What's the headline?

*****7/31/99 (6:21 PM)*****

I'm so sorry! It's been absolutely forever. It's just that despite how many fan fic ideas I have, I've just been stalled on how to write them. Anyway, I don't feel like going through the excuses now, so I'll just tell you that I've added a story to the second series that is sure to inspire some hate mail (but please don't send it!! Restrain yourselves for the sake of my sanity!!) and also to let you know that I am aware that it was unfair of me to post the unfinished story, "A Simple White Lie" about Dutchy and Noelle, and then not update it. I'll finish it soon, I'll really, really try. Now go enjoy the 12th story in the second series (12!!!).


*****6/3/99 (2:14 PM)*****

Brace yourselves...are you sitting nicely in your computer chairs??? Because I, Grace Carter, have actually finished "So This Is Your Santa Fe". I began it Spring Break, 1998, and now, over a year later, you cannot even begin to guess how much I dislike it. It's pestered and bothered me for about 15 months and I am so sick and tired of it...I do like the ending, but the rest of it---well, y'all better like it, to make up for the fact that I'd prefer to just pretend it never existed!! :-) Seriously, it's the biggest sense of RELIEF!!! Now go and enjoy...


*****3/15/99 (2:53 PM)*****

I love Records Days! No school! Anyway, since I haven't finished ANYTHING lately, I figured I'd put up an unfinished bit of story and then maybe I'd have to talk myself into finishing it. That method's worked for everything except that blasted Santa Fe story (now watch me get hate mail for that one...) so there's a new story on the stories page about Dutchy, thought it's unfinished.

Coming Soon (hopefully): A story about Snoddy, a sequel to the story about Snoddy, and Spacey and I are writing a story together which will be a continuation of the first series, only the date will be summer, 1920, and the main characters will be Alex Kelly and Samantha "Sam" Conlon...


*****3/7/99 (5:45 PM)*****

Thanks for voting in the "Titanic" fan fic awards! I won for best short story!! The award is on my main page along with a link to Kara's site, which is excellent, btw. I've just been having a writing burn out lately and I've been pretty busy. I hurt my knee ice skating so maybe I'll go force myself to write fan fic since I can't do much else *grins*. Later y'all.


*****2/16/99 (12:43PM)*****

I haven't updated, but I'm getting things ready for when I get over writer's block and actually catch up on my fan fic. I also wanted to put up this graphic

and ask for you to vote for my alternate titanic ending in the contest. Thanks and hopefully I'll be back soon!


*****2/4/99 (3:56 PM)*****

I haven't updated, but I felt like explaining why exactly I said I'd have more updates, but haven't. Several reasons, the main being that I have had chronic writers' block for WEEKS. I have all these great ideas, but the thought of sitting at the computer and writing them down is just too much. And no, I don't know why. I wish I did. The other reasons are numerous. I've been in the middle of a play that I've submitted to the drama department at school, so I'll let everyone know how that goes when I find out if they're performing it or not. I'm also a junior and have been wrapped up in senior scheduling lately (*gulp* four ap classes....) and I've also found a group of friends that I've been spending a lot of time with lately. It's nice to finally have a life.

Anyway, I'm so sorry that I've been neglecting things on the page lately and I definately don't mean to quit (at least until college) but it'll take me a little longer to catch up with life. Until then, visit the link page and send me more links. I DO have time to add a link or two here and there.


*****1/11/99 (6:25 PM)*****

I added another story, entitled "Let Me Let Go". This is the sequel to Mush and Lillian's first story, which was titled "When Love Is Blind". I'm trying to finish up all the fan fic I have that's begun so that I can take a short break and catch up on real life stuff without unfinished stories staring me in the face, so enjoy! There will be more frequent posts now... BTW, this newest story doesn't have the song up yet, but it will soon.


*****1/9/99 (5:40 PM)*****

I just installed AOL 4.0 and I love it...I just added another story all by myself and AOL didn't kick me off!!! It's a foreign concept, but I'm adjusing...anyway, I added a story by me (*sigh* the ideas just DON'T STOP!!!!) and now that I can add stuff myself, I think I have a few by other people that are still hanging around, awaiting AOL's recovery...so that'll be coming soon. The new story's about Skittery....I'm trying to write more about the other newsies because I feel bad about playing favorites so much....anyway, check it out and thanks for listening to me ramble. The corresponding song is up too.


*****12/24/98 (3:55 PM)*****


Okay, with that out of the way, there's a VERY VERY small part of "So This Is Your Santa Fe" that I've added and before you can ask, NO, I'm NOT going to kill off any characters, okay?

Second, I need to add a few links, but I don't think I'll make another update about them. Mostly links to Christy's wonderful stories on the other stories page because she and I have been IMing about stories for a couple of weeks now and all hers are fabulous...

Love ya'll, ~*~Grace~*~

*****12/22/98 (11:59 AM)*****

Well it's about time! I have a lot more housekeeping to do, but for now, there are two new stories by me and their songs too. One is David's story, "When Help Isn't Asked For" and the other is Bumlets' story, "Only Passing Through"....more later when I get home from work...I have links to add and things to dust!


*****11/27/98 (8:14 PM)*****

I added the 11th story for the second series and I'm all ready to accept title suggestions because I'm worn out on titles...I'll be asking this frequently...


*****11/22/98 (10:10 PM)*****

GRACE HAS UPDATED!!! MINDSPRING IS GOD!!! Okay, I've finally got the sixth story in the first series up, more of "So This Is Your Santa Fe", and I a new story to the other stories page!!! Wahoo!!!

Love ya'll, life is grand!


*****11/17/98 (10:15 PM)*****

I added Christy's new story to the other stories and I've finally found a song for "Passages" so it's up too. Once Tripod starts behaving itself again, I'll have lots and lots, I promise!!


*****11/13/98 (10:30 PM)*****

I added two new stories on the stories by other authors page and I also added a lot more new links on the links page. If anyone wants me to put up a link, just send it to me! I may have skipped over some by accident when I redid the links page. Let me know.

As soon as Tripod decides that it LIKES to add paragraph breaks to my stories, I'll put a couple up! Oy vey...why did I ever get mixed up in this? *grins*


*****10/31/98 (5:32 PM)*****

There isn't anything new yet, but I wanted to explain why. See, Claud has to add any stories because while AOL lets me do everything else on this page, it won't let me add stories. So I e-mail them to Claud and she posts them, which works fine except when Claud's computer breaks down.

What's coming very soon (her computer's working and now it's just Tripod that's messed up):

Spot and Lindsey's 3rd story (the First Series' last story)

An epilogue to the first series (except that I have no ideas for it)

More "So This Is Your Santa Fe"

Coming sometime in the next twenty years:

Second Series: #11, #12, #13, and (I think) #14

An as of yet untitled second story about Mush and Lillian

An as of yet untitled story about David and a girl newsie by the name of Haven

An as of yet untitled story about Bumlets and a ballet dancer named Jocelyn ("Joy")

An as of yet untitled story about Dutchy and an extremely messed up girl (you all just thought Maggie had problems...) named Sarabeth

If I haven't killed myself writing all of the above, I'm sure there will be more because every time I think I'm going to run out of ideas (horror!) I or Claud or Rose think up more....watch me be some pathetic 90-year-old who still writes Newsies stories for the internet...

Spitfire, if you're reading this, e-mail me because I'm worried about you! It's been awhile and last time you wrote, you weren't having the best time...the mailing list misses you!


Back to the new main page!: