Hi I'm Lector. I'm the doberman. I came from the really south of Sweden
to stay with master and his wife (I usually called her 'mamma'.) in Aspudden.

Lector: Hello! I'm Lector.

Lector: Don't you think I'm a little too handsom?

I have 3 brothers and a sister. When master went to the pen
picking up the puppy, he pointed at me and said "That's my Lector."

Here is Lector and his flying brother!

Some pictures Lector with his mother, brothers and a sister.

The cute little puppies and their breeder.

On the way to my new home I sat on mamma's lap.
(I assumed it to be my personal armchair!)It was so warm and safe.
I still keep doing this whenever I have chance. Mamma'll sure get
into a very big trouble when I grow up.

Lector: This is my personal armchair.

Mamma: C'mon, Lector get out of my lap! You're getting big now.
Lector: Nah....mamma, I always be your 'little' baby.

After finish my dinner, I started playing and of course the closest thing is the food bowl.

More Lector's page