In the English style, Pale Ale is actually a blend of two well known styles. It is golden amber in color, mild in taste but crisp, with a soft and fruity yet hoppy nose. Though full flavored, it is not an extremely bitter or sweet..
They are light to full-bodied, have medium to high hop bitterness with good support from the low to medium maltiness and are well-attenuated. Some are dry and others are sweet. They have medium to high hop flavor and aroma. The styles vary along geographic lines, with the northern type being maltier, stronger and usually has a lower hop bitterness, while the southern type is more aggressively hopped and carbonated. They are fruity and estery and they can have low to medium diacetyl. Pale ale malts are the principal grist; if crystal is used at all, it is employed with great restraint. The pale ale malts used may impart a light nuttiness to the flavor. The essential ingredient is the hearty smack of hops. Dry hopping is common, creating a fine hop aroma with malt for balance.
Characterized by intense hop bitterness with a high alcohol content. A high hopping rate and the use of water with high mineral content results in a crisp, dry beer. This golden- to deep-copper-colored ale has a full, flowery hop aroma and may have a strong hop flavor (in addition to the hop bitterness). India pale ales possess medium maltiness and body. Fruity-ester flavors and aromas are moderate to very strong. Chill haze is allowable at cold temperatures.
Records show that lager beer was first brewed by Bavarian monks (