be able to leave this room," she said. "The thought of being outside alone again scares me more than anything. If it should happen again...oh God, I don't think I could take it, I really don't."

"What if I went out wid ya?" Blink asked and Laurel looked up at him.

"I don't know if even that would help," she said softly and glanced away again.

"Could we try it?" he asked persistantly, determined to show her that she couldn't go through the rest of her life afraid of everything. "Maybe tomorra afta the doctor takes out yer stitches?"

There was a long silence as Laurel stared out of the window, contemplating. At last she turned to Blink once again. She took a deep breath and reached for his hand as she nodded. Just before their hands touched, Laurel felt her chest tighten, but when Blink put his hand around hers, holding it gently, yet firmly, she felt the tightness loosen and the anxiety ebb away.

"Tomorrow," she agreed and actually managed a warm smile that Blink found easy to return.

The doctor removed Laurel's stitches early the next morning after the newsies had left to sell their papers. Sarah and Ginnie were there and Laurel stayed very brave, considering how much her shoulder ached when left alone. It was much worse when the doctor removed the stitches. After the doctor left, saying how well she was recovering, Sarah and Ginnie helped her dress and pin up her hair. Ginnie could tell, as she handed Sarah hairpins, that Laurel was nervous.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay," she said, putting her hand gently on Laurel's shoulder. Laurel smiled gratefully.

"I know. I just have to remember that I won't be walking alone this time," she replied.

Blink was waiting downstairs, his papers already in hand.

"Where are we going?" Laurel asked as she approached the front door of the Lodging House.

"Not far," Blink answered. They stood in the doorway and Laurel hesitated as she felt her heart begin to pound. Blink took her hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

"It's okay," he whispered. "I'm not gonna let ya go."

She looked quickly at him and their eyes met for a brief moment. In that second, both saw unguarded emotions in each other's gaze and each looked away. Laurel's heart began to pound again, though for another reason entirely.

Laurel managed to make it through the entire morning and into the afternoon. She and Blink headed to Tibby's to meet some of the other newsies for a bite to eat.

"Heya Laurel!" Jack called from a booth in the far corner. David, Racetrack and Spot were with him and several of the other newsies that Laurel had met were scattered around the resaurant as well. "Over 'ere!"

Blink and Laurel had started across the restaurant, and were almost to the booth, when a waiter rushed by, brushing against Laurel's left shoulder as he did so. She gasped in pain and felt her knees go slightly weak. Blink reached out to hold her up and Jack's, David's, Racetrack's, and Spot's grins faded as they watched Laurel's eyes shut against the pain and watched her bury her face in Blink's shoulder. Racetrack was on the edge of the booth and he jumped up to help Blink lead Laurel to the table. Jack moved over and Laurel sat on the edge of the bench, the pain in her shoulder slowly fading. At last she opened her eyes to find the newsies staring at her anxiously.

"I guess I still have a lot to deal with, don't I?" she asked with a weak smile and their grins returned.

The next morning Laurel was awake when Kloppman came in to wake up the newsies and she watched as they all stumbled out of bed. Jack in particular, seemed to still be asleep.

"Even I didn't do that badly when I got out of bed the day before yesterday," Laurel teased and he turned, seeming surprised to hear her voice.

"Yeah, well, ya try spendin' half the night playin' poker wid Brooklyn an' see how well ya do," he shot back with a grin and she smiled in return.

"Ya know ya can't play poker worth a damn, Cowboy," said Blink as he peered under Jack's bunk. He looked over at Laurel and grinned. "You're up early dis mornin'."

"I didn't sleep very well," she admitted. Blink grew serious and he sat on the edge of Laurel's bed, peering closely at her.

"Yer shoulder botherin' ya dat much?" he asked and she nodded slightly.

"I don't think running into that waiter yesterday helped it much," she replied.

"Is the doctor plannin' ta come by taday?"

