Hercules & Xena: Alliance of Heroes Newsletter: Edition 9
December 3, 1999

Table of Contents

1. Upcoming Events: Grab Bag Games, Nikos Sez, GameMaster Gathering
2. Recent Events: Toy Design Project
3. Premium News: Premium Meeting, Solstice Raffle, Now Appearing
4. Contact Us

1. Upcoming Events:

The Promethean Mentor Society is proud to present Grab Bag Games on Saturday, December 4th at 9 PM EST outside the Diamond Estate in Central Athens.

Grab Bag Games will include three games: Hide and Seek, Scavenger Hunt, and Drag Races. Come join Host Tobin to see which game she'll choose for your enjoyment.

Come join the fun and learn what you can do! The Mentors are hosting a special night of Nikos Sez in the Sweet Oblivi Inn Sitting Room on Dec 5 at 8 PM EST. Learn more about verbs and how they work by seeing them in action!

Come one, come all to a gathering of GameMasters, Tuesday January 4, 2000 at 9:00 PM EST. The GameMasters of Athens will be holding an open forum on any topic of interest to you. We will be using the question box, so have your questions ready and on a macro ahead of time for easy submission. The forum will be held at the Council House in the Northwest Quadrant of Athens.

2. Recent Events:

Due to the careless rampaging of evil Warlords, many Athenian families will be facing difficult times this coming winter. The Mentors of Athens sponsored a design project that will provide work for some of these families and Solstice Toys for needy Athenian children.

The Heroes of Athens were encouraged to help reach these goals by designing a child's toy. The designs will then be handed out to the needy families to be made into toys for the local children. A few of the designs will be selected in recognition of the work and talent of our Athenian Heroes. These 'Winners' will be rewarded with a memento to thank them for their efforts.

Entries were collected from Nov. 21st through November 28th. The contest winners will be announced December 18th. Good luck to everyone who submitted a design!

3. Premium News:

The next Premium get-together will be held in the Audience Hall of the Diamond Estate at 7PM EST on Sunday, December 12th. We hope to see you there!

During the month of December, Morguena of the Diamond Estate is having raffles for Estate members in celebration of the solstice! Tickets will go on sale within the first week of December for daily drawings to be held from December 14th - 21st! Look for more information coming soon to a Gazette near you!

Look! Over by the Akropolis! Is it a bird? Is it a chariot? No! It's Senticles the toy maker, and he's bringing some useful items for our esteemed Estate members! Watch the Gazette for details on the dates and times of his appearances! And watch out for those stray snowballs!

4. Contact Us:

If you have any questions or comments about the game, or just want to drop us a line to say "hi", please reply to hxsimu@simutronics.com. We'd love to hear from you!

Thanks again for joining us in the online world of Hercules & Xena: Alliance of Heroes. We hope this newsletter has given you some useful information that will help you along in your adventures!

See you in the game!

The Hercules & Xena: Alliance of Heroes Team
