>Limerick says, "Welcome everyone, and thanks for your patience. We needed the janitor to clean up from the last party, er forum.">Limerick smiles.
Waldern says, "Okay, let's get this show on the road."
>(Agrimony wonders if she'll even get to see the omnipotent yet ever elusive Talia too.)
>Emrys chuckles.
>Vaage says, "if nothing else, it would drop you from game, i've had it happen"
>Waldern calls the assembly to order. After a moment the crowd quiets down.
>Waldern smiles.
>Waldern says, "Hello, everyone."
>Limerick says, "I'm glad to see you all here, and as you can see, you've got the attention of several GM's. So I hope you've brought your questions."
>Waldern says, "I'm going to open the box for questions while I talk a little."
>Limerick nods to Waldern.
>Waldern takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
>Strindt says, "Hmm. How did that get off."
>Strindt removes a silver-threaded toga from his small black satchel.
>Strindt puts a silver-threaded toga on.
>Waldern says, "I don't think there are too many subjects off limits tonite."
>Waldern says, "If the box is full, don't panic, we'll open it back up for more when we get to the end."
Waldern says, "I know you can't see who all is here, but suffice it to say that most all of us are here and ready to answer your questions."
Limerick says, "We may not have every answer tonight, but we want you to know that we are interested in what you have to say, and we'll try to answer your questions as best we can."
Waldern nods to Limerick.
Waldern says, "Okay, let's take the first question."
Waldern says, "Pamico asks, 'Everyone is discussing the specifics of the changes ,Ie what kind of damage are we doing in contrast to the round time. I would like to know just what the changes are going to be in simple terms.'"
Waldern nods to Pamico, who stands up to address the assembly.

>Waldern says, "I'll let you talk, Pamico."
>Waldern smiles.
Waldern says, "I guess I'll take that one."
>Pamico says, "I am not a technical genius of the game as some are and I just want to know what the basic changes that are coming so that I can prepare but everyone seems to have a different opinon of what they are going to be"
>Pamico smiles at Waldern.
>Waldern says, "Well."
>Waldern says, "The changes that were made to the weapons were to serve a couple of purposes."
>stretchNot during an assembly.
>Waldern says, "1) To attempt to make the extra cost for better materials worth it."
Waldern says, "2) To make some changes so the upcoming damage system would make sense."
>Nimbus appears in a swirl of silvery mist.
>Waldern says, "Unfortunately, the first go at setting the properties for materials like iron and steel didn't turn out as well as I'd figured."
>Pamico chuckles.
>Waldern grins.

Waldern says, "I will be looking at it very closely in the coming weeks and attempting to make it right."
> * Dalthiat joins the adventure.
>Waldern says, "But I agree from what evidence I've seen that it does need some tweaking."
>Waldern asks, "Did that answer your question, Pamico?"
>Pamico says, "What other changes are coming as well"
>Pamico raises an eyebrow.
>Waldern asks, "You guys like prodding me for details, don't you?"
>Waldern grins.
>Limerick grins at Waldern.
>Waldern says, "WEll..."
Pamico says, "You said this at the last one and when pressed that was someone elses duty that was not there"
>Waldern says, "I am working presently on an entirely new combat system for you."
Mathuna chuckles at Waldern.
>Pamico asks, "For all ?"
>Waldern nods.
>Waldern says, "Yep."
>Astraea says, "No! Ahh you let it out of the bag! "
>Astraea gasps!
>Waldern grins.
>Mathuna says, "you told."
Pamico says, "Geeze there is a big surprise"
>Mathuna looks accusingly at Waldern.
>Waldern ducks his head.
>Pamico chortles.
>Wanderstar says, " yes its all his fault"
>Vandall deftly tries to put the cat back in the bag. Don't do this at home.
>Portia asks, "tsk tsk - now where will the mystery be?"
>Portia flails her arms about.
>Waldern says, "This was a decision that was made rather recently."
>Pamico asks, "So all that was said before is now basically going to be thrown out ?"
>Waldern says, "Oh, no."
>Waldern says, "There is still giong to be a damage system."
>Waldern says, "Weapons will be damaged, as well as armors."
>Ianthe just left.
>Melosyne just left.
Pamico says, "Where would the store for the floggin whips be again? And when is that expected"
>Pamico raises an eyebrow in Waldern's direction.
>Waldern chuckles.
Waldern exclaims, "Oh, no you don't!"
Waldern pushes at Pamico!
>Pamico giggles at Waldern.
>Waldern says, "I'm not doing that again."
Pamico says, "Okay one more thing A wish list thing "
>Waldern says, "Anyway, I should move on to the next question."
>Waldern says, "Lots of folks, little time."
>Pamico says, "Can we have a store to change items colors"
>Pamico waves.
>Waldern says, "Anything is possible."
>Waldern nods to Pamico.
>Portia gazes at Waldern in admiration.
>Astraea smiles at Pamico.
Astraea says, "Possibly someday."
>Waldern says, "Thank you, Pamico."
>Pamico says, "Thanks"
Pamico grins.
Having finished addressing the assembly Pamico sits back down.

Waldern says, "Mox asks, 'I have a couple questions concerning the new combat system thats in the works. 1) will it have a higher involvement level or will it still be 100% scriptable? 2.) Can we expect a decrease in the time per kill?'"
Waldern nods to Mox, who stands up to address the assembly.

Ianthe just left.
>Mox says, "Right now we have a situation in which there is no strategy to combat. I'm hoping that will be improved. I can't think of a situation in one on one combat right now in which my best move is not to swing a weapon. I'd like to see situations where there is a bit of strategy and judgement involved, or perhaps even alternatives"
>Waldern says, "Hi, Mox."
>A cloud of golden sparks suddenly appears in the air, forming the outline of a female Human before resolving into Melosyne herself.
>Mox says, "hi"
>Mox gets a silly grin on his face.
>Mathuna says, "Hmm, I think they are all going to ask you questions Waldern. They didn't need the rest of us."
>Mathuna chuckles.
>Waldern chuckles.
Holyph grins.
Mox says, "Well, Warriors are a hot topic"
>Mox preens. Someone's pleased with himself!
>Waldern says, "Okay, I first want to say that none of the things I am about to tell you have been approved for implementation yet."
>Mox says, "To Warriors anyway"
>Mox nods to Waldern.
>Mox says, "Understood"
>Waldern says, "But here is what I have in mind."
Waldern says, "There is an entirely new engagement system coming."
>Mox gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.
Waldern says, "It will be very possible to get hurt if you are caught with your guard down."
Mox smiles broadly
Waldern says, "You will be able to do things like AMBUSH, STALK, PROTECT, RESCUE, etc."
Mox does a silly little happy dance. What a nut!
Waldern says, "What I have in mind is a system whereby the area surrounding a defender is split into four sections."
>Waldern says, "Only one average-size creature can fit into each area."
>Astraea raises an eyebrow.
>Waldern grins.
>Waldern says, "Maybe I'm giving too much."
>Waldern chuckles.
>Mox asks, "not to derail the excellent train of thought you are on, but does this make things less scriptable?"
>Astraea says, "You are ambitious."
>Portia glances at the giants, then at Waldern.
Waldern says, "Tell ya what..."
>Waldern says, "Yes."
>Waldern nods to Mox.
>Astraea says, "Good trains of though though. :)"
>Mox nods to Astraea.
>Waldern says, "You'll have to watch your creature."
>Mathuna nods to Astraea.
>Mox says, "That is exactly what I was hoping to hear"
Mox nods to Waldern.
>Mox says, "An advantage to paying attention"
>Mox grins.
>Waldern says, "I have an overly-optimistic timeline, of course."
>Waldern says, "Incidently, I will be talking about this at Simucon if you can make it."
>Waldern smiles.
>Mox asks, "Have you had any thoughts yet on my second point?"
>Mox asks, "Time per kill?"
>Mox peers quizzically at Waldern.
>Waldern says, "Oh, yes."
>Lethalia just left.
>Waldern says, "The base roundtimes of the attack are going to be shortened, that is, if I have my way."
>Mox nods.
>Waldern says, "Attacks, that is."
>Limerick just left.
>Waldern says, "The creatures will move faster as well."
>Mox asks, "this sounds ambitious, should we not look for this for over a year?"
>Mox nods to Waldern.
>Waldern says, "Naw, it won't take long."
Mox nods.
>Waldern says, "I want to make combat as fast-paced as you see it on the shows."
>Mox nods to Waldern.
>Strindt points at Waldern.
>Strindt says, "He's good."
Mox says, "A noble ambition"
>Limerick just arrived.
>Mathuna nods to Strindt.
>Mox says, "well, I'm done"
>Mox grins.
>Waldern says, "Thank you, Mox."
Having finished addressing the assembly Mox sits back down.

>Strindt says, "I had to kick him a couple times to convince him of it..."
>Limerick nudges Strindt with her elbow.
>Waldern says, "Vaage asks, 'will there be more weapon manuvers for higher level warriors?'"
Waldern nods to Vaage, who stands up to address the assembly.

>Vaage chants:


>Waldern chuckles.
>Waldern flails his arms about.
>Mathuna chuckles.
>Waldern exclaims, "Yer mean to me!"
>Portia chuckles.
>Vaage chuckles.