"Yes, I'll ask him about it, I promise," she said and Blink nodded.

"Well, I'm runnin' sorta low on cash so I's gotta go an' sell some papes taday. Dat okay wid ya? Ya need me ta get anything from yer apartment or anything?" Blink asked.

"No, I'm doing just fine. Go sell your papers. I'll see you later," Laurel said, pushing him gently off the bed. "Go on," she said and Blink obeyed without another word.

The doctor seemed a bit concerned when Laurel told him of the incident the day before, but he looked at her shoulder and decided that it was simply going to be painful for a while longer and there wasn't anything he could do about it. She asked him if it would be all right for her to shower. Before, he had told her not to because of the stitches, but now that they were gone, he gave his permission, as long as she favored her shoulder at all times.

Kloppman showed her to the washroom on the third floor that was rarely used. He promised to stay downstairs, on the first floor, in case she needed anything and she thanked him as he left her alone on the third floor.

Laurel stepped gratefully into the single shower that had a hot water tank that fed it. The pipes groaned and sputtered, but soon a spray of hot water enveloped her in its warmth. She took her time bathing, for each minute she spent under the water seemed to wash away the invisible fingerprints that she felt her attacker had left on her.

She gazed at her reflection in the mirror of the washroom as she brushed her hair. She stood in her undergarments and ran her fingers lightly over the scar on her shoulder. The doctor had warned her that, though the redness would fade, the mark would always remain.

"How can I ever forget it?" she whispered to her reflection. "How can I put it behind me, if there is always going to be something tanglible there to remind me of it?"

Her vision blurred and Laurel shook her head slightly, as though to banish awful thoughts, and pulled on a blouse. She added a two petticoats and then realized that she had left her skirt behind in the bedroom. Oh well, no one was home yet. It was only about one in the afternoon. No one would be back until late.

In her stocking feet, and with her nightdress in her hands, she crept downstairs. She entered the bedroom and closed the door behind her. She heard a noise and whirled around. Blink looked as shocked to see her as she was to see him.

It was with a gasp that Laurel remembered how she looked. Blink saw her discomposure, but couldn't bring himself to look away, as he should have done automatically. Her blouse hung, untucked, over her petticoats, bohemian-fashion, and her skin was flushed from the warm water. Her hair clung to her damp neck and her lovely violet eyes were wide with surprise.

"What are you doing back so early?" Laurel managed to ask, still standing against the closed door.

"I---I was gonna see if---if ya wanted ta go out fer lunch, but---uh," Blink stuttered nervously.

"Oh, well, I would normally, but...I..." Laurel trailed off, not knowing how to respond. Then she had another realization. Blink saw her suddenly knit her eyebrows together and look puzzled.

"What?" he asked.

"I---I just realized that although this is indeed embarrassing...it doesn't terrify me," she answered. "I wonder...if I'm learning to get past it already."

Blink moved closer until he stood in front of her. He looked at her with an unreadable expression. "I hope so," he said.

He moved slowly, though Laurel didn't feel as though she had a chance to move away. Maybe she just didn't want to---she wasn't sure. Blink leaned his head closer to hers and she found herself leaning towards him as well. He put one hand on the side of her face and brought his lips slowly to hers, kissing her softly.

A moment later he pulled back and stepped quickly away, turning his back to her. Laurel slowly opened her eyes and brought a shaking hand to her mouth.

"I'm sorry Laurel, really," Blink said. "I---I didn't mean ta---God, I'm so sorry."

He brushed past her and left the room quickly, pausing only to close the door behind him. Laurel walked slowly to her bed and lowered herself down on it. She wanted to call after him and tell him not to be sorry. The fact was, she hadn't minded. Not only that, she realized, but she had been kissing him back in exactly the same way.

