Hercules & Xena: Alliance of Heroes Newsletter: Edition 23
May 11, 2001

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Table of Contents

1. Upcoming and Recent Events: Nikos Says, Thargelia Thank Yous, Lyre Lamentations
2. Athenian News: Weapon Bonding, Catering, Socra Stone Changes, Brawling Improvements
3. Premium News: Meeting, Raffle, Tremor's Alterations, Whose Forum?
4. Contact Us

1. Upcoming & Recent Events:

Join Mentors Angelia and Pamico on May 16th at 9pm EST for the next game of Nikos Sez! It's so much fun you won't even realize you're learning all the best verbs and what they allow you to do! Meet in the Sweet Oblivi Inn sitting room (From the Northwest quad, use DIR INN. Once inside, go EAST). Hope to see you there!

Apollo was delighted by all of the gifts his children of the light rounded up for him on his birthday this past May 5th. Never has he had such a happy Thargelia and he sends his personal thanks and would also like to share in his good fortune by telling you of the gift he gave himself this year. It's a surprise for everyone, but he did give us a hint: it's much better than bellybutton lint.

Now we would 'like' to take a moment to post one of our readers' letters.

Listen up Mortals,

It would behoove you greatly to include the following in your next newsletter, or else I will be forced to (do some very nasty things not fit to print. -ed.). You people have failed me for the last time and now that so-called King of Thieves has my lyre. Get it back... now.

Signed, The Mistress of Distress

That's right, the magical lyre is still at large! Keep your eyes peeled and your wits about you at all times and you could find yourself in the middle of this ongoing plot, teeming with intrigue and betrayal!

2. Athenian News:

Forlorn warriors fret no more! With weapon bonding on the horizon you need never be lonely again. Weapon Bonds, Inc.'s spokesperson Joxer of Olympic Street, Athens (two blocks from Akhmar the meatman) was heard to say, "Yes, even I, Joxer the Mighty, get lonely sometimes. And it's so good to have that trusty sword at your side for when certain people do their best to get rid of... hey guys, wait up!" (The rest was lost as he jangled away noisily to catch up with his companions who were in the process of furtively sneaking away). Get your weapon bonded today and turn your protection into a trusty companion!

The newest fad in Delphi, catering is sweeping the known world and everyone is catching the craze! Screams at the local symposiums for catered private parties were met with horrified stares from the local magistrates as tables were overturned and guards disarmed and huddled in corners. To quell the angry masses, they soon agreed to have these caterers available to the public as soon as possible.

Socra Stones were recently changed to allow more bang for your rub. The good folks that made this change, though, caution that you need only rub them once at a time. Multiple rubs will serve to make the effects last for a shorter time, not longer. So save those rubs for later and let your thoughts be heard by the masses for years to come!

Tired of punching a rowdy just to have him snicker at you? When you kick a pirate does he make disparaging remarks about needing sea legs? Well those days are over! Prometheus discovered the small problem Epimetheus caused when creating man, and as a result, the odds of winning a brawl are finally tipped back to our favor! Enjoy the newfound strength!

3. Premium News:

This month's Premium Estate Meeting will be on Sunday, May 13th at 7pm EST at the Diamond Estate. Join Morguena for her monthly update and preparation for next month's SimuCon! Hope to see you there!

Join Morguena for the monthly Estate raffle on Friday, May 11th at the Diamond Estate, Southern Sitting Room at 11pm EST. Win a prize if you are lucky enough! One ticket per account. You do not have to be in the room to win, but you do have to be in game.

Be sure to be on the Lawn of the Diamond Estate on Saturday, May 19th at 2pm EST to get your armor altered by Tremor!

Sharpen your routines for SimuCon on Thursday, May 24th at 9pm EST in the Diamond Estate Amphitheater. Morguena and Ianthe bring you the opportunity to practice your standup comedy on an audience of your peers in "Whose Forum is it Anyway?" What will your fellow Estate Holders do with their commands and imaginations? Join us to find out!

4. Contact Us:

If you have any questions or comments about the game, or just want to drop us a line to say "hi", please reply to hxsimu@simutronics.com. We'd love to hear from you!

Thanks again for joining us in the online world of Hercules & Xena: Alliance of Heroes. We hope this newsletter has given you some useful information that will help you along in your adventures!

See you in the game!

The Hercules & Xena: Alliance of Heroes Team

(Disclaimer: No editors were zapped by Discord during the writing of this Newsletter.)