>Vaage says, "i have a quick one for Mathuna and Wanderstar if i could"
>Emrys appears to be slightly less self-assured than a moment ago.
>Waldern says, "I will let the warriors flog me."
>Waldern says, "For I have not been spending the time I should with them latel."
>Waldern says, "ER...lately."
>Vaage asks, "but i noticed that a warrior who double trains will master off hand manuevers by 80th or so, what about beyond that?"
Waldern says, "There is room for an infinite number of hand to hand combat manuevers."
>Vaage says, "and Agrimony wants to know what's to keep you in HnX as aposed to HJ"
>Vaage nods to Waldern.
>Vaage turns toward Mathuna.
>Mathuna asks, "yes Vaage?"
>Waldern says, "I'm sure that once I get the new combat system in, we can start on adding new maneuvers."
>Vaage asks, "will wands work like TD spells in GS, will we be able to choice between being a war-mage and being a sorc?"
>Waldern says, "I'm not going anywhere. Not without a broadsword to my throat, anyway."
>Waldern grins.
>Vaage lets out a hearty cheer for Waldern!
>Limerick pulls Waldern towards her!
>Portia beams at Waldern!
>Mathuna nudges Wanderstar with his elbow.
>Wanderstar blinks.
>Wanderstar says, " oops"
>Portia prances around in a circle.
>Mathuna chuckles at Wanderstar.
>Wanderstar says, " oh no it wont work like td"
>Wanderstar says, " its different"
>Vaage asks, "similar to the priest resistance?"
>Mathuna says, "the exact final details are still being worked out, but its very different."
>Tkeeri just left.
>Vaage nods to Mathuna.
>Wanderstar says, " like nothing else"
>Mathuna nods to Wanderstar.
>Vaage asks, "but not to-hit based?"
>Wanderstar says, " not tht based"
>Mathuna says, "not exactly tht based."
>Vaage says, "wait..."
>Mathuna says, "there are two planed types of wands"
>Vaage peers quizzically at Mathuna.
>Vaage gives Mathuna a little prod between the shoulder blades.
>Mathuna says, "one will use your alchemy skill to target."
>Mathuna says, "on uses a differnt method."
>Vaage says, "so similar to TD in GS"
>Vaage nods to Mathuna.
>Mathuna says, "not exactly."
>Mathuna chuckles.
>Vaage says, "similar idea though"
Wanderstar says, " its just an odd way of doing it thats all"
>Vaage nods to Wanderstar.
>Vaage says, "but with wands, alchemy would be our "tht" at least with one type"
>Mathuna nods to Vaage.
>Wanderstar says, " well it would effect how good a job of thwapin things ya could do with the wand yes"
Vaage says, "just one quick request..."
Waldern looks at his sundial and glances at Mathuna and Wanderstar.
>Waldern grins.
>Vaage says, "with wands, we should have similar prep to priests, not being able to batch huge amounts for hunting"
>Vaage shrugs.
Waldern says, "Not very sunny in here."
>Waldern grins.
>Mathuna says, "when they are closer to being released we will hold a formal forum."
>Strindt asks, "Need a waterclock?"
>Vaage nods to Mathuna.
>Waldern nods to Strindt.
>Limerick smiles at Mathuna.
>Mathuna says, "or a candle clock."
Wanderstar grins.
>Vaage says, "and you'll keep up posted"
>Vaage beams at Mathuna.
Mathuna says, "at this stage they are still being fine tuned."
>Vaage nods to Mathuna.
>Mathuna says, "and what we have is still subject to change."
>Vaage says, "understood, just wanted an update"
>Waldern asks, "Okay, that do it for you, Vaage?"
>Mathuna says, "its why we are rather evasive on the details."
>Vaage nods to Waldern.
>Vaage says, "thank you"
>Waldern says, "Thank you, Vaage."
>Mathuna says, "because we haven't compleatly finalized them."
Having finished addressing the assembly Vaage sits back down.

Waldern says, "Scheherazade asks, 'Are there any plans to make fame do anything worthwhile in the near future?'"
>Limerick says, "There are a lot of questions -- we'll try to keep things moving along so you all have a chance to speak."
Waldern nods to Scheherazade, who stands up to address the assembly.

>Waldern grins.
>Scheherazade smiles.
Waldern exclaims, "No!"
>Scheherazade exclaims, "I knew it!"
>Waldern chuckles.
>Scheherazade says, "ok, next question..."
>Scheherazade chuckles to herself.
Scheherazade says, "it just seems to do like absolutely nothing that we can tell so far, even seeing the stat would at least get the number folks wanting it"
>Scheherazade grins.
Astraea says, "Mmm actually yes"

>Astraea says, "Toa point I plan on using fame sometime though I think that when I do rogues might not want tooo much fame."
>Scheherazade nods to Astraea.
>Scheherazade asks, "so would there be a way for people to lose fame?"
>Limerick says, "Hmm, I'm sure we could come up with a way."
>Limerick grins.
>Astraea says, "Actually what Im speaking of infamy... so maybe its not the same. I could see fame influencing that however."
>Melosyne says, "I've certainly been watching your discussions on the boards, and there are some interesting possibilities."
>Scheherazade nods.
>Scheherazade says, "ok one more quick one and I'm done"
>Scheherazade says, "What projects besides instruments are in the works for storytellers? And who's working on them while we wait for a guru so we know who to bug."
>Waldern just left.
Scheherazade says, "I remember seeing projectS plural on the boards"
>A cloud of golden sparks suddenly appears in the air, forming the outline of a male Human before resolving into Waldern himself.
>Scheherazade asks, "Zephyra I think answered about instruments being in qc but are there any others?"
Mathuna says, "well on my list of things I do have a story teller item."
Scheherazade beams!
>Scheherazade asks, "anything you can tell us about?"
>Mathuna says, "I have a note to do something about being able to fill a bigger jar or other container with ink."
>Scheherazade nods to Mathuna.
>Mathuna says, "but its only on the to do list at this time."
Scheherazade smiles.
>Mathuna says, "it sort of overlaps into alchemy so I took it on."
>Mathuna chuckles.
Scheherazade says, "alright, guess that's it for us... had to ask the Calliope's Children stuff since Epoclaen isn't here"
>Waldern asks, "Okay, were we able to skip around that one effectively, Zade?"
>Scheherazade chuckles.
>Ianthe grins.
Melosyne says, "Right, anyone who was formerly working on storyteller projects will be continuing them. Unfortunately, those things that Tyrian was working on will most likely need to be addressed by your new guru."
>Scheherazade says, "yeah, didn't expect too much in between gurus"
>Waldern chuckles.
>Scheherazade nods to Melosyne.
>Limerick nods to Melosyne.
>Melosyne grins at Scheherazade.
Waldern says, "Okay, thank you Zade. Down you go."
>Scheherazade says, "okies, I'm all done then, thanks"
>Waldern grins.
>Melosyne says, "Meanwhile, there are still those of us in the wings who are listening, so keep rolling out your good ideas."
Having finished addressing the assembly Scheherazade sits back down.

>Ianthe says, "Yes, please."
>Ianthe smiles.
>Waldern says, "Oh, dear."
>Waldern says, "Ripper asks, 'ok i would like to know. it seems in my eyes The ones who make decisions do not really care about all our inputs at all for example when the warriors had a Forum about 6 months back we all decided that Weapon smith should be warriors so we could have a viable Skill to sell to others or at least give us Some importance in this world it seems we are warriors much like XENA and Hercules but we can not do nothing we have no importance no one needs a warrior for nothing( Continue next page----->).... w'"
Wanderstar says, " at the very least might steal them for alchemists"
>Wanderstar ducks his head.
Waldern nods to Ripper, who stands up to address the assembly.

>Ripper grins at Waldern.
>Ripper snickers.
>Ripper says, "we all need rogues priests storytellers and Alchemist for they all have diffrent proffessions and Have something we all need or use some more then others but at least they have some importance but what do we got to give to the rest NOTHING all what we want is something te do but hunt Some GMs think were the best hunters all around well those ones that say that do not have a clue its easy if ye a gm and can put ye skills were ever ye want and get all your gear that you wnat but stand in our shoes for "
>Waldern flails his arms about.
>Limerick says, "Whew."
>Waldern says, "Okay, I guess I'll take that one."
>Waldern grins.
>Ripper says, "i know it sounds negative and all that but it gets really depressing"
>Ripper says, "when we got nothing and i mean nothing to do besides hunt and die"
>Waldern nods.
>Ripper says, "or fish if ye want to"
>Waldern says, "I understand, Ripper."
>Ripper says, "we got you"
>Waldern says, "Okay, it's like this..."
>Ripper says, "but your doing 10 other jobs"
>Waldern says, "Well, I'm not going to use that as an excuse."
>Ripper nods to Waldern.
>Waldern says, "The problem here is that when I laid out the plan for the repair of weapons and armor, I wasn't specific enough."
>Ripper mutters wonder if i have the dinar to buy the sand
Waldern says, "What was envisioned was an entire "smithing system"."
>Ripper grins at Waldern.
>Ripper nods.
>Waldern says, "You know, bellows, big piles of red hot coals, anvils, hammers, the whole works."
Waldern nods.
>Ripper says, "aye"
>Waldern says, "Unfortunately, it was felt that the combat system was sufficiently lacking that it was prioritized instead."
>Waldern says, "Or fortunately."
>Waldern chuckles.
Astraea says, "I would like to point out that repair is not smithing persay and that I do have plans for smithing that I fully plan on making warriors premier at (well weapon and armor oriented aspects of it) though not to the exclusion of others."
Ripper says, "yes but"
>Ripper says, "we always here this but we see other proffessions rise higher"
>Ripper says, "and we get left behind"
>Ripper says, "'we are not needed at this time "
>Waldern says, "Well, you have my solemn vow that once I get combat done that I'll be working exclusively on you warriors."
>Waldern asks, "Do I dare promise a flogging?"
Waldern chuckles.
>Ripper asks, "so we wait for a year or more?"
>Portia says, "trust him on that Ripper - he's quite serious."
>Mathuna nods to Portia.
>Waldern says, "Well, I also have some other options that are soon to become available."
>Ripper says, "'well we never could flog him even if he did fail he knows this"
Waldern says, "It will not be a year."
>Waldern says, "Unless I die, of course."
>Waldern gazes at Myrto with a dreamy look on his face.
Waldern exclaims, "Ack!"
>Miriim relaxes slightly.
>Waldern flails his arms about.
>Ripper says, "i also have 1 question"
>Mathuna chuckles.
>Ripper says, "to who works on iron"
>Waldern grins.
Waldern asks, "Yes, Ripper?"
>Portia wonders if there will be pies at Simucon, and gazes thoughtfully at Waldern.
>Waldern grins.
>Waldern scoffs at Portia.
>Portia snickers.
>Strindt grumbles.
>Ianthe grins at Portia.
>Ripper says, "i have a strength of 330 another of same race has 225 we have same rt why is this"
> * Ciari returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Ripper says, "on the iron battle axe"
>Waldern says, "Because I goofed."
>Waldern grins.
>Ripper says, "this is i bugged 4 times"
>Waldern nods.
>Ripper says, "and get no reply"
>Waldern says, "I saw it."
>Waldern says, "That's because I haven't fixed it."
>Waldern grins.
>Strindt says, "Time. Things take time."
>Ripper says, "are you the only gm that is available"
Ripper says, "i mean t seems your doing the whole game"
>Strindt says, "All of us specialize in differnt pieces of the game."
>Waldern says, "Well, I assure you that that isn't the case."
>Astraea says, "well most systems are fairly complex. If he wrote it it is of course easiest for him to correct that."
>Waldern says, "They're just all caught up."
>Waldern chuckles.
>Waldern says, "I'm the one that's behind."
Ripper says, "so your saying is that the strength does affect rt"
>Waldern says, "Yes, it does."
>Waldern nods to Ripper.
>Mathuna says, "it does ripper."
>Ripper says, "or is my rt correct"

