Grimlock C8 with gun and sword, good stickers. $20 |
Mirage C6 no accessories, stickers worn, no spoiler. $8 |
Micromaster Air-Strike Patrol (Decepticon) C10. $8 |
Bonecrusher C9 no accessories, excellent stickers. $8 |
Scrapper C8 no accessories, good chrome, no canopy. $6 |
Spinister C6 no accessories, sticker wear. $9 |
Scattershot C7 no accessories, stickers worn. $8 |
Chromedome C6 sticker wear, Stylor has missing arms. $10 |
AM Grimlock MOSC. $15 |
AM Banzai-Tron Mint with gun but no partner $10 |
Micromaster Skyhopper C10 incomplete. $10 |
Wheeljack C9 complete with C7 box. $40 |
Thrust C9 complete. $25 |