Creations Key Time Conscious Sequence

Cosmic Creations Universal Natural Law: Breath Life Into Inert Crystal Matter

1. Nurture and respect laws of nature found throughout all dimensions of creation.

2. Take no idols, experts or egos before creation herself: to our own selves be true.

3. Honour Holy Names of creation sky-water, earth-magma, life from inert matter.

4. Make each new day a holy day full of blessings for all your brothers and sisters.

5. Honour your conscious connections across all time-space dimension-circumstance.

6. Appreciate all life foms raised up from inert crystal matter on each planet daily.

7. Value your privacy and respect the proper right to privacy of others in all media.

8. Honor true witness to life, creation and to all your consciousness in self be true.

9. Accept truths. Do not kill anointed messenger-prophets: alien, domestic or other.

10. Moderate material greed with voluntary austerities to gradualy simplify by half-life.

Pray to Free Enslaved Masonic Morons and Their Descendants

Were you once brain-washed, programmed or conditioned to be a cold-blooded apex predator on Humanity like an Alien, Pharoah, Papal Crusader, Zion-NAZI or Genocidal Hypocrite, Pirate, Privateer, Looter, Mercenary, Assassin, Murderer, Poisoner, Drug or Power Addict, Banker, Corporate, Drunkard, Finance or Slave Trader, Patriarchal Mysoginist, Indian or Witch Burner, School of the Americas-Torture Graduate, Femenonazi Man Hater, FBI, CIA, CSIS, BATF, KGB, SEC, Mossad, Mason, Moron, descendant of a Moron, or member of any elite sect, cult, fraternal lodge, biological, systems or weapons of mass destruction manufacturor and distributor by various covert military agency contractors, empoverished, oppressed, persecuted, pillaried, provoked, impoverished sorority or secret society which in foundation and practice became covert terrorist societies conditioned to oppose some demonized other, demanding obedience to cult, forced to hate and fear demonized others, who "we all must hate-fear", enslaving oneself and others to pass on pain and suffering across generations in service to alien elites who manipulate and controls information with "need to know" secrecy and expert class idolatry to usurp natural human authority toward universal justice and compassion? Intellectual-spiritual projection is coercion and means no consent is freely given.

Let us pray to free you, your family, children, church, community, military, state, planet, Cosmos from negative spiritual effects of hate-fear-greed based elite ego-maniac control conditioning: enslaving all minorities to fight among themselves to ensure continued dominance by sequential elite alien empires, other than truly divine, Angels, Holy Men, Women and natures native children from inert crystal earth matter and clear waters.

Our magnificent magma from mother earth has cooled to form the crust, like a turtles back, on which we walk in cosmic conscious stream of resonating harmonic tones with pulse, breath, life and spirit flowing from nothings unified void to distinct material, light and darkness, wet and dry, warm and cold, fed and hungry, passion and detachment, life and death, matriarchy and patriarchy in peace and/or perpetual paranoia of war: Choose a warm fed passionate thirst for mercy, love and healing compassion for all moist life raised up from inert crystal earth matter with the breath of life freely given for Peace and harmony with all life willfully detached from divine creator, yet able to willfully rejoin, if able to detach from attachment to gravity of rich material tribal passions.

"I renounce and forsake all involvement by me and my ancestors in elite sects, fraternal lodges, secret (para)military agencies and secret cold-blooded reptilian hate-fear control sects like masonic church-state patriarchy which promote violence, degrading abuse and murder of others as means to control life to enslave it to involuntary servitude and financial slavery.

I renounce flocinaucinhilipillificating curses reducing the value of other to zero, oaths, money, resource, spirit seized by all degrees of racist-sexist elite societies. I renounce the secrecy, hatred, fears and amoral trickery and desensitization promoted by media, military, church, state, court, blindfold, noose, hoodwink, mock and real hangings, stalking minorities, rape, murder, bomb violent dismemberment. I renounce mixing and mingling medicine and poison in covert military practice, truth and lies in the law of hypocrisy, malicious media, MK-Ultra mind control programming and drinking wine from human skulls in secret rites. I renounce fears of death promoted by military might and predatory policing coercing to fabricate appearance of right, placing compass point, sword and spear against the heart of one another. I pray for unity and healing of all with One Most Holy Mercy, Loving and Compassionate Spirit of One Eternal Unity."