>Waldern says, "Your RT is correct with the current properties of steel."
>Ripper peers quizzically at Waldern.
>Mathuna says, "I saw that part of the combat system myself, when I fixed the marching song and other strenghth enhancers."
>Waldern says, "But I botched up the properties, Ripper."
>Ripper says, "but this is iron not steal"
>Ripper says, "ok"
Ripper says, "will it be fixed soon"
>Waldern says, "All of the properties of the different metals are a bit off, I think."
Waldern says, "It will be fixed very soon."
>Waldern says, "I just need one 25 hour day."
Waldern says, "And I'll be all set."
>Waldern grins.
>Limerick smiles at Waldern.
>Ripper says, "and can we expect the repair system"
>Ripper says, "sometime in near future"
>Waldern says, "That is finally awaiting final approval."
>Waldern says, "Won't be long."
>Ripper says, "we heard that before"
>Waldern says, "Some changes were made after the forum was held, Ripper."
>Waldern shrugs.
>Ripper says, "aye understood"
>Limerick says, "We do listen to you."
>Limerick smiles.
>Ripper says, "it just flustrating"
>Waldern nods.
>Waldern nods.
>Waldern says, "I understand."
>Ripper says, "to see us fall behind"
>Ripper says, "and others grow"
>Waldern nods.
>Waldern rubs Ripper gently.
>Waldern says, "We'll get ya fixed up soon, Ripper."
>Ripper says, "i want to thank you all"
>Ripper says, "for the time and hope ye can hurry"
>Waldern says, "We'll try."
>Ripper mutters no need te buy the sand great
>Waldern says, "Thank you, Ripper."
>Ripper nods.
Having finished addressing the assembly Ripper sits back down.

>Limerick smiles at Ripper.
>Daris just left.

Waldern says, "Agrimony asks, 'One of the biggest frustrations we players have is the lack of communication between Game staff and players. I know that this is a universal complaint in most games of this type, however there is lots of room for improvement here in HX. My question is, what steps are being taken to improve communication?'"
Waldern nods to Agrimony, who stands up to address the assembly.

>Agrimony asks, "This forum is a start towards improvement but I hope we don't have to wait a year and a half to see continued improvement. Might it be possible to adopt some of the improved communication techniques from GS and DR for HX?"
>Astraea says, "heh We are here is a good first step."
>Agrimony smiles.
>Limerick says, "One of the things that I would like to get set up is to not only have profession guru's, but also profession advocates, who can work with the gurus to watch the boards and hold forums such as this."
>Agrimony nods to Limerick.
>Limerick says, "Historically, we've had one person doing that, and I've noticed that Mathuna and Wanderstar have a great start -- so I thought it would be nice to have more than one person for all professions."
>Wanderstar grins.
>Limerick says, "That way if someone goes on vacation, you'd still have someone's ear."
>Waldern smiles at Limerick.
>Agrimony says, "We need the communication to go in both directions though"
Waldern asks, "Is that all, Agrimony?"
>Waldern smiles.
>Limerick says, "True. I think several of us want to release new things and work on the coding portion of the job. I admit that we need to do a better job at communicating with you, rather than having our heads buried in code."
>Limerick smiles.
>Agrimony says, "the communication staff seems to be, in Waldern's words, "sufficiently lacking" to require an overhaul. The "this is my area and only I can talk about it" mindset is very frustrating to deal with"
>Agrimony says, "the communication between staff, that is..."
>Waldern says, "nod"
>Strindt says, "Sure, but if Waldern is working on a section of combat code, and you ask a question about it, and I'm unaware of the code and give aan incorrect answer....."
>Waldern says, "Er."
>Mathuna says, "One problem is that we don't want to promise something that isn't ready or final."
>Strindt smiles.
Mathuna says, "I know that Wanderstar and I where not sure if we wanted to let people know about wands until they where closer to being finished."
>Agrimony says, "for instance, you can ask a straight forward question about how a potion affects a combat maneuver and get two totally opposite answers from two GMs."
>Wanderstar nods.
>Mathuna says, "I expect that has more to do with how much the GM knows about alchemy and the combat system Agrimony. both systems are complex."
Limerick says, "No one is trying to mislead you -- they very well may think they are telling you the correct answer, but if they are not intimately familiar with a system they may only know it to a certain depth."
Astraea nods to Limerick.
>Agrimony says, "Well, I hope we can convince you to reconsider the communication here in HX. The players are extremely frustrated over it. "
>Agrimony says, "Thanks for listening"
>Agrimony smiles.
Waldern says, "Thank you, Agrimony."
>Waldern smiles.
>Ianthe says, "We do try our best to get the correct answer for you. We'd rather ask you to wait a bit and get you the right answer than to guess. Your being given the proper information is very important to all of us. "
>Waldern nods to Ianthe.
>Mathuna nods to Ianthe.
>Limerick smiles at Agrimony.
Having finished addressing the assembly Agrimony sits back down.

>Waldern says, "Jherle asks, 'Where are we going to see H&X heading? Whats the future for the game as a whole?'"
>Astraea says, "Well we are here talking now. Our new current goal is to continue the communication so that the next time we have one of these you say we have been great in that regard."
>Astraea winks at Agrimony.
Waldern nods to Jherle, who stands up to address the assembly.

>Jherle says, "Well, if we don't have pies at Simucon this year, I imagine we can up with some creative solutions"
>Jherle grins at Waldern.
>Waldern flails his arms about.
>Jherle snickers.
>Ianthe says, "Nah..I still want pies."
>Ianthe grins.
>Waldern says, "You were mean to me."
>Waldern sniffs.
>Jherle says, "You got me back too"
>Gimli relaxes slightly.
>Waldern says, "Well, only a little."
>Jherle grins at Waldern.
Waldern grins.
>Waldern says, "I can answer that question from a combat point of view."
>Jherle asks, "Ok, back to my question, Where does H&X stand in the future?"
>Gimli grows visibly calmer.
>Jherle says, "I think a lot of us are afraid of Hero's Jouney's influence"
>Mathuna asks, "Our goal to reorient the game to the audience we found, rather than the audience we expectedd, all the while keeping it fun?"
>Astraea nods to Mathuna.
>Jherle asks, "What audience did you expect?"
>Strindt says, "New players who had never seen a text based game before."
>Astraea says, "I think that is the best way to summarize it I hav ever heard."
>Astraea nods to Strindt.
>Jherle says, "We still get those comming in"
Mathuna says, "Very new players who didn't know much if anything about text based games."
>Strindt nods.
>Jherle shrugs.
>Wanderstar says, " people who didnt know what the heck they were doing and needed an extremely simple game system"
>Mathuna says, "yes, but it isn't the main audience anymore."
>Strindt says, "Except we were expecting it on levels about 10 time larger."
>Strindt winks.
>Holyph says, "we expected them to be fans from the shows though, not players from the Zone which is where most of those are coming"
>Jherle hums beneath her breath.
>Astraea says, "Thats why we are having growing pains and having to completely reinvent things, yes we get new players but the main audience is really you, experienced players that happen to like ancient greece with a bit of slapstick thrown in."
>Jherle nods to Astraea.
>Astraea says, "And new players when surrounded by experienced players learn to expect what those of you here do."
>Jherle grins.
>Astraea says, "Im going to answer something I know thats coming early."
>Astraea says, "Where are rogues going Astraea..."
>Jherle chuckles at Astraea.
>Jherle says, "I was going to get to that"
>Ianthe says, "We also want to make the game challenging and exciting for you. That means growing pains here and there while things get adjusted. But I've personally seen where player suggestions have helped us build the game and we do intend to keep getting suggestions from you as to what makes this game good for you."
>Astraea says, "Which is the same as for warriors and for storytellers and alchemists and priests."
>Limerick nods to Ianthe.
Jherle says, "Well, I still seem to be doing the same things I was doing a year ago, I just have more levels"
>Jherle shrugs.
>Astraea says, "Because things have needed reinventing in part... some of that task for the game general falls to us all and so we might seem to neglect our duties at hand... I know the rogues want..."
>Jherle nods to Astraea.
>Astraea says, "And some or our experienced staff has left."
>Astraea says, "However over the past few monthes we have raised up and trained a whole new flock of enthusiastic new blood to help. Im having helpser pushed at me by our leaders."
>Astraea grins.
>Jherle says, "The waiting is easy, its the not knowing that is hard to do"
>Astraea says, "and in having new helpers getting new things done."
>Jherle grins at Astraea.
>Miriim grows visibly calmer.
>Astraea says, "While working on some of these older things that once done will be done forever."
>Astraea says, "This is a normal cycle..."
>Astraea says, "Alright I don't think I have anything else to say... "
>Jherle smiles at Astraea.
>Astraea says, "My mouth ran out of steam."
>Waldern asks, "Anything else, Jherle?"
>Jherle says, "Thank you Astraea"
>Mathuna says, "hmm, just reemember that staff turnover is normal."
>Waldern exclaims, "Thanks, Jherle!"
>Jherle says, "Not unless Astraea wants to tell us if anything else is coming soon"
>Mathuna says, "all of the games go through it, but ours being small it has more of an impact."
>Jherle smiles wad
>Jherle smiles at Waldern.
Having finished addressing the assembly Jherle sits back down.

