Hercules & Xena: Alliance of Heroes Newsletter: Edition 10
January 4, 2000

January is here and so is the year 2000! Hercules and Xena: Alliance of Heroes plans to add excitement that will last you until the next millenium! You can unsubscribe from this free monthly newsletter at any time by following the instructions at the bottom of this email.

Table of Contents

1. Upcoming Events: Open Forum, Winter Festival, New Adventurer's Fair
2. Athenian News: Improved Verb, New Piercing Tools, Befriending Merchants, Mysterious Wands
3. Premium News: Premium Meeting, New Merchants
4. Contact Us

1. Upcoming Events:

The GameMasters of Athens are hosting an open forum on January 4, beginning at 9PM EST in the Council House Assembly Room in the Northwest Quadrant of Athens. Any and all questions are welcome!

On January 29 - January 30, the Mentors will be hosting a weekend-long festival at the fairgrounds for everyone to enjoy! Test your skills in games, consult a soothsayer, or just be part of the crowd! Watch in-game NEWS for more details on what promises to be an exciting event!

Join the Promethean Mentor Society on Tuesday, February 1st, for the New Adventurer's Fair! Beginning at 8 PM EST, mentors and hosts will be on hand to answer your questions, share tips & hints, lead tours and much more! Join in informal discussions in the Profession tents, learn to hunt in the exterminator's tent, or visit the zoo.

To get there, follow the path by the Peiraic gate (type DIR PEIRAIC GATE for directions). Take advantage of this excellent opportunity to meet with fellow adventurers and explore the online world of Hercules and Xena!

If you have any difficulty finding the Fair, type ASSIST and a host will be happy to help you. We hope to see you there!

2. Athenian News:

CHIDE is new and improved! Using CHIDE CONFIRM, you never need worry about accidentally chiding a fellow adventurer when you meant to chuckle instead!

Doughnuts aren't the only things with holes in them...using their new piercing tools, Athenians are now sporting places to show off their earrings, lip rings and nose rings! Drop by "All That Glitters" in Athens for all the latest piercing supplies.

Gone are the days when simply purchasing items from a shop was enough to put you in good standing with the merchant. You now must make a deliberate effort to become friends with and a good customer of a merchant. The good news: Anyone who seeks to befriend a merchant should now find that they are less likely to be greeted as strangers next time they stop by.

One of the secrets of the Council of Al Khemi is out in Athens -- mysterious wands! Just ask your friendly neighborhood alchemist for more details!

3. Premium News:

Estate successors will hold their January meeting on Sunday, January 16th at 7PM Eastern in the audience hall of the Diamond Estate. Join Morguena to discuss the upcoming plans for the Estate!

Estate successors should keep their eyes open for a new merchant who will be stopping by some time during the month of January, bringing a new product line to town! This is in addition to return visits from Perizada and her team of alteration experts from around the world!

4. Contact Us:

If you have any questions or comments about the game, or just want to drop us a line to say "hi", please reply to hxsimu@simutronics.com. We'd love to hear from you!

Thanks again for joining us in the online world of Hercules & Xena: Alliance of Heroes. We hope this newsletter has given you some useful information that will help you along in your adventures!

See you in the game!

The Hercules & Xena: Alliance of Heroes Team
