On this page you will find...
-...'Cause You're My Friend
- I Prayed For You Today
When you are sad
I will dry your tears
When you are scared
I will comfort your fears
When you are worried
I will give you hope
When you are confused
I will help you cope
and when you are lost
and can't see the light
I shall be your beacon
shining ever so bright
This is my oath
I pledge till the end
Why you may ask?
because you're my friend...
When you are lonely
And you need someone to talk to
Remember that I'm always here for you
I will hug You
when you're sad
I will be with you
when you pray
I will laugh with you
when you're are happy
I will cry with you
when you are unhappy
I will move the mountains
so you could walk
I will quiet everyone
so you could talk
I will dance with you
I will jump to the sky
if I could
I'll do everything for you
'Cause You're my Friend
And I Love You!
Dear Heavenly Father,
full of grace,
Bless my friend in cyberspace.
Bless his heart for he is good,
Bless him abundantly,
I know You could.
Bless his hands,
his fingers too,
Bless his heart
'cause he loves You.
Mend the hurts
that he may bear,
take from him,
any despair.
Fill him Lord,
with Your love,
send down on him,
Your pure white dove.
Keep him safe
within Your arms,
shelter him
from any harm.
Protect his emotions
and his thoughts too,
and bless his eyes
as he looks to You.
In Jesus Name I pray
this special prayer today!
Thank You Father
for hearing this request,
and for my friend,
who You've just blessed!
A friend is like a flower
a rose to be exact,
Or maybe like a brand new gate
that never comes unlatched
A friend is like an owl,
both beautiful and wise
Or perhaps a friend is like a ghost,
whose spirit never dies.
A friend is like those blades of grass
you can never mow,
standing straight, tall, and proud
in a perfect little row
A friend is like a heart
that goes strong until the end.
Where would we be in this world
if we didnĀ“t have a friend.
My friend,
my companion,
through good times and bad
my friend,
my buddy,
through happy and sad,
beside me you stand,
beside me you walk,
you're there to listen,
you're there to talk,
with happiness,
with smiles,
with pain and tears,
I know you'll be there,
throughout the years!