>Astraea says, "Oh theres another question I will wait for."
>Waldern says, "Alydyana asks, ' would it be possible to have a spell batching system for our rituals?'"
Waldern nods to Alydyana, who stands up to address the assembly.

>Alydyana asks, "actually i goofed and put in one of my least important questions rather then my most important <wrong macro key> the question i mean to ask is Are the proposed ritual lists still what we have to look forward to as priests or will they change in accordance with whatever new combat system finally gets implemented? When will the new spells be fully implemented and when will the worthless or broken spells be fixed? By broken or worthless we are referring to spells such as 1004, 1006, 1008, 1011, 2004, 2005, 2007, 3003, and 3005 which either have no real use or simply dont work. Also the a group of priests got together and came up with a list of questions, about 20 in total but im sure we can come up with more if we had time....would it be at all possible to have a forum with our Gurus to discuss these questions since it is not likely we would be able to get through all of them tonight?"
>Wanderstar says, " gah"
>Alydyana whistles skillfully to herself.
>Alydyana says, "sowwy"
>Alydyana smiles.
>Strindt says, "Wading...."
>Lucius puts on some spectacles.
>Mathuna blinks.
>Strindt says, "Cuz that ain't one question."
>Strindt winks.
>Portia chuckles at Strindt.
>Alydyana smiles.
>Portia chuckles at Lucius.
>Mathuna says, "Breath Alydyana. Remember, breath."
>Alydyana grins.
>Strindt says, "Okay..."
>Alydyana says, "well yelling at twins gives you good breathe control"
>Alydyana smiles.
>Alydyana says, "er breath even"
>Vaftel just left.
>Lucius says, "sometimes I miss 300 baud. Never had to scroll back."
>Strindt says, "My current project is implementing the first 20 spells in each list, as outlined on the message boards. This includes complete rewrites of a large number of rituals, and the throwing away of others."
>Strindt says, "They will all be implemented at one time ... after they are all done."
>Alydyana asks, "what type of time line do you forsee for that?"
>Alydyana says, "and we would really prefer to keep ST the way it is"
>Alydyana says, "if at all possible"
>Strindt says, "Spirit Trainer is going away. Sorry."
>Alydyana sighs.

Alydyana asks, "then is there any marketable skill in our future?"
>Strindt says, "Time line? "
>Strindt shrugs.
>Alydyana says, "cause before the invoking change that was it"
>Strindt says, "I honestly don't know."
Alydyana blinks.
Strindt says, "Some spells take me about 5 minutes to work on."
>Alydyana asks, "well what can you tell us about our profession?"
Strindt says, "Others require the implementation of entire seperate systems."
>Ianthe says, "Please do remember that a spell is not just a spell to us. Just one spell to you needs to be thought out and written out to answer every conceivable (and a few past that!) situation that they will encounter. 20 x 3...that's ALOT of programming to say we'll have it in two weeks."
>Alydyana asks, "then could we get those that take 5 minutes then?"
Alydyana says, "i realize that they take time, but how much time? we have been waiting for almost a year"
>Strindt says, "I'm not releasing any of them until all of the first 60 spells are ready to go in."
>Alydyana blinks.
>Alydyana says, "and we would also like to know why is ST going away? "
Strindt says, "I'm not leaving gaps and holes in the lists. That would require even more time to rewrite the sysstem to let you skip training spells."
>Alydyana asks, "Currently i have been underhunting, because to do anything else would mean my death....when will this be corrected?"
>Alydyana asks, "when will I be able to see my magic help me with enemys who are of the same age as myself?"
Lucius says, "Spirit Trainer was originally designed when priests had a THT of 90. This of course changed, but I didn't get the spell out at the same time of the change."
>Alydyana says, "Strindt"
Alydyana says, "since i cannot whisper to you i will have to answer that out right"
>Lucius says, "So as part of the redesign of the spells to bring everything in even, that one goes out."
>Alydyana says, "I have not been able to hunt trolls or even rogues, since the critters changes and started to break free"
>Alydyana says, "right now i am hunting Fiends and Warriors...and even those have put me in jeapordy"
>Strindt says, "Good. That's why I had the critter guru fix that problem. But trust me when I say that the new spell lists will make sure priests are able to hunt their level."
>Alydyana says, "We like the other professions have had downtweaks not directly related to our profession"
>Alydyana says, "and there are no fiends or warriors to hunt now"
>Alydyana nods to Lucius.
>Strindt says, "I don't have any control over what critters there are available to hunt, I am afraid."
>Alydyana says, "i realize that"
>Alydyana says, "but..."
>Llorien just left.

>Astraea says, "I can answer that one."
>Alydyana says, "my point is that i should not be stuck underhunting"
Strindt says, "I'll agree with you."
Astraea says, "The fiends and skeletons which are popular... are currently... well still being tweaked you should see them back in a day or so."
Alydyana nods to Astraea.
Alydyana says, "i realize that there was a problem with them and they had to be looking into"
Alydyana says, "i dont have a problem with that"
>Strindt says, "I'm working on the spells. I don't know what else to say."
>Denada just left.
>Alydyana asks, "and about the broken or useless spells that we have now?"
Strindt says, "They are being addressed in the rewrites."
Alydyana asks, "so we will see little until it is all done?"
>Strindt says, "And as I said, a lot of them are being thrown away."
>Alydyana says, "may i ask what percentage of your time is being devouted to priest stuff? as apposed to your work on HJ? what does "working on the spells" mean tiimewise?""
>Alydyana asks, "we have 60 spells coming how many are done?"
>Alydyana asks, "or close to being done?"
Alydyana asks, "and is there any chance of getting rid of the darn invoking penaltys?"
Alydyana says, "it has taken away priest only source of non combat income"
>Strindt says, "Well let's be open about this."
>Strindt says, "If you've watch the HJ boards on the Vault Network, you've probably seen me post. Quite a bit."
>Alydyana nods.
Strindt says, "I expect that within about 5 months or so I'll be moving to that project full time."
>Alydyana nods.
>Strindt says, "But I'll not leave this game until my rituals are done."
>Alydyana says, "ok now...."
>Alydyana says, "as i said in the big ole long message in the beginning..."
>Gorget just left.
>Alydyana says, "We have been getting together as a group and have come up with several questions and concerns"
>Alydyana says, "would it be possible to schedule a forum with our Priest Gurus to go over these"
Strindt asks, "Do you want to do a "future of priests forum" with a guru who isn't going to be here?"
>Strindt grins.
>Alydyana asks, "well who will be our Guru?"
>Alydyana says, "i was under the impression that we had two"
Lucius says, "I am currently training those who will replace us when we eventually leave"
>Alydyana asks, "is Lucius leaving as well?"
>Alydyana says, "oh"
>Alydyana says, "i see"
>Alydyana says, "we need a forum"
>Alydyana says, "if only to get our questions answered about the changes that are occuring now"
>Lucius says, "but we haven't announced who those people are yet because they don't need to try to answer questions they cannot answer."
Limerick says, "But yes, a forum can be scheduled when the new guru's are ready to take over the priest duties."
>Yrene just left.
Alydyana asks, "will the broken spells be fixed before you leave?"
Alydyana asks, "along with the addition of the new ones?"
>Lucius says, "they'll be replaced by the new spells"
>Strindt says, "And as I said, a lot of them are being thrown away."
>Invictus just left.
>Waldern says, "I hate to step in here, but we really need to move on soon."
>Alydyana says, "yes i saw the lists...very impressive"
Alydyana says, "one more thing"
>Alydyana says, "i'll be quick"
>Melosyne says, "Remember, many of this staff came originally from Simutronics' other games. This progression is not unusual, and is for the best to ensure that the new games have quality staff as well. There are still many of us who are firmly here in HX, and are staying put to make this an excellent game as well."
>Limerick smiles at Melosyne.
>Alydyana asks, "about the invoking penalty? can we get rid of it please?"
>Mathuna says, "definatly, had I wanted another game I would have taken an invitaion I had from DR."
>Mathuna chuckles.
>Strindt says, "Also remember that Lucius and I work in the main office. We are always going to be involved with the most recent projects as a result."
>Astraea nods.
>Strindt says, "Priests don't ahve a penalty. "
>Alydyana says, "oh and impudence why do we get hit with it twice? and Im done now"
>Strindt winks.
>Lucius says, "those penalties can be lessoned with training in Relics and Lore"
>Wanderstar pokes Strindt in the ribs.
>Strindt nods to Lucius.
>Strindt says, "And it doesn't take much either."
>Alydyana asks, "a 30 level warrior can not invoke?"
>Alydyana asks, "he gains in magics....what is he lacking?"
>Strindt says, "Depends on god and alignment choice."
>Lucius says, "hard to say without more specifics, but there are other factors."
>Pamico just left.
Lucius says, "skills, spell levels, alignment are the main"
>Alydyana asks, "a high level warrioress who has lore and magics can not invoke?"
Strindt says, "30 isn't very high in terms of a 200 level game."
>Alydyana says, "no but it seems that it would be adequate for a level one spell"
>Lucius says, "that's not enough information to answer"
Alydyana says, "she has a 2 in relics and 32 in lore"
Waldern says, "We really need to move on, Aly."
>Waldern chuckles.
>Strindt nods to Waldern.
Alydyana nods to Waldern.
>Waldern says, "Thanks, Alydyana."
>Waldern says, "Down you go."
>Alydyana says, "thank you for your time, but i would like to see something on the boards about this"
Having finished addressing the assembly Alydyana sits back down.

