This page is here to let everyone know what i've recently updated on my pages.
6-28-99- lets see...whats new. this page! *laughs* ive updated things on every page of mine. the main page doesnt have much changed on it, my "inside the mind" page has a couple deletions, a poem was added to my poetry page, "utterings of the mouth" has a couple deletions and additions, "friends" has a few minor changes, "straightjackets anonomous" is updated (which is usually the thing that gets an addition when i get around to it), my "not for the humorless" page has a couple new jokes-and some were deleted, "therapists beware" had a major renovation....*laughs*.....most of the old stuff is gone and a few new works are added (its not so psychotic now), and finally both silverchair pages are reworked a bit, with a ton of new pictures on my picture page (obviously).
as usual, the "my life" section was updated. i made minor changes
on my "friends" page, and on my "poems" page i changed the format of the
last poem. thats about all for now i guess.