The world's three largest oceans, in order of size are The Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian.

The world's smallest independent state is Vatican City.

The Aegean Sea seperates Asia Minor and Greece.

Sydney is on the east coast of Australia.

Chicago is in Cook County.

The capital of Nevada is Carson City.

Five U.S States border the Pacific Ocean.

The Mississippi River is known as The Father of Waters.

Indiana is known as The Hoosier State,

The largest lake in South America is Lake Maracaibo, located in Venezuela.

Cape Hatteras is located in North Carolina.

The resort of Myrtle Beach is in South Carolina.

The Gulf of Panama leads into the Pacific Ocean.

The Mayo Clinic is located in Rochester, Minnesota.

Czechoslovakia forms all of Hungary's northern border.

The O.K. Corral and Boot Hill are located in Tombstone, Arizona.

German is the official language of Austria.

The Bridge of San Luis Rey is in Peru.

Helsinki is further north than Oslo or Stockholm.

Mount Hood is the highest point in Oregon.

Osterreich is what Austrian's call Austria.

New Jersey is known as The Garden State.

Norway shares a 1,030 mile border with Sweden.

Le Figaro is published in Paris.

Cologne, Germany is famed for a scent it produces.

The fifth-largest country in the world is Brazil.

The famed San Diego Zoo is located in California's Balboa Park.

The Nile River flows North.

Tanzania is the country that resulted from the union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar.

Nairobi, Kenya is the safari center for East Africa.

If you drive the Natchez Trail from Tupelo you are in Mississippi.

The flag of Spain flies over the Canary Islands.

The Yucatan Peninsula is located in Mexico.

The Black Forest is located in West Germany.

In 1968 Arthur Frommer said you could get by on Five Dollars a day in Europe.

Another name for the South Pole is Amundsen Scott Station.

In 1627 the Virgin Islands were named for Queen Elizabeth I.

The flags of the U.S. and Britain fly over the Caribbean Virgins.

The Via Veneto is located in Rome, Italy.

The Trevi Fountain is located in Rome, Italy.

Katmandu is the capital of Nepal.

Canberra is the capital of Australia.

The most rural state in the U.S. is North Dakota.

Pierre is the capital of South Dakota.

The only U.S state whose name ends in K is New York.

Arkansas is the U.S State whose name begins but doesn't end with the letter A.

The Hudson River is spanned by the George Washington Bridge.

Greece is the home of Olympic Airways.

Orly Airport serves Paris.

The Costa del Sol is in Spain.

Arabic is the official language of Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco.

East Berlin was the capital of East Germany.

The Golden Gate strait leads into San Francisco Bay.

San Francisco is known as The Queen of the Pacific,

France has the highest per capita consumption of cheese.

New York City has the longest subway system in North America.

The Isthmus of Corinth is located in Greece.

Greece has 100 lepta to the drachma.

Claridge's is the most exclusive hotel on Brook Street in London.

Picadiily Circus is the London traffic circle known as The Hub of the British Empire.

The Trafalgar Graveyard is located on the Iberian peninsula of Gibraltar.

The language of Hungary is known as Magyar.

The Mersey River runs through Liverpool.

The Andes mountain range is traversed by the highest railroad in the world.

The castellated walls of the Kremlin are Red.

Kentucky is known as The Bluegrass State.

Spain is the southernmost point in continental Europe.

Honolulu has more than 30 Buddhist temples.

The state flower of Alaska is the forget-me-not.


The speed limit on German autobahns is unlimited.

The Azores are owned by Portugal.

The capital of Afghanistan is Kabul.

There are 132 rooms in the White House.

The smallest state in the United States is Rhode Island.

Munich, Germany is called The Monaco of Bavaria by the Italians.

The product that built Hershey, Pennsylvania was chocolate.

The Zambezi River empties into the Indian Ocean.


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