Hercules & Xena: Alliance of Heroes Newsletter: Edition 4
July 1, 1999

Table of Contents

1. Recent Events: Vest Quest Winners Announced
2. Upcoming Events: New Player Night, Hunting Classes, Increase Your Vocabulary, Roleplaying Seminar, Dance Contest
3. Premium News: Diamond Estate Gathering
4. News From Simutronics: SimuCon 99 Update
5. Contact Us

1. Recent Events:

The day started with Hercules and friends restoring Autolycus, King of Thieves, who'd been invisible since finding a shard of the mysterious, time-warping kronos stone.

Brave adventurers then followed Autolycus to the newly opened city of Thebes. Once inside the fabled seven gates of this wondrous city, our heroes stumbled upon a shard of the kronos stone, instantly transporting them to the modern-day offices of Renaissance Pictures. Grappling with items unknown in ancient Greece such as photocopiers, computer disks and self-locking doors was the challenge of the day.

Congratulations to Pae, winner of one free month of adventure; Garrock, proud new owner of a life-size Xena standee; and the locksmith Jherle, who merely toyed with other prizes before locating the authentic Renaissance Pictures Crew Vest!

2. Upcoming Events:

Join the Mentors and Hosts of Athens Thursday, July 1st, at the Fair of the New Heroics for our latest New Player Night. Beginning at 8 PM EST, mentors will be on hand to answer your questions and lead tours through the Athenian Zoo, a hunting expedition through the catacombs and much more!

This is a great opportunity to meet with fellow adventurers and learn valuable tips and tricks. To participate, simply login to play and mentors will meet you. If you have any difficulty joining the tour, type ASSIST and a host will be happy to help.

Join Mentors for a Novice Hunt on July 4th at 8:30PM EST. No, they're not hunting novices; they're showing novices how to use the implements of critter doom available to them! Learn all the basic skills and teamwork tactics needed to conquer the wilds of ancient Greece. For more skilled hunters, an advanced hunt will be held July 21st at 8:30PM EST.

There are hundreds of verbs to creatively express yourself in ancient Greece - how many do you know? Brush up on your communication skills and learn some outstanding new verbs by attending Nikos Says, July 14th at 7PM EST.

Want to have a snappy come-back to that snooty fellow from Corinth? Attend the next Roleplaying seminar, July 17th at 7PM EST and learn how to use your unique personality to your advantage. Earn more roleplaying rewards, have more fun interacting with fellow players, and broaden your overall roleplaying experience!

The Hunting, Verb, and Roleplaying seminars will all take place in the Sitting Room of the Sweet Oblivi Inn, in the Northwest Quadrant of Athens. To get there, type DIR NORTHWEST, follow the directions, then type DIR INN (follow the directions), and move EAST.

Get down and boogie-oogie-oogie at the Dance contest, July 24th at 7PM EST. Join the footloose fun and enjoy the sights at The Boardwalk! To get there, take Hamaxitos Road south from the Halade Gate to Odhos Sounion, then head on south to the wide granite path. Bring a partner or come solo, just don't miss out on the fun!

3. Premium News:

Join fellow Estate Successors for this month's forum at the exclusive Diamond Estate, Saturday July 10th at 7 PM EST. Bring your Premium questions and ideas, and enjoy special guest performers and merchants. We hope to see you there! For all the latest Premium news, read the in-game GAZETTE.

If you've been holding out on upgrading, now is the time to join other players who are enjoying exclusive Premium benefits! For one low monthly price, you'll get more characters, advance access to event ticket sales, private unique areas, and much more! Learn all about Premium membership at: http://www.play.net/simunet_public/hx/premium/preminfo.asp and sign up today!

4. News from Simutronics:

Time is running out to join friends, GameMasters, and Simutronics staff this September for what promises to be the best SimuCon yet! Take part in the games and contests, exhibitions and performances, fascinating seminars, and get an exclusive sneak preview of our hot new game, Hero's Journey!

Regular registration ends July 14th, so head over to the SimuCon website (http://www.simucon99.com) and sign up today to avoid late registration fees!

5. Contact Us:

If you have any questions or comments about the game, or just want to drop us a line to say "hi", please reply to hxsimu@simutronics.com. We'd love to hear from you!

Thanks again for joining us in the online world of Hercules & Xena: Alliance of Heroes. We hope this newsletter has given you some useful information that will help you along in your adventures!

See you in the game!

The Hercules & Xena: Alliance of Heroes Team
