A Different Show! Monday March First, 2004, Monday Night at the National Theatre, Washington, DC. A new landing of the Cosmic Egg! The Multimedia Multiculturalingual Musical Show of the New Century SCRAMBLING THE COSMIC EGG - This myth relates to the recent total solar eclipse. GUILLERMO SILVEIRA introduces us an insane man who hopes to convince the audience that globalization will be possible if we all worship the Cosmic Egg. He sings, recites poetry, dances with cosmic chix, and creates a song with the audience in his effort to find world unity and peace among nations and generations. No late arrivals please! the cosmic egg lands on time Prices for audience participants, and the best answer for the metaphysical question: WHO WAS FIRST, THE COSMIC EGG OR THE COSMIC CHIX? {This is a poster of the First Cosmic Egg Show and Chix 2003, Rehoboth Beach, DE)