H/L/S/B Staff

Here is Some Info The Girls On The H/L/S/B Staff Have 
Provided So You Can Get To Know Us A Little Bit.


Name: Nikki
Age: 17
Birthday: March 12,1982
Location: Florida
Fave Hanson: Isaac, But I Like Them All!!
Fave Song: IWC2U & Weird.
Hobbies: Reading, Working On My Many Homepages, Chatting With Friends, Listening To Music.
Been To Albertane?: Yes! Orlando Fl.
E-Mail Me: Hansondream@hotmail.com
Other Pages: ~!WHIMD!~
Pictures On The Walls


Name: Sara
Age: 16
Birthday: August 22nd, 1982
Fave Hanson: Taylor :)
Fave Song Off of each CD: MoN:Speechless, SI:Merry Christmas Baby,
3CG:Soldier, LFA:Money (thats what i want)
Been To Albertane?: Yes!! Orlando Fl.


Age: 16
Birthday: April 25th '83
Location: Maryland, USA
Fave Hanson: Taylor Hanson
Fave Song: Well, it's a tie between "Merry Christmas Baby" & The RTA "I will Come To You"
Hobbies: Jazz, Modern, Ballet and Tap Dance, Thespians(My H.S. Acting Club) & Writing for H.S. Yearbook Staff
Been To Albertane?: YES! Washington D.C., Hershey, & Philly!
E-mail Address: Destin1414@juno.com
Other Info: None as of right now, sorry.