Waldern says, "Aldigold asks, 'when iron was edited people who had iron items had to get them ::fixed:: will barding have to be '"

Waldern nods to Aldigold, who stands up to address the assembly.

>Waldern says, "Can you complete that a little/"
>Aldigold says, "you skipped a person..."
>Aldigold says, "Anika was before me."
>Waldern says, "I'll correct that."
>Waldern says, "Go ahead for now
>Waldern smiles.
>Aldigold says, "When iron was edited people who had iron items had to get them ::fixed:: will barding have to be ::fixed:: in the same way when Anvyssos starts selling again? "
>Waldern says, "Yes."
>Aldigold says, "Will there ever be a time when priests have items like the wands Alchemists will be getting? Perhaps not neccisarily Wands but something simular that allow priests the ability to hunt using magic"
>Waldern says, "In fact, the lovely Kyna has reminded me to tell her what to fix it to."
>Waldern says, "Which I will do."
>Waldern grins.
>Waldern says, "I am making a provision for that in the new combat system."
>Aldigold says, "Would it be possible to have 3001 Mystic weave moved to the Common list since it is really a spell that every one uses and it holds no clear purpose for combat at all."
>Mathuna says, "Well, I am putting the hooks into the wand making system for the priest guru's to use if they want."
>A cloud of golden sparks suddenly appears in the air, forming the outline of a female Human before resolving into Astraea herself.
>Astraea blinks.
>Strindt says, "Not all spells have to be combat spells."
>Portia stares at Astraea.
>Astraea says, "I fell."
>Aldigold says, "Will there ever be a spell designed to clean out a symbol? We do not currently have one that does this, and we feel it is neccesary particularly when our spell lists change, if ST is going, we have A LOT of relics to empty..."
>Portia scoffs at Astraea.
>Lucius says, "yes"
Aldigold says, "Would it be possible to have the profession penaltys removed from invoking since these penaltys have taken away the priests only source of non combat income"
>Ianthe says, "Oooh...good idea about the cleaning Aldigold."
>Ianthe smiles at Aldigold.
>Aldigold says, "i was at the priest meeting, can't take credit for it, we ALL put that together"
>Lucius says, "The Ritual of Cleansing which can blank out a spell from a relic is already completed. When released it will be in the common realm"
Waldern smiles at Lucius.
>Ianthe says, "Ah, ok. Still a good thing."
>Aldigold asks, "did i ask if 3001 can be moved to the common realm?"
>Strindt says, "Yes you did, and no, I am afraid not."
>Lucius says, "The profession penalties have to be removed through training. It is possible that priests will be able to make easier to use relics in the future (think skill based here)."
Aldigold says, "Alchies can't afford 12 points for one relic only to find out they still don't have enough for a first circle spell."
>Lucius says, "Mystic Weave is clearly an Alteration spell and needs to stay in that realm. However, all priests get the spell so your not really losing anything by having it there"
>Pythos just left.
>Aldigold asks, "The priests feel that a pentalty for invoking as well as a penalty for casting is a little redundant, can that be changed?"
Strindt asks, "Are you referring to impudence?"
>Aldigold says, "yes, impudence."

>Strindt says, "We've discussed how impudence works currently, with some thought about tweaking it some, but nothing serious has been put on the table yet."
>Aldigold asks, "Will there still be a re-allocation?"
>Lucius says, "its not out of the question"
Waldern says, "Okay. Anything else, Aldigold? Need to keep it moving."
Aldigold says, "i am done."
Waldern says, "Thank you, Aldigold."
Having finished addressing the assembly Aldigold sits back down.

Waldern nods to Anika, who stands up to address the assembly.

>Waldern asks, "Did you have a question, Anika?"
>Anika says, "Yep."
>Waldern says, "I somehow missed you, I'm told."
>Anika nods.
>Waldern says, "Sorry about that."
>Waldern rubs Anika gently.
>Anika says, "I think it's cause my card was so small."
>Anika grins.
>Waldern grins.
>Waldern says, "Well, ask away."
>Anika asks, "What I wanted to ask is what's up with the creatures attacking you even when you're told you're not engaged in combat?"
>Limerick says, "To clarify the last question folks, yes, we are planning on reallocation."
>Anika says, "It's really upsetting to be in combat using a ranged weapon, which supposedly means that I can still attack creatures while not engaged in melee combat, but have them attack me. What's even worse is when there's more than one creature in the room, and they're all attacking me, and I kill one and begin to attack another...just to find out that all that time I've been getting beat at, I supposedly haven't been in range."
>Waldern says, "That's another bug that is on my list, Anika. I need to work harder on that."
>Anika says, "Please do, Waldern..."
>Waldern smiles.
>Anika says, "I know of one young Alchemist who could barely hunt because even with a longbow, she was getting beat to death."
Waldern says, "I'm trying, Anika."
>Waldern says, "In fact, Limerick says I'm VERY trying."
>Waldern snickers.
>Limerick grins.
>Anika chortles.
>Wanderstar nods.
>Melosyne grins at Waldern.
>Wanderstar nods.
>Anika says, "I can see why..."
>Wanderstar says, " ill back that up"
Anika asks, "So, that's definitely something on your priority list then?"
>Waldern asks, "Tell you what, I've had so many complaints about that one, that I'll look at it as soon as we're done here, okay?"
>Anika beams at Waldern!
>Anika asks, "Um..how many of those complaints have been from me..?"
>Waldern asks, "Anything else?"
>Anika clears her throat.
>Waldern says, "Several."
>Anika says, "That's it for now..."
>Waldern pokes Anika in the ribs.
>Limerick asks, "So we shouldn't keep you too long Waldern, eh?"
>Anika snickers at Waldern.
>Limerick winks.
>Waldern says, "Thank you, Anika."
>Anika nods.
>Waldern says, "Right. I was just being subtle."
>Waldern nods to Limerick.
Having finished addressing the assembly Anika sits back down.

>Waldern says, "Garrock asks, 'will critters provide more reward anytime soon, reward could range from more dinar, and more experience.'"
Waldern nods to Garrock, who stands up to address the assembly.

>Garrock smiles.
>Waldern says, "Hello, Garrock."
>Garrock bows to Waldern.
>Gabit just left.
>Waldern says, "Yes. I think that is in the plan."
>Garrock nods.
Garrock asks, "Experience, or both?"
>Waldern says, "In fact, the cash that creatures give out is constantly tweaked, it seems."
>Garrock says, "Hmm"
>Limerick nods to Waldern.
>Astraea says, "I will answer that I been told to uptweak at least another 10% by the economy master."
>Garrock asks, "I meant jsut dinars or both?"
>Limerick says, "And sometimes certain creatures have more money than others."
>Waldern says, "Both treasure and dinar."
>Astraea says, "In part because the iron and steel are more espensive."
>Astraea says, "er just dinar"
>Garrock asks, "just treasure?"
>Waldern chuckles.
>Garrock asks, "so Experience is not?"
>Astraea says, "For the uptweake Im talking abuot."
>Waldern glances at Astraea.
>Garrock says, "I have heard you guys were talking about increased treasure/dinar, I was wondering more about experience honestly."
Astraea nods to Garrock.
>Waldern says, "This is the first I've heard about not receiving enough experience."
Waldern says, "Maybe because I've got a list of bugs a mile long."
>Waldern chuckles.
>Garrock asks, "Also, will we see more non-combat experience between now and the newcombat system, or should we not really expect any large different until after the new combat system?"
>Garrock says, "We get 20 experience for a like level critter"
Waldern says, "That can be looked at, certainly."
>Garrock says, "if you want to learn at 20 a pulse (2 minutes) You need to Find and kill one like level critter every 2 minutes"
Portia suddenly disappears.
>Garrock says, "thats extremely difficult, turns us into killing machines."
>Waldern smiles.
>Waldern says, "Well, with the faster-paced combat system, it should be easier."
>Astraea says, "Well I know that when Walderns combat actually is doen that obviously will require a hard look at experience. Personally its a topic that collectively we as GM's really need to look at hard and with the concerns you express here I think we will."
>Waldern says, "But I see your point."
Garrock says, "at 20 a pulse, you'll level I think it as in 50+ hours game time."
>Garrock says, "thats a really long time to see no difference in skills"
Garrock says, "thats also assuming your pulsing 20 all the time your here, which is not happening"
>Garrock nods.
Waldern nods.
Waldern asks, "We will look at it, Garrock. Anything else?"
Garrock asks, "Also, will we see more non-combat experience between now and the newcombat system, or should we not really expect any large different until after the new combat system?"
>Waldern says, "If you have any suggestions, you could post it on the boards for us."
Waldern says, "I know that I've nothing planned from a non-combat point of view right now, only a few filler projects."
>Garrock says, "I have posted my suggestion for experience on the boards awhile ago"
Limerick says, "It's hard to say for sure when new non-combat systems will be put into place. At least one system is currently being worked on though."
>Garrock asks, "What about experience on potions and such, that pretty much onhold until after newcombat system?"
Mathuna says, "for that Wanderstar and I have been waiting to finish wands and get Waldern to tell us about the new combat system."
>Waldern grins.
>Wanderstar nods.
>Portia appears in a swirl of silvery mist.
>Waldern says, "Which is going to happen real soon."
Mathuna says, "Until we have those two details, we wont be in the position to fairly judge how much some things should be modified."
>Mathuna says, "we moved the four skin potions up our list for example because of the combat bug."
>Garrock says, "I noticed"
>Mathuna says, "they where always slated for a change similiar to what they recieved, we just did it now."
>Garrock says, "I'm done then."
Waldern says, "Thank you, Garrock. Good stuff."
>Waldern nods to Garrock.
>Garrock nods.
Having finished addressing the assembly Garrock sits back down.

