Hercules & Xena: Alliance of Heroes Newsletter: Edition 5
July 29, 1999

Table of Contents

1. Upcoming Events: Fishing Tourney, New Player Night
2. Premium News: Diamond Estate Gathering, Model Search
3. The Grapevine: Waldern's Folly, New Hunting Ground
4. News from Simutronics: Modus Operandi Open House
5. Contact Us

1. Upcoming Events:

If you fancy yourself a professional fisherman, come show off your skill in style! Since everyone had so much fun the last time, the Mentors of Athens are bringing the Fishing Tourney back for one more try. If you missed the first one and are eager to join the revelry, this is your chance! Meet at Bertrum's Fish and Tackle Shop at 6 PM EST on Saturday, July 31st. Hope to see you there!

Join the Mentors and hosts of Athens this Sunday, August 1st, for New Player Night! Beginning at 8 PM EST, mentors and hosts will be on hand to answer your questions, share tips & hints, lead tours through the land, and much more! Take advantage of this excellent opportunity to meet with fellow adventurers and explore the online world of Hercules and Xena!

To participate, go to our web site http://hx.play.net/go/424active and log in to play. If you have any difficulty joining the tour, type ASSIST and a host will be happy to help you. We hope to see you there!

2. Premium News:

Join fellow Estate Successors for this month's forum at the exclusive Diamond Estate, Saturday August 14th at 7 PM EST. You won't want to miss this summer sizzler! Watch the GAZETTE for details.

The Widow Twanky will be searching for Models for her upcoming GodsWear Fashion show from the ranks of our Estate Successors on Sunday, August 15th at 7PM in the Diamond Estate. She will also be searching Athens for a couple of "Naturals" from among the general Athenian population - it could be you! If Twanky tells you you have "The right stuff" you're in!

The GodsWear Fashion Show will take place at the end of September. Watch NEWS for details.

If you've been holding out on upgrading, now is the time to join other players who are enjoying exclusive Premium benefits! For one low monthly price, you'll get more characters, advance access to event ticket sales, private unique areas, and much more! Learn all about Premium membership at: http://www.play.net/simunet_public/hx/premium/preminfo.asp and sign up today!

3. The Grapevine:

Ever put your dinar where your mouth is? That's how strongly we feel about our commitments to our players! So when GameMaster Waldern's self- inflicted deadline passed with a certain project not quite ready for prime time, he graciously lived down the moment with the help of his friends and took his flogging like a man.

There was some initial confusion as a plethora of our Mentors stepped forward to claim that each of them was the REAL Waldern to spare the Warrior Guru any pain, but in the end, our hero took his punishment like the good sport he is!

A long time ago, in a land not too far away...a host of soldiers were conquered, but still feel the need to seek revenge upon the living. The undead rage war upon those souls brave enough to venture to the ancient battlefields near the city of Thebes. Do you dare go where unearthly suffering seems never-ending?

4. News from Simutronics:

The tropical island paradise of Modus Operandi, with its white sandy beaches and mysterious dark alleyways, beckons you to try out your sleuthing skills! Join the Morada Island Guides and fellow players for a special New Player Night and Open House on Sunday, August 15th. Meet at the Tourist Information Center for guided tours of the island, beginning at 5 PM EST.

To participate, go to our web site http://www.modusoperandi.net and log into play. Once in the game, just type DIR JOHNSTON TOURIST INFORMATION CENTER to find your way there. Island Guides will be on hand to answer the questions of new tourists and veteran travelers alike. We hope to see you there!

5. Contact Us:

If you have any questions or comments about the game, or just want to drop us a line to say "hi", please reply to hxsimu@simutronics.com. We'd love to hear from you!

Thanks again for joining us in the online world of Hercules & Xena: Alliance of Heroes. We hope this newsletter has given you some useful information that will help you along in your adventures!

See you in the game!
The Hercules & Xena: Alliance of Heroes Team