Laurel knew that she couldn't continue to stay in the Lodging House, but yet she was afraid to go back to her apartment, alone. Blink, Jack, and Racetrack all helped her bring her belongings back to her apartment. It was basically one main room with a kitchen in one corner and a bedroom in another. A second, very tiny room branched off one wall and it served as a washroom. The three guys took seats around the room as Laurel put all of her things back away.

While it was a crude apartment, Laurel had managed to turn it into a home of sorts. Yellow curtains hung over the one window and a yellow and white checked tablecloth covered the table. Her bed was made up neatly with lots of throw pillows and everything was clean with the exception of a little dust that had accumulated during the past week she had been at the Lodging House.

"Nice place ya got," Racetrack remarked and Laurel looked up from her dresser.

"Thank you," she said with a smile. "I like it very much. Usually," she added softly and went back to putting away her clothes.

Blink saw the bookcase where Ginnie had gotten Laurel's books from. It was five shelves tall and filled to the brim. Jack followed his gaze and let out a low whistle.

"Damn, Laurel," he said. "I've neva known anybody dat could read dat much."

Laurel walked to the bookshelf and put her books back on it. She ran her fingers over the rows lovingly.

"Some of them were my father's," she said. "Both of my parents were killed in a house fire three years ago. I was away at a friend's that night. If I had been at home, I would have died along with my parents and my brother. David reminds me very much of my brother. You all do, actually," she said, turning back around to face them. They expected to see her eyes filled with tears, but her eyes were dry. Her smile was a little sad, though. "I've missed them very much, but I've learned to go on. I know I can do that again."

"'Course ya can," Racetrack agreed. "Ya've already come dis far."

Laurel nodded and the guys stood.

"We need ta be gettin' back," Jack said as they headed for the door.

"Blink, could I talk to you alone for a minute?" Laurel asked as he was about to follow Jack and Racetrack out the door. He turned.

"We'll go on an' see ya later," Jack said and Blink nodded, watching them go. Then he turned back to Laurel. She crossed the room and he came back into the room, closing the door behind him.

"I wanted to tell you earlier, when you kissed me," Laurel began and Blink interruppted.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I did dat. I'm really sorry, Laurel," he said.

"That's what I wanted to tell you," she said. "Don't be sorry."


"I didn't mind. It surprised me that I didn't, but yet..." she trailed off and glanced at the floor.

"Are ya gonna be okay 'ere, by yerself?" Blink asked and Laurel looked back up at him.

"I don't think so," she answered in a whisper, as tears filled her eyes.

"I can stay, if ya want," he offered.

"You could sleep in the bathtub," Laurel suggested, the tears disappearing. Blink gave her a withering look.

"I'm not gonna sleep in the bathtub," he said and she laughed. He grinned.

"Well, what about the fire escape?"

"Dat'd be okay," he agreed. "I've slept on a few fire escapes 'fore."

Laurel leaned out of the window. "Are you sure you're going to be all right out here?"

"I'm sure," Blink replied. "Dis beats a steam grate, any day." He knelt on the fire escape and looked her in the eyes. "I'll be right 'ere if ya need me."

"Thank you. Just out of curiosity, what happened to your eye?" she asked, gently touching the patch that covered it.

"Nothin', really. I can't see outta it, but there's really no reason ta wear the patch. It's jus' ta get more sympathy from customers." He grinned.


There was a long moment of silence and Laurel looked away, as though she were gathering her thoughts. He waited. Finally she looked back up at him

"Would it sound odd to you if I said that I think I'm falling in love with you?" she asked softly and Blink's breath caught in his throat. He shook his head, not being able to speak right away.

"It ain't odd at all," he replied. "I think I've loved ya since the night I found ya in dat alley."

Laurel beamed. "Really?" she asked and Blink nodded. "Then I'm glad we feel the same way. Thank you again for staying here tonight."

"No problem," he replied.

They kissed for a long while before Laurel pulled away and went back inside, leaving Blink to wonder if there was anyone else in the world he would rather love. He quickly decided that there wasn't.

