"Rose of Tralee"

An Irish Blessing

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields and,
Until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

May the good saints protect you
And bless you today
And may trouble ignore you
Each step of the way.

May joy and peace surround you
Contentment latch your door
And happiness be with you now
And bless you evermore.

May your blessings outnumber
The shamrocks that grow
And may trouble avoid you
Wherever you go.

These things I warmly wish for you --
Someone to love
Some work to do
A bit o' sun
A bit o' cheer
And a guardian angel
Always near.

May you be poor in misfortune
Rich in blessings
Slow to make enemies
Quick to make friends.
But rich or poor
May you have nothing but happiness
From this day forward.

Health and life to you
The mate of your choice to you
Land without rent to you
And death in Erin.

May you have warm words on a cold evening
A full moon on a dark night
And a smooth road all the way to your door.


It's the one place on earth
That Heaven has kissed
With melody, mirth
And meadow and mist.

May the lilt of Irish laughter
Lighten every load
May the mist of Irish magic
Shorten every road
May you taste the sweetest pleasures
That fortune ere bestowed
And may all your friends remember
All the favors you are owed.

Bless you
With the first light of sun
When the long day is done
In your smiles and your tears
Through each day of your years.

May you always have these blessings...
A soft breeze when summer comes
A warm fireside in winter
And always -- the warm soft smile of a friend.

As lovely as Erin's rolling hills
Fair as its lakes and streams
Joyful as its laughter
Bright as all its dreams
Lucky as its people
Happy as its leprechauns too
May that be how each and every day
Will always be for you.

For each petal on the shamrock
This brings a wish your way
Good health, good luck and happiness
For today and every day.

I got some of the graphics for this page from