Hercules & Xena: Alliance of Heroes Newsletter: Edition 7
September 30, 1999

Table of Contents

1. Upcoming Events: Storyteller's Forum, Performance Contest, Mentor Alchemist Seminar, Fall Mentor Soiree
2. Recent Events: SimuCon 99
3. Premium News: GodsWear Fashion Show
4. News from Simutronics: Modus Operandi Open House
5. Contact Us

1. Upcoming Events:

Storytellers and interested parties are cordially invited to the Storyteller's Professional Forum, on Friday, October 1st at 9pm EST, held in the Sidekick Lounge at Sid's bar near Peiraic Gate. Come, discuss, question and be questioned, regarding Gabrielle's favorite profession! Send your anticipated questions or comments to hx-melosyne@worldnet.att.net prior to the meeting to be compiled and posted.

More details are available in game and on the official message boards under the Storyteller's Symposium topic in the Professional Considerations category. See you there!

-- GM Melosyne, your faithful Storyteller Guru.

Calling all performers! Calliope's children will be hosting the First ever performance contest devoted to that man of the night...that Thief of Thieves, the one the only, Autolycus the King of Thieves.

The admission deadline has been extended to October 1st, so if you want to perform, submit your entry today! Make sure to include the title of your piece in the post and send it to Skorche at Azrail@play.net. All entries must be no longer then 15 minutes long and will be judged by Autolycus himself at 9PM EST on October 2nd in the Olympian Dianthe Taverna. (Go to the Southeast quad and type DIRECTION WEAPONSMITH. From the Weaponsmith, head East once and GO TAVERNA).

It is rumored that Auolycus has gotten his hands on some lovely prizes to be shared among the winners. So come show your respect to Autolycus and win a nifty prize!

Join Mentor Becca for a discussion of Alchemy for new and not-so-new Alchemists on Saturday, October 9th, at 8PM EST in the sitting room of the Sweeet Oblivi Inn. Topics will range widely, from -Here I am, now what do I do?-, to -Staying alive in the field- and -Style and the Alchemist.- Sticky questions are welcome but please B.Y.O.H. (Bring Your Own Honey)

There are new faces arriving throughout the lands, but who are these folks? Why do they look so suspicious? And what's up with that red herring, anyhow? Be alert - not only does the world need more lerts, but the HX Mentors have got a little surprise in store for folks who attend their Fall soiree. Look for the in-game NEWS article for more details as they are available!

2. Recent Events:

Meeting new "old" friends and discussing the nuances of centaur v. giant fashion sense as well as upcoming enhancements to the various professions brought the game to life for the players and GameMasters who were able to attend. We're already looking forward to next year!

As part of the weekend-long celebration, prizes in the form of alterations were awarded to the following players. Congratulations!!

Best Costume: Sind, Alydyana and Hylia
Lucky Treasure Contest: Bonk, Randarr and Vaage

3. Premium News:

Show time is Sunday, October 3rd, at 7pm EST! Don't forget to invite all your friends to watch as the local talent strut their stuff on the runway of the GodsWear Fashion Extravaganza! Live models, fabulous fashions and the Widow Twanky, all in one city! Will Athens ever be the same again? Plan to watch the show and you'll see!

4. News from Simutronics:

The tropical island paradise of Modus Operandi, with its white sandy beaches and mysterious dark alleyways, beckons you to try out your sleuthing skills! Join the Morada Island Guides and fellow players for a special New Player Night and Open House on Sunday, October 24th. Meet at the Tourist Information Center for guided tours of the island, beginning at 7 PM EST.

To participate, go to our web site http://www.modusoperandi.net and log into play. Once in the game, just type DIR JOHNSTON TOURIST INFORMATION CENTER to find your way there. Island Guides will be on hand to answer the questions of new tourists and veteran travelers alike. We hope to see you there!

5. Contact Us:

If you have any questions or comments about the game, or just want to drop us a line to say "hi", please reply to hxsimu@simutronics.com. We'd love to hear from you!

Thanks again for joining us in the online world of Hercules & Xena: Alliance of Heroes. We hope this newsletter has given you some useful information that will help you along in your adventures!

See you in the game!

The Hercules & Xena: Alliance of Heroes Team