Waldern nods to Gorget, who stands up to address the assembly.

>Waldern says, "Gorget asks, 'What changes (if any) do you plan on making in fishing in the future?'"
>Waldern says, "I'm glad you asked that."
>Gorget says, "Hello"
>Waldern says, "That's actually one of my projects from a long time ago that I've always wanted to get back to."
>Waldern says, "I envisioned boats, deep-sea fishing, nets, all kinds of good stuff."
>Waldern asks, "Is there somethign specific you'd like to see?"
Gorget says, "i would like nets...would make selling fish easier"
>Waldern chuckles.
>Ianthe smiles at Gorget.
>Waldern says, "Sure would."
>Waldern says, "There is actually a fishing economy system, too."
>Waldern says, "Haven't activated it yet, but it's there."
>Waldern says, "In other words, if you bring in a lot of fish of one type, the price'll steadily go down."
>Waldern says, "Forcing you to go find another kind."
>Waldern chuckles.
>Waldern says, "Yes, there are plans."
>Gorget says, "well that would be good right now...its 25 pounds for 1 dinar"
>Waldern asks, "Anything else?"
>Waldern nods to Gorget.
>Waldern says, "I'll work to see what I can do for you there."
>Gorget says, "it might be lower..."
>Waldern says, "I'm glad you enjoy it, though."
Gorget says, "also its hard to get good poles"
>Waldern says, "Yeah, the whole system needs to be looked at again."
>Gorget nods.
>Gorget says, "well thank you"
>Waldern says, "It was my very first large system and I didn't do a lot of things the way I'd do it now."
>Waldern shrugs.
>Waldern says, "Thank you, Gorget."
>Gorget says, "i really want a net...and i can help you test it when you tweak it"
>Gorget grins.
>Gorget waves.
>Waldern says, "You're on."
>Waldern smiles.
Having finished addressing the assembly Gorget sits back down.

Waldern says, "Gorget asks, 'What changes (if any) do you plan on making in fishing in the future?'"
>Waldern exclaims, "Oops!"
>Waldern says, "Already had that one."
>Waldern chuckles.
Waldern says, "Pythos asks, 'can a log of this meeting be made avaialb for those who can'"
Waldern chuckles.
>Waldern says, "Yes."
>Waldern says, "Pythos is no longer with us."
>Waldern says, "At least, I think yes."
>Waldern glances at Limerick.
Limerick says, "I'll see if we can put it into our library files."
>Limerick smiles.
>Waldern says, "Cool."
>Waldern says, "Westly asks, 'about iron'"
>Waldern grins.
Waldern nods to Westly, who stands up to address the assembly.

>Westly says, "can we talk"
>Westly smirks.
>Waldern says, "Quickly."
>Waldern grins.
>Waldern asks, "What would you like to know?"
>Westly says, "ok im not sure if you saw my data about iron"
>Waldern says, "Yes, I did."
>Westly says, "i sent a spread sheet to ... goood"
>Westly blinks.
>Westly says, "i need to drink more"
>Waldern says, "And I admit that it needs some looking at."
>Westly says, "ok good"
>Westly says, "My second in command "
>Waldern says, "I'm convinced I was just a tad bit light on the damage modifiers."
>Astraea says, "I thought you answered that as the first question of the night though westly was not here yet."
>Westly says, "Galdron is doing the same study with two handed iron"
>Waldern says, "Good."
>Waldern says, "All the data I can get is helpful."
>Westly says, "second"
>Westly says, "what is with the off hand "
>Waldern says, "I'm not sure yet."
>Westly says, "ok im 25 now and i got the off hand off to about 47 in ofset"
Westly says, "Bonitor and i did a study"
>Westly says, "and he cloned himself of me made him much much older"
>Westly says, "he had a 78 spread and still no sign of stopping"
>Westly blinks.
>Waldern says, "It's bugged, and I'll track it down somehow."
>Westly says, "all i know is there is no way we can stop this.. alrighty then"
>Waldern asks, "Anything else?"
>Westly asks, "lady astrea about stealing its for a revamp right?"
>Waldern glances at Astraea.
>Astraea says, "Stealing will be revamped at some point in time yes."
>Westly says, "and the second to last one is"
>Westly says, "the fix with the treasure system"
Alydyana just left.
>Westly says, "will older creatures actually reward better"
Waldern says, "I'm going to close the question box, folks. It's getting past my bedtime, and Zeus knows I need my beauty sleep."
>Westly asks, "i mean none of this raider flipping us a dinar to go buy a clue?"
>Waldern closes the question box.
Westly grins at Waldern.
>Westly says, "and lastly there is an evil rumor cycling that you are leaving us lady Astraea, tell us this is not so"
>Portia gasps!
>Portia stares at Astraea.
>Westly says, "im a pirate but with some alchol for blood im a fast talker"
Waldern says, "The treasure topic is one that we discuss a lot and we will do something to make it worth your while, I'm sure."
>Astraea says, "I will look at that. Part of the problem is that players sacrifice experience to go kill lots of creatures beneath them. and get lots of loot."
>Astraea says, "How to fix this... new combat will end a lot of that problem I think but I will look at making the elders reward better."
Waldern asks, "And, are you going somewhere?"
>Astraea asks, "Why would I leave you?"
>Waldern glances at Astraea.
>Waldern chuckles.
>Westly says, "oh by the way could you let Hades know hes behind on the rent for the castle."
>Astraea blinks.
>Limerick smiles at Astraea.
>Ianthe pulls Astraea towards her!
>Ianthe exclaims, "Mine!"
>Westly says, "well as i said it was an ill rumor"
>Astraea asks, "Where'd that come from?"

>Waldern grins at Westly.
>Astraea says, "Sheesh you will get rid of me, when they pry my cold sticky fingers from my keyboard!."
>Westly says, "i heard from a someone who told someone who whispered it in a well"
>Waldern grins.
>Portia nods.
>Ianthe says, "ewww"
>Portia shudders.
>Waldern says, "Okay, Thank you, Westly. We must press on."
>Melosyne chuckles at Astraea.
>Mathuna says, "never trust rumors that come from wells."
>Westly asks, "and regenning will be a bit better in some areas? mayhaps?"
>Westly nods.
>Wanderstar says, " ya you realy should clean that thing more often"
Waldern asks, "Do you have a specific slow area in mind, Westly?"
>Westly says, "yes sir"
>Waldern says, "Out with it, Pirate."
>Mathuna nudges Westly with his elbow.
>Mathuna says, "thats yes Maam."
>Mathuna says, "err Ma'am"
>Westly says, "tigers and lions are bad, and same with much in midguard"
>Westly says, "and why cant i attack Bjornius"
>Westly says, "i want that ship"
>Westly blinks.
>Astraea laughs!
>Waldern says, "Who knows? Perhaps we can sell one at an auction or something."
>Waldern grins.
>Wanderstar says, " tigers and lions are bad on purpose they are rare critters to spice up a lower level area"
>Westly smirks.

stly says, "thats great, but i am a low tax payer and will never have that opportunity wanderstar"
>Westly says, "as a pirate i must steal it"
>Ianthe asks, "Perhaps we can get you all on a ship....say...Seacrops?"
>Westly nods to Wanderstar.
>Waldern says, "Maybe Bjornius will go broke and have to sell."
>Waldern grins.
>Westly says, "i could help that"
>Westly smirks.
>Waldern chuckles.
>Waldern says, "Okay, thank you Westly. Down you go."
>Westly says, "already down"
Westly winks.

Having finished addressing the assembly Westly sits back down.

>Waldern says, "Melodone asks, 'I'"
>Waldern grins.
Waldern nods to Melodone, who stands up to address the assembly.

