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Lost for words,
Lost in heart...
What happened this day,
Why? For what reason?

Tears for Fatherless, and Motherless children...
Tears for Parents, left with no children...
Tears for the children...
Why? For what reason?

Tears for brothers, tears for sisters.
Tears for the workers, and the many mere visitors.
And Tears for the people who came after to help.
it's incomprehensible who would do this and.....
Why? For what reason?

Our hearts feel pain,
Our minds can't understand....
We look up for answers,
We look up for strength.....

We stand by each other,
We work tiredless through the night
We watch and wait to see a spark of life...
Our hope stays high....

There are no answers...
There are no explanations...
But through it all...
Through the tears, and heartbreak...

We look above,
Our hope stays strong...
Our unity ties us together...
We will survive!

Our Belief in God,
Our Belief in the United States....
Our Belief in each other...
We Will endure, and we will go forward...

We... The People Of The United States Of America We will survive! We will stand Proud!

Click On the Flag, and See Pictures Of The World Trade Center Disaster

Written by Gaye Copyright©2001

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