Hercules & Xena: Alliance of Heroes Newsletter: Edition 8
November 5, 1999

Table of Contents

1. Upcoming Events: Mentor Roleplaying Lecture, Annual Auction
2. Recent Events: Autolycus Contest Winners
3. Premium News: Fashion Welcomed in Diamond Estate
4. The Grapevine: Change of Scene
5. News from Simutronics: Modus Operandi Open House
6. Contact Us

1. Upcoming Events:

The Mentor Society is proud to present its November Roleplaying lecture on Saturday, November 6th, at 9 PM Eastern in the Sweet Oblivi Inn sitting room. We will be delving into the controversial topic of Powerhunting vs. Roleplaying. Come learn tips from Mentor Tkeeri, or share your own experiences about combining leveling and roleplaying.

Plan to save your dinars for an event so long-awaited and jam-packed, it takes two days to unfold! The annual auction is scheduled for 3 PM EST on November 20th and 6PM EST on November 21st. The first hour or so each day will be devoted to Estate Successors, but after that all remaining items will be available to anyone with the right amount of coin to spend. Watch in game NEWS for more information!

It's not exactly a public flogging, but if you arrive early on November 20th, you'll get to see the HX Mentors get what they so richly deserve!

2. Recent Events:

Congratulations to the talented contestants who concocted wonderfully creative tales of the King of Thieves in the Autolycus Storytelling Contest! Athena, patroness of Athens, judged the contest alongside Autolycus, who assured his audience that the tales presented were "mostly" fiction.

And the winners are:

First Place - Anika, for the Guardian of Thieves
Second Place - Epoclaen, for The Shimmering Cloak
Third Place - Leanna, for a lovely poem

Thank you to everyone who participated; to Skorche, Heartsong and Calliope's Children who sponsored the contest; to Athena for graciously consenting to judge at the last minute; and to Autolycus for being so inspirational!

3. Premium News:

Fashion was well received at the Widow Twanky's GodsWear Fashion Show! The Widow gives her most sincere thanks to the fabulous models and to all guests who came for a glimpse of the season's fashions!

4. The Grapevine:

Tired of the towering temples and crowded villages of Athens? Rumor has it players may soon be unsuspectingly whisked away to exotic new places. No need to bring your own asp-irin...we've got plenty!

5. News from Simutronics:

If you've ever dreamed of being a detective, this is your chance! Try out your sleuthing skills in the white sandy beaches and mysterious dark alleyways of the tropical island paradise of Modus Operandi! Join the Morada Island Guides and fellow players for a New Player Night and Open House on Sunday, November 21st. Meet at the Tourist Information Center for guided tours of the island, beginning at 7 PM EST.

To participate, go to our web site http://www.modusoperandi.net and log into play. Once in the game, just type DIR JOHNSTON TOURIST INFORMATION CENTER to find your way there. Island Guides will be on hand to answer the questions of new tourists and veteran travelers alike. We hope to see you there!

6. Contact Us:

If you have any questions or comments about the game, or just want to drop us a line to say "hi", please reply to hxsimu@simutronics.com. We'd love to hear from you!

Thanks again for joining us in the online world of Hercules & Xena: Alliance of Heroes. We hope this newsletter has given you some useful information that will help you along in your adventures!

See you in the game!

The Hercules & Xena: Alliance of Heroes Team