>Waldern asks, "That was?"
>Waldern grins at Melosyne.
>Melodone says, "ummmm....it was a lot longer."
>Melodone chuckles.
>Waldern says, "Ask away."
>Melodone says, "I am mostly interested in the non-combat systems. Smithing, sewing, and you said ages ago fishing would be more dinar-friendly."
>Melodone pouts at Waldern.
>Waldern chuckles.
Waldern says, "I wish I had all the time to do the things I want/need to do. But I have to prioritize."
>Melodone says, "Well, that's a whole nother area....."
>Waldern says, "I think we all agree we need a new combat system badly."
>Melodone says, "What I'm really asking, I think, is who decides priorities and policies? I, as a player, often get the idea that you are all locked into your own little areas and aren't looking at the whole picture."
>Astraea nods.
>Waldern smiles.
Waldern glances at Limerick.
>Melosyne says, "We try for that not to be the case, Melodone. We have our leaders, who try to keep us all balanced, and priorities running straight."
>Melodone says, "There really seems to be no canvassing of the population...."
Melosyne says, "Sure, we do each work on our own projects, but we do get together and talk about what we are all doing, in hopes of keeping an even keel."
Mathuna nods to Melosyne.
>Melodone asks, "One of the biggest questions asked Bontinor at the repair forum was why do this at all when we have so much else we've been promised?"
>Mathuna says, "I know more about things than I'll say."
Mathuna says, "its not for me to tell you that Waldern is the combat guru until he is ready, as he announced it tonight."
>Waldern grins.
Astraea nods.
>Melodone nods to Mathuna.
>Mathuna says, "or to tell about another gamemasters system, I may have lent a hand with or tested, until he or she is ready to mention it."
>Melodone says, "Okay, I can understand not wanting to step on another's toes, or anything like that, it's just..."
>Mathuna says, "that is behind alot of our silences. Respect for the decisions of the person or persons controlling that system or area."
Melosyne says, "We'd like to think that we are capable of introducing new systems and new ideas, as well as getting the old ones in shape. As you know, changing people can mean changing priorities, but we're trying to keep it focused as best we can."
Portia nods to Melosyne.
>Melodone says, "To me, not even being a priest, the priest rituals are more important than a new combat system, getting something for warriors to do for others outside of hunting, getting smithing going so everyone can have their own special weapon...."
>Melodone shrugs.
>Limerick says, "There is a TON of projects on my wish list, but I have to be realistic and make some hard decisions. We only have a certain number of folks on staff, and so that means we can only work on so many things. We are trying to choose projects with the best potential, as well as things that are really needed, such as the new combat system and its supporting systems."
>Mathuna says, "A problem we have Melodone, is that only a limited number of us can work on a system at a time."
>Melosyne nods to Melodone.
>Wanderstar says, " I cant work on a system if I have no idea how to code it in the first place"
>Ianthe says, "We do have issues that are of priority. Sometimes, though that means having to wait for one system to be in place to add to it. In the mean time, we do also have other projects we work on that we think you will like. This and all ideas and projects are submitted and known by the top people in HX so they know what we are all doing."
>Melodone chuckles.
>Mathuna says, "if we all worked out of a central office where we sat down and discussed it face to face several times a day, then we could split it up and all tackle one system at a time."
Strindt says, "We like to think we're gods that can do it all too, but we know better. Some people have to concentrate on certain things.....that means others have to work on what they can, even if it may not be the highest priority for the game as a whole, it's the highest they can personally be involved in."
>Melodone says, "Right, I realize you all are on your own schedules and in your own areas for the most part."
>Melodone smiles.
>Limerick nods to Strindt.
>Melodone says, "Well, I guess the people who DO priortize haven't made themselves visible enough then, or seemed to have addressed the areas the other players I've talked with seem to be most concerned with."
>Melodone says, "I realize that not everyone can work on everything."
>Melodone nods to Strindt.
>Melodone says, "And I also know the problems that changing staff can bring."
>Melodone says, "But I guess I'd just like to know that there is a clear overall picture."
>Melodone grins.
>Melosyne smiles at Melodone.
>Limerick says, "Well, I am one of those who prioritize projects, and Zephyra is another. We do take player input as well as the various opinions of the GM guru's to decide what we are working on from one day to the next."
>Melodone beams at Limerick!
>Melodone exclaims, "Wow! Actualy information!"
>Melodone gazes at Limerick in admiration.
>Melosyne gets a silly grin on her face.
>Melodone chuckles.
>Waldern asks, "I'm glad you're pleased, Melodone. Anything else?"
>Waldern smiles.
>Melodone says, "Yes, a lot, but I'll save it."
>Melodone grins at Waldern.
>Waldern says, "Bless you."
>Waldern bows to Melosyne.
>Waldern says, "Er.."
>Melodone tickles Waldern.
>Waldern bows to Melodone.
>Melodone chuckles.
Having finished addressing the assembly Melodone sits back down.

>Waldern says, "Pamico asks, 'Is there any new shops that are going to be implemented in the near future'"
>Melosyne winks at Melodone.
Waldern nods to Pamico, who stands up to address the assembly.

>Pamico says, "Hi me again I am like a dog with at bone with the shop thing. I have dinar and I want to spend"
>Pamico chuckles.
>Waldern grins.
>Pamico says, "By that I mean that some of us were discussing wanting a color changing shop and the fact that we need and want more than the 8 pack of Crayola colors and also we were wanting to have a shop that we could change our apperarances, such as going from a braid to flowing or goatee to clean shaven."
>Waldern says, "Anything to drain you of your dinar, Pamico."
>Waldern grins.
>Limerick says, "Those are very good suggestions."
>Limerick smiles at Pamico.

Astraea nods to Limerick.
>Pamico asks, "and are we to see more visits by Alterers ?"
>Astraea says, "A lot of that will come with time I think, part of that is the priortizing thing that was asked about earlier."
>Astraea smiles.
>Pamico says, "Anvyssos has no custom colors"
Ianthe says, "Quite good. There are goodies in the process of being put together for the near future, and I'll give you an estimate, if the gods don't strike me down for doing so."
>Ianthe grins.
>Limerick smiles at Ianthe.
Pamico says, "I mean like last night it was really nice of Fed to do the extra people but all I want is a color change "
Pamico says, "Nothing difficult that I would thing"
>Pamico says, "Err think"
>Limerick nods.
>Ianthe says, "By October you will start seeing the beginnings of special shops and other specialty events."
>Waldern smiles at Portia.
>Pamico asks, "Ooooooo Are they mixed up with Twankys show?"
>Pamico chuckles.
>Ianthe says, "Starting with Twanky's Fashion Show. But your suggestions are good ones! and I'll not that down."
>Ianthe says, "They kick off with the Fashion Show, yes."
Pamico says, "And what about some specialize stores for the new iron and plate"
>Waldern asks, "Anything else, Pamico?"
>Waldern says, "Er."
>Pamico says, "Will those be included as well"
>Ianthe says, "Once they are up to par, we can certainly include them in upcoming shops. Just not at this time."
>Ianthe says, "Unless we hear differently."
>Waldern says, "We will definitely need them as the damage system rolls in."
>Waldern nods to Pamico.
>Pamico says, "Okay Look forward to getting my hair out of my face"
>Ianthe grins at Pamico.
>Pamico snickers.
>Pamico says, "Thanks"
>Waldern says, "Thank you, Pamico."
Having finished addressing the assembly Pamico sits back down.

>Waldern says, "Oregano asks, 'GM Strindt said he intends to implement 20 spells for each circle sometime in the future. Will all 90 spells for the three circles be implemented in 5 months, when both Priest Guru'"
Waldern nods to Oregano, who stands up to address the assembly.

>Oregano clears his throat.
>Oregano waves at Wanderstar.
>Waldern grins.
>Oregano says, "oops"
>Oregano waves his smoky crystal wand around.
>Oregano blushes a bright red color.
>Wanderstar exclaims, " its not my fualt!"
>Strindt says, "No."
>Oregano says, "actually the full question is.."
>Oregano says, "GM Strindt said he intends to implement 20 spells for each circle sometime in the future--which is 10 less per circle than we are owed already. Will all 90 spells for the three main magic circles be implemented in 5 months, when both Priest Guru's leave HX? Also, will all existing broken spells be fixed by then? Also, Wanderstar said Skin of Iron would work when the changes to the "damage" system in draughts was made. That change was made and the spell still doesn't work. When will it work?""
>Strindt says, "I said the first 20 in each."
>Wanderstar says, " uh oh sorry"
>Oregano tilts his tall pointed hat down over his eyes.
>Strindt says, "If I get more done, before then, then I will...."
>Strindt smiles.
>Mathuna says, "Skin of iron does work now, but its, hmm, not that obviously effective."
>Mathuna says, "its effect it subtle"
>Strindt says, "But I don't even know when I'm leaving."
>Strindt says, "HJ is still so early in development that a GM level operative such as myself can't do much yet."
>Strindt winks.
>Oregano asks, "So, you the plan is that only 20 spells will be ready per magic circle (the big 3) sometime within 5 months?"
>Mathuna says, "basically the current skin of Iron reduces your humanoid opponants maximum damage a bit."
Strindt says, "My plan is to do at least 20 in each list before I leave, whenever that is."
>Strindt says, "And as I keep saying, there will be no broken spells when I'm done."
>Mathuna points at Strindt.
>Dementius just left.
Oregano asks, "I see, Mathuna, I'm a level 29 priest using a spell that is 24 levels weaker than me with a huge amount of magic alteration skill and its effect is minimal?"
>Mathuna nods to Oregano.
Oregano says, "OK... with regard to the spells"
Strindt says, "Skin of Iron is totallybeing rewritten to use entirely different mechanics."
>Oregano asks, "oh, so skin of iron isn't set in stone yet?"
>Strindt says, "So it's a moot point once the changes to all the spells go in."
>Oregano nods to Strindt.
>Mathuna says, "the current version does actually work now. Its just not that effective."
>Mathuna says, "the new verson strindt is building looks interesting."
>Mathuna chuckles.
>Strindt says, "Please quit hounding the "broken" spells issue. That is why we are doing the rewrite of literally thousands of lines of code to do this."
>Oregano asks, "Why can't all 30 spells per circle be added? this is the system we were promised when we started as priests. We get one spell per level.. some of us know "unimplemented spells", some of us have empty spell slots, With 2 gurus working on spells, how come a year has gone by and these spell still are not in?"
Strindt says, "Because we both have other projects as well, Just as Waldern works on various different things."
Waldern smiles.
>Strindt says, "For instance I completely revamped the system GMs use, in all the games, not just this one, to lock out players who have been problems and make sure they stay locked out."
>Strindt winks.
>Oregano says, "I believe new spells is the most important issue for me with HX. I hope you could devote more resources to that project. It should be a priority for all GMs"
>Strindt says, "But of course, you're all good players and don't see those kinds of things."
>Wanderstar says, " all gms dont work on spells"
>Waldern exclaims, "Pick me, pick me!"
>Waldern raises his hand.
>Oregano says, "I think Simutronics could devote more resources for all of you and I hope they do... you are stretched to thin.. it results in ill will between the players and their GMs, I hope you get the help you need."
>Limerick says, "We are accepting applications. :)"
>Limerick whistles tunelessly to herself.
>Oregano says, "Whatever wonderful things you have done for Simu, Strindt.. the new spells still are not implemented! I am 15 levels higher than the highest level spell I know"
>Astraea smiles at Limerick.
>Oregano says, "OK, I'll write those spells then"
>Oregano smiles at Limerick.
>Astraea laughs!
>Waldern says, "Okay, need to keep moving, Oregano."
>Waldern asks, "Anything else?"
>Oregano says, "No thank you... please implement new spells .. all of them"
>Waldern smiles.
>Waldern says, "Thanks, Oregano."