Most elites have no idea of the depth of spiritual deception they entered into by secret elite degrees in darkness. This is a spiritual battle and should be treated with conscious love and unconscious respect. We wrestle with powers and principalities, against hypocrisy, lies, rulers of dark consciousness in the world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12).

Ask all members of your family, church, minister, MLA, MP, Senator, Governor, Premier, Prime Minister, (Vice) President, Mayor and Council to renounce and rebuke the great intellectual deceivers and every hypocrite spiritual, material worldly lust for power and passion conditioning and controlling the hearts, minds, actions, extended families, children, community, church, (para)military, law, court and society in the name of One Most Holy Spirit of All.

"I reject idols, so-called experts, secrecy, unjust laws, hate and deception injected into all faith, church, court, media, state and empire. I reject these poisons that leads to paranoid insecurity, addiction to position and power, love of money, pride, sexism, violence and greed that led my ancestors to Patriarchal "might makes right" hate-fear violent control conditioning. I reject military grad-hazing rituals that hunt and beat gays, murder women and sacrifice children to desensitize troops to kill on command, like school of the Americas 'secret' snuff films on pig farms.

Renounce all intellectual media arguments set to seperate most hated minorities to curse one another to focus on differences to entrap people into elite control sect war-profiteering or bearing false witness to wrongfully convict. I give witness to psychological harm, violence and helplessness resulting from ritual intellectual sacrifice of ones true natural self to enslavement by superior alien ego. I reject control programs and secret profits passed across generations by sequentially tricking one recently empowered minority into targeting another, destroying human potentials, consciously depleting and seizing GNP-Social Security Surplus and global resources (intellectual, financial, material) in wars."

"I renounce every title, degree, dollar, position or title held in association with any Moronic Lodge, by myself and my ancestors, including all first through 33rd degree Morons, the York Rites, Holy Royal Arch, Shriners, American, Grand Orient Lodges and all affiliate secret sects in church, state, government, police, (para)military and society which bases its power on hatred and fear programming pitting minorities against one another in perpetual wars for global military profit.

I renounce high level Moronic teachings of symbols in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Tracing Boards of the Blue Lodge, the black and white checkered floor, and pentagonal blazing star. I reject the claim alleging Lucifer the Great Architect of the Universe, Satan the bright morning star of Revelation (22:16) and universal father of God."

