moon phase info

The Esbat or full moon, has long been seen by pagan's as the best time to do rituals and magick.
The Celts believed that the impact of the full moon's energy and influence was felt for three days before and three days after the full moon.

The Celtic year was divided by it's full moons into thirteen months, one for each moon occuring during the solar year.

We can align ourselves with the energy of each full moon by paying attention to the names that are frequently given to them.

The BIRCH MOON is (feminine) in polarity and is called the MOON OF INCEPTION, or the MOON OF BEGINNING.

The ROWAN MOON is (masculine) in polarity and is called the MOON OF VISION, or the SPIRIT MOON, or ASTRAL TRAVEL MOON.

The ASH MOON is (feminine) in polarity and is called the MOON OF WATERS.

The ALDER MOON is (masculine) in polarity and is called the MOON OF UTILITY, or the MOON OF EFFICACY, or the MOON OF SELF-GUIDANCE.

The WILLOW MOON is (feminine) in polarity and is called THE WITCHE'S MOON, or the MOON OF BALLANCE.

The HAWTHORN MOON is (masculine) in polarity and is called the MOON OF RESTRAINT, or the MOON OF HINDRANCE, or the SUMMER MOON.

The OAK MOON is (masculine) in polarity and is called the MOON OF STRENGTH, or the MOON OF SECURITY, or the BEAR MOON.

The HOLLY MOON is (feminine) in polarity and is called the MOON OF ENCIRCLEMENT, or the MOON OF POLARITY.

The HAZEL MOON is (feminine) in polarity and is called the MOON OF THE WISE, or the CRONE MOON.

The VINE MOON is (androgynous) in polarity and is called the MOON OF CELEBRATION.

The REED MOON is (masculine) in polarity and is called the MOON OF THE HOME, or the HEARTH MOON, or the WINTER MOON, or the MOON WHICH MANIFESTS TRUTH.

The ELDER MOON is (masculine) in polarity and is called the MOON OF COMPLETENESS.

There are days and then there are days...Dona Rosario

Ya gotta roll along with the year or it'll roll all over ya...Dona Teresina


Full and New Moon Celebrations are the Days and Nights of an Esbat.
These are Concidered Working Days...


Full Moon Power... is usually used for Banishing/Protection.

New Moon Power... is usually used for Healing/Blessing.

Waxing Moon (between new and full)Power... is uaually used for Attraction.

Waining Moon (between full and new)Power... is usually used for Banishing.

Dark of the Moon (3 days before new)...Time to rest and meditate.

If all the moon phases are not quite right for a particular bit of work that needs to be done, we need not wait if it is important and necessary. The Goddess and God are always there and always have been and together we get stuff done.Silver Raven Wolf in her book "To Ride a Silver Broom stick" said to use the following when spell working. Add the words "I ask the Universe to lend the power of all the correct astrological they may enter this circle obtain my desire." this will cover you if they are not...