Having finished addressing the assembly Oregano sits back down.

>Waldern says, "Gimli asks, 'Astraea? What exactly is being done at the moment with stealing?'"
>Waldern glances at Astraea.
>Astraea says, "Ok I tweaked it hard for various reasons I will be looking at it in the next week or so to try to make it work again until I actually work on a few Priorities... and can implement a stealing system thats more fun. So other than tweaking it not much... but as long as I got the floor as a rogue guru..."
>A spike of adrenaline runs through your veins as a touch of paranoia gives you the desire to look over your shoulder.
>A spike of adrenaline runs through your veins as a touch of paranoia gives you the desire to look over your shoulder.
>Portia shivers.
>Astraea says, "I would like to thank Nimbus and Mathuna... Take a bow... for writing up some mmmm well special places for rogues that will be added to the game this week... At somepoint in the near future.. we rogues will have a sit down there for a bit of brainstorming where I will listen to rogue particular suggestions."
>Mathuna bows.
>Astraea says, "Thats it for me and the question."
Waldern says, "Okay."
Waldern nods to Gimli, who stands up to address the assembly.

>Waldern says, "There ya go."
>Gimli beams at Waldern!
>Waldern chuckles.
>Gimli exclaims, "Thanks!"
>Gimli clears his throat.
>Waldern says, "Let us have it."
>Gimli asks, "If stealing from NPC's is taken as a genuine idea, would you consider stealing items from shopkeepers instead of petty dinars?"
>Gimli grins at Astraea.
>Astraea says, "Possibly."
>Gimli says, "If so, I'd be ALL for switching from critters to NPCs."
>Gimli nods to Astraea.
>Gimli asks, "Are ya quite busy with a long list of things?"
>Gimli ducks his head.
>Astraea says, "I have no hard and fast plans but its not something I rulled out. IF/When I put in a stealing system I think is fun Im probably going to eliminate the critter stealing. Its kinda har hard to pick the pocket of a guy whos ready to kill you."
Gimli asks, "If you are so busy, why not grab another incredible GM of talent to closely match yours? Like Portia?"
>Astraea says, "I will do it. Its a matter of when and priorites."
>Gimli whistles tunelessly to himself.
>Portia gasps!
>Limerick grins at Portia.
>Gimli says, "Anyways, moving on.."
>Waldern exclaims, "Because she's mine!"
>Waldern grins.
>Gimli snaps his fingers.
>Portia beams at Waldern!
>Astraea says, "Actually Im using some of our new talents to do various things. Which is why I thanked Nimbus and Mathuna for there help in bringing dark pathways to athens."
>Gimli says, "That's not fair.."
>Astraea says, "and I have more help on tap."
>Gimli pouts at Waldern.
>Gimli says, "Ahh.."
>Gimli nods to Astraea.
>Gimli exclaims, "Lovely!"
>Gimli cackles!
>Waldern exclaims, "Yeah, that's not fair!"
>Waldern points at Astraea.
>Portia chuckles.
>Gimli says, "No no.."
>Gimli says, "Yer messing with me words ya silly GM."
>Gimli smirks at Waldern.
>Waldern chuckles.
>Gimli asks, "I'd like to second the work needed on iron weapons, it's not very good at all. And why should I buy a 10k iron breastplate that will boost my defense about 10? Or steel ringmail that will cost 33k and give even less?"
>Gimli says, "Erm, ten FROM what I 'ave."
>Gimli says, "Which is this."
>Gimli taps a bronze breastplate.
>Waldern says, "I'm working on it, Gimli."
>Waldern nods.
>Gimli nods.
>Gimli says, "Ok."
>Waldern says, "Yep, needs some tweaking."
>Portia says, "we were talking about that very thing, Gimli."
>Mathuna says, "I would say wait and see what waldern's combat system is like."
>Gimli beams at Portia!
>Mathuna says, "then judge if its good or bad."
>Gimli exclaims, "Will do!"
>Portia nods to Mathuna.
>Melosyne smiles at Gimli.
>Gimli says, "Can the genning in legions be tweaked, at about 6 times this early morning I had to wait up to five minutes for a legion to appear in the area. "
>Mathuna says, "the iron changes are for the new system, not for the current system."
>Gimli says, "That was in a 'our period."
>Gimli says, "Ahh.."
>Gimli grins at Mathuna.
>Astraea says, "We'll look at that."
>Gimli says, "That clears up ALOT Mathuna, thank you."
>Mathuna says, "but he can't do the new system, until he equipment used is right."
>Gimli says, "At least fer me."
>Gimli nods.
>Mathuna nods to Waldern.
>Waldern says, "Thank you, GImli."
>Waldern says, "That concludes all the questions, I think."
>Gimli blinks.
>Gimli says, "Erm.."
>Waldern says, "Er."
>Gimli says, "Ok, I guess."
>Gimli sighs.
>Waldern asks, "Ya weren't done?"
>Gimli shakes his head.
>Waldern says, "Go ahead."
>Gimli says, "Ad about three more.."
>Waldern chuckles.
>Gimli says, "Thanks."
>Gimli asks, "The combat changes along with the re-allocation. Will this include new races, new gods? Will the gods choose to favor and disfavor other skills?"
Waldern says, "I have chosen to work within our current skill/god/race system on the combat system. But new races are always possible."
>Waldern asks, "Do you have anything in mind?"
>Gimli says, "Welp, there are nymphs, and those 'umans with the bottom 'alf of a goat."
>Gimli says, "A god who would make a good martial artist."
>Gimli exclaims, "Erm Satyrs!"
>Waldern says, "Ah."
>Gimli nods.
>Waldern shrugs.
Gimli says, "I'd like to see 'Era or 'Ades.. Ares.."
>Gimli shrugs.
>Waldern says, "I think that that's something that can be considered for sure."
>Gimli says, "More diversity."
>Gimli says, "A race that favors more towards acrobatics."
>Waldern nods to Gimli.
>Gimli says, "Ok."
>Yrene just left.
>Gimli asks, "About the new metals. Will they introduced in a auction, or in a new shop? And will they be outragouesly priced?"
>Portia says, "speaking as a cute centaur, a handsome satyr or three would be nice."
>Astraea says, "Its not set in stone I don't think. There are no current plans to change things however, reallocation is our chance to change things so anything is still possible."
>Portia coughs.
>Gimli gets a silly grin on his face.
>Gimli says, "I'm not talking iron and steel."
>Gimli whistles tunelessly to himself.
>Gimli ducks his head.
>Waldern says, "They will be introduced. Most likely in a shop, I would think."
>Gimli says, "Okies."
>Mathuna says, "and yes the price will be high."
>Waldern nods to Mathuna.
>Gimli says, "It's great for us to know who does what round here, just so that we know you to talk to or who to bug when something goes amiss. Just wanted to say that. "
>Gimli says, "And.."
>Waldern smiles at Gimli.
>Gimli says, "This gathering 'as been a great thing for players as far as I know. It 'as reafirmed my belief that the GM's are truly intrested in the players, which boost LOTS of morale."
>Gimli nods.
>Gimli says, "Oh.."
>Ianthe says, "Once again the systems will need to be up and the metals working without bugs to introduce them. This way you can buy them an enjoy them instead of being frustrated that you can't do anything with them."
>Gimli asks, "Someone wanted me to ask about the GB command?"
>Waldern asks, "GB?"
>Gimli says, "/X command bug."
>Mathuna blinks.
>Gimli says, "Before it concluded."
>Gimli points at Gorget.
>Strindt says, "Type GB. That's the info we have."
>Strindt winks.
>Gimli grins at Strindt.
>Holyph chuckles.
>Mathuna says, "ah, interesting"
>Waldern grins.
Portia says, "I think it means going bonkers."
>Limerick chuckles.
>Ianthe chuckles at Portia.
>Gimli nods to Gorget.
>Portia grins.
>Gimli grins at Portia.
>Waldern says, "I guess I let the cat out of the bag that I didn't even know about that one."
>Waldern blushes a bright red color.
>Gimli exclaims, "That's all folks. Thanks guys! Oh! Get that dyer in soon!"
>Gimli nods.
>Limerick smiles at Gimli.
>Waldern smiles.
>Mathuna chuckles.
>Gimli leans on Waldern.
>Portia chuckles at Gimli.
>Waldern says, "Okay, now I think we're really done."
>Gimli nods to Waldern.
>Waldern says, "Thank you, one and all."
>Gimli nods to Gorget.
Having finished addressing the assembly Gimli sits back down.

>Limerick says, "I'd like to thank all of you for bringing your questions and suggestions to us this evening. And a big thank you as well to all of the GM's for being here to field those questions."
Obvious exits: out.
>Ianthe says, "Welcome"
>Ianthe grins.
>Limerick exclaims, "Until next time!"
>Waldern exclaims, "Okay, you may all be noisy again!"
** Waldern opens the floor back up for general discussion. **