The newsies had plenty of questions when Blink finally showed up at the distribution alley the next morning. He swore over and over that he had spent the entire night on the fire escape and finally they believed him, once they thought of Laurel. The fire escape story definitely had to be true, all things considered.

Blink continued to sleep on Laurel's fire escape for the next two weeks. It wasn't a bad place to sleep, actually, and he didn't really mind. He and Laurel would talk for hours before he went outside, often staying awake long into the early morning, just making conversation. By the end of that two weeks, they knew everything about each other and Blink knew that he didn't want to love anyone else for the rest of his life. It was funny to think that a month ago, he didn't know Laurel Harris existed and now here he was, never wanting to leave her.

Laurel was having the same thoughts and slowly, they took the place of the memory of her attack. While the attack was something that would always cause her some emotional pain, her shoulder had healed nicely and all of the other cuts and bruises had disappeared all together. She had regained her strength and knew that she would always keep it, as long as she had Blink by her side.

It was toward the end of the two weeks when Blink stepped out onto the fire escape one night, preparing to kiss Laurel and go to sleep as usual. This time, however, after he kissed her and turned to settle on the fire escape, she pulled him back by his sleeve.

"Don't sleep outside tonight," she said in a rush, her voice low.

Blink looked up at the sky. "Why not? It don't look like it's gonna rain or---" Blink suddenly broke off and his head snapped back to look at Laurel, as he realized what she had meant. "Are ya sure ya wanna..."

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life, Blink, except of the fact that I love you. I can't stand to think of ever loving anyone else, of ever kissing anyone else, of ever---"

Blink interruppted her as he kissed her. He released her and climbed back in through the window, closing it behind him.

"Then don't think 'bout it," he replied.

Laurel's eyes fluttered open and she saw that it was still dark outside. She shivered involuntarily and Blink stirred beside her.

"Ya cold?" he asked, using one arm to pull her close. He found the blankets that were shoved down at the end of the bed and brought them up.

"Just a little," Laurel replied, snuggling closer.

Blink kissed her shoulder. "Do ya 'ave any idea what time it is?" he asked.

"None what so ever," she said, "and I don't really care."

He chuckled quietly and buried his face in her hair. "I love ya, Laurel Harris," he said.

"That's fairly obvious," she laughed and he grinned again.

"Marry me," he said and Laurel looked up at him, stunned.

"What?" she asked, sitting up and pulling the blankets with her. Blink sat up beside her and they looked at each other in the moonlight that came through the window.

"Marry me," he repeated. "Not right away. I've gotta get a job an' a ring an' ev'rything, but...marry me?"

Laurel slowly smiled. "Today, tomorrow or next year, I don't care."

"I guess I'm supposed ta take dat as a 'yes'?" Blink questioned.

"You better," was the reply. Blink kissed her and lay back against the pillows, pulling her down with him.

"Ya know?" he said as she lay her head on his shoulder and he rubbed her back. "I think the fire escape story's startin' ta get a little old wid the guys back at the Lodgin' House." He paused and Laurel giggled.

"So what are you going to tell them?" she asked.

"Jus' dat we're gettin' married. Then I'll leave 'em ta their imaginations." He and Laurel laughed together.

"I think that I can't wait to see their faces," Laurel replied and she closed her eyes, having found 'home' again.

Blink tightened his arms around her, never wanting to release her. He recalled what he had said to her, that first day she had ventured outside. 'I'm not gonna let ya go'.

How true it was.

Epilogue: No one was much surprised to hear that Blink and Laurel were getting married and so on the first Sunday of December---once Blink had found a job---Sarah, Ginnie, and the newsies were in attendence as Blink and Laurel were joined as man and wife in the Lodging House 'parlor'. At least, that's what Kloppman liked to call it. He boasted that now that it had been used for a wedding, it ought to be called a parlor.

And, as Hans Christian Anderson wrote it, "...they all lived happily ever after."

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