...means "Hi! My name is Cylo .

I was brought here by my daddy (Smithi-Hootang's uncle) when I was 5 weeks old. Now I'm 9 years old (= 63 years in human). I am a local dog not an imported as my cousin, Hootang.

I'm a "dachshund", which is defined in Webster Dictionary as "a small dog with a long body and short legs". My daddy used to measure my body length using the tiles (one tile long is about 8 inches!). When I first came, I was only one-tile long (measured from the tip of my nose to my butt). I can recall that every winter, I got a new body-glove made from a sock!!! Basically, they made 2 holes on that sock for my front legs. Daddy said it was so easy because he just keep changing the size of a sock. He told me I "out-growth" my body-glove so fast that he could not find a nice warm sock to fit me in time.

'Now I'm 4 tiles long.

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