"I renounce the pride, arrogance, superiority, elitism, separation, entitlement and sense of being above the law, inherent in calling any unholy person "Master", for the One Most Holy Spirit of Life is my only true master. I forbid anyone to proclaim false authority over me such as: " Master, Worshipful Master, Tyler, First Entered Apprentice, Second Fellow Craft, Third Master Mason, York Rite, Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, Holy Royal Arch, Royal Master, Select Master, Super Excellent Master, Knights Order of The Red Cross, Most Wise Sovereign Knight of the Pelican, Sovereign Prince Rose Croix of Heredom, Grand Knight Kadosh, Knight of the Black and White Eagle, Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander, Sublime Prince of the Royal Secrets, Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, Grand Sovereign Inspector General, Secret Master, Perfect Master, Intimate Secretary, Provost and Judge, Intendant of the Building, Elected Knights of the Nine Degree, Illustrious Elect of Fifteen Degree, Sublime Knights Elect of the Twelfth Degree, Grand Master Architect, Knight of the Ninth Arch of Solomon, Grand Elect, Perfect and Sublime Mason, Knight of the East, Prince of Jerusalem, Knights of the East and West, Council of Kadosh Grand Pontiff, Grand Master of Symbolic Lodges, Noachite of Prussian Knight, Knight of the Royal Axe, Chief of the Tabernacle, Prince of the Tabernacle, Knight of the Brazen Serpent, Prince of Mercy, Knight Commander of the Temple, Knight Commander of the Sun or Prince Adept, Grand Scottish Knight of Saint Andrew, Red Cross of Constantine, Order of the Secret Monitor, Knights of Malta, Templar and Masonic Royal Order of Scotland, Prince Hall Freemasonry, Order of Amaranth, Royal Order of Jesters, Manchester Unity Order of Odd Fellows, Orange, Buffaloes, Foresters, Elks, Moose, Eagles, Ku Klux Klan, Grange, Woodsmen of the World, Riders of the Red Robe, Knights of Pythias, Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm, Women's Orders like Daughters of the Eastern Star, International Order of Job's Daughters and the Rainbow, Secret Youth Societies like the boys Order of De Molay, and all such others hyjacked by elite sadistic teachings". The One Most Holy Spirit of Unity raised up by the breath of Life into inert crystal earth, crystal clear water and holy grail of balanced unified blood, sane conscious connection to all, as my only true master. I forbid anyone seizing false authority over me. I renounce all these delusional acts of media, myself, ancestors and future entrapped generations."

"I renounce mockery of any faiths holy words, sensationalist compression, utilitarian reduction and wrongly associating them with violent murder dismemberment curses, using symbols, handshakes and holy words as secret passwords like: Boaz, Jachin, Shibboleth, Maha Bone, Machben, Machbinna, Tubal Cain, Joppa, Jahbulon, Ammi Ruhamah, Keb Raioth, Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz, Igne Nature Renovatur Integra, Stibium Alkabar, Pharash-Koh, Phaal-Pharash-Kol, Demolay, Hirum, Abiff, Frederick of Prussia, Micha, Macha, Bealim Adonai, Mah-Hah-Bone, Jehovah, Hirum-Tito-Civi-Ky, Akar-Jal-Jah, Nekam Nakah, Elignam, Stolkin-Adonai, Rab-Banaim, Raph-O-Dom, Tebet-Adar, Abaddon, Emmanuel, Jekson-Stolkin, Peleg, Noah-Bezaleei-Sodonias, Uriel-Jehovah, Moses-Johannes, Gomel, Jehovah-Jachin, Solomon, Stibium, Nekamah-Furlac. I renounce abuse of faith by sensationalist compression, utilitarian reduction, using holy words as secret passwords to quietly commit violent crimes against humanity for elite war profits.

I renounce false communions or anointing taken with alcohol, drugs, salt, biscuits and wine drunk from human skulls, mockery of faith, kissing holy books enshrouded in moronic symbols, the ridicule of redemption by faith and atonement, in favour of promoting public works alone, covering up elite secret poison of sexist death hate-fear rites. Mercy, Love and a Passion for Compassion is the only universal truth which overcomes seperation from reciprocal loving service to the Divine in us all."

"I renounce and abandon hatred and fears promoted by involvement in Secret cults. I reject profit from promoting, fueling and engineering profit from war, hatred, spiritual apathy, anguish, insanity, death wish, suicide, violent rape, ritual hazing, dismemberment, revenge, retaliation, material, secular and intellectual seperation of oneself from divine union.

I burn all objects in my possession which connect me in any way with any lodge, secret society, Elite Masonic, Military, Patriarchal, Matriarchal, Fraternal, or Sorority Sect, which presumes its superiority and divine right to kill others."

1. I renounce false elitist moronic marriage covenants, removing from 4th finger of right hand the ring of this "marriage" covenant, giving it to God to dispose of.

2. I proclaim that the Great media Deceivers of this world no longer have any intellectual or legal rights to mislead and manipulate me or anyone seeking help with me in the name of the One Most Holy Spriit of Unity in Life on Earth and Beyond.

3. One Most Holy Spriit of Unity in Life on Earth, I ask that you show me anything else which I need to do or pray, so that my family, community, military, church, state, nation and world may be free from any consequence of unholy deceit, Moronic Secret Societies and Elite Militarist Patriarchy, Matriarchal other blame game.

"One Most Holy Spriit of Unity in Life on Earth, I humbly ask you to cleanse me from all these acts I have confessed and renounced, to cleanse my spirit, emotions, every part of my body, mind, spirit and soul affected by multi-generational acts of hate-fear-slave programming, in the name of Healing Mercy, Holy Spriit and Loving Compassion for the Unity of all Life across all time, dimension, universe, cosmos and creation on Earth and Beyond.

I renounce every control spirit associated with Elite Moronic Secret Societies. I command in the name of One Most Holy Spirit of Creation to loosen the grasp of every elite predatory spirit and leave me now, touching or harming no one, going beyond the four corners of this world. I bind every elite spirit never to return to me, my family, church, military, or community, in the name of One Most Holy Spirit of Creation. I command out of me every spirit of sickness, infirmity, curse, affliction, addiction, disease or illness arising from, or associated with, the acts I confess and renounce. One Most Holy Spirit of Lifes Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer is in my heart as my hope and source of eternal healing.

Hear Holy Tones: Thank you Most Holy Spirit for your mercy, love, forgiveness and compassionate patient will. All MEN"

Pray For Justice, Kindness, Walk Humbly With God.

Acknowledge ultimate unity of all. Recognize every human being as manifest of the Divine. Avoid unconsciously passing to others the pain, cruelty, despair and depression that have been inflicted upon us as minority in this generation.

Challenge yourself about the kind of person, community and faith you want. Healing transformation is ultimate source and measure of divine unity in faith. Be conscious of your roles: Act on all possibility for healing to transform lives.

Meditate ten minutes daily: commit to principles of faith to raise joy in life: Be spiritually alive, mutually inter-dependent, awesome, humble and fantastic.

1. Worship no other god. Make no image of god or anything in heaven, earth, or oceans. Avoid cloning, tools of divine creation, genetic manipulation of cell, seed, egg, embryo, virus and food. Cultivate personal relationships with god.

2. Avoid Negative Idolatry. God is my ultimate priority, not money, media nor power. I measure worth of my life by how close it brings me to God. I meditate daily on my humble place in the universe and share divine love with others.

3. Do not take God in Vain. I respect all religious traditions. I preach love and respect for all. I recognize many paths to God. I encourage others to explore their faith, and share the joy they find in their faith, as well as my own faith.

4. Observe a day of rest. I celebrate my place in the world. I try not to control, nor maximize my advantages in it. I build community, feed the poor and enjoy loving connections. I commit to social justice, renewal, reflection, and healing.

5. Honor your family. I care and support my extended family. I forgive my family and my own limitations. I recall kind moments of nurture. These play a larger role in my memory. I develop compassion for my family and heal myself.

6. Do not kill. All life is holy. I seek to end war, violence and systematic killing of animals for food. Violence is irrational, based on shared paranoid delusions, I get to know everyone and share their struggles for spiritual nourishment.

7. Do not exploit sex. I am open and honest in sexual dealings. Sex is sacred: a joy and opportunity to encounter the holy. I prevent sexual abuse, spread of sexual disease, and misuse of sex to dominate, or control gay, lesbian or other.

8. Don't steal. Global inequity in wealth result from colonial slavery, genocide, and legal theft through imposing discriminatory monetary and trade policy by the powerful on the powerless. I support a fair redistribution of world wealth.

9. Do not lie. I use kind words to increase love and care in our world. I speak to increase hope, trust, social justice, harmony and solidarity. I am generous in my praise. I dedicate one day a week to complete and holy use of word media.

10. Do not covet. I am enough. There is enough for everyone. I have enough. I rejoice in what I have, living a life of ethical consumption. I promote ecological sufficiency, material modesty, and see success of others as godly inspiration.