1)What DID Crutchy do to Snyder's sauerkraut(or do I really want to know?)~~Grace 2)How did they just happen to be able to toss Jack a duffle bag when he leaves for the trainyards? (did they want him to go THAT badly? I thought everyone was shocked by his decision. So why did they have his things already packed?)~~Grace 3)Did the mayor of New York City in 1899 even HAVE a daughter? (and if he did, did someone tell her that an adorable guy with a cute eyepatch was looking to spend the night with her? Or is that not EXACTLY what he meant? *giggles* Oh, and Claudette will more than gladly volunteer if the mayor didn't have a daughter *LOL*)~~Grace 4)Personally, I think David's last name wasn't Jacobs, but Copperfield (ie:Disappearing clothing throughout movie, magical pin, and ventriliquism.) ~~Grace 5)I often wonder what Christian thought when he had to do that stupid little dance in the middle of "Santa Fe" (Claudette likes that stupid little dance, but I'm the one typing this, so it's going up in spite of her. *he-he-he*) ~~Grace 6)Wasn't Teddy supposed to have a Southern accent? ~~Grace 7)The appearance of Spot's twin (when he's in two places at once during "The World Will Know" reprise) would sure solve a lot of arguments. ~~Grace 8)I often wonder what the first fanfic on the internet was. If anyone has it, e-mail it to me please! ~~Grace 9)I often wonder (along with Claudette and Rose) how many times they had to reshoot the "King of New York" scene. Everytime I see it, I think of those newsies falling off of those tables! ~~Grace 10)Whenever Spot has on his cap, he's the toughest newsie of New York but when it's off, he's friendly as can be. (I love him either way, though) ~~Rose 11)Isn't it just the tiniest bit ironic that there's a sign in the Lodging House that reads, "Speak the Truth"? ~~Claudette 12)Denton has canine teeth in KONY when he leaps up and spreads his arms and sings something. Very distracting. ~~Claudette 13)Have you noticed how Blink is always whapping Mush upside the head? ~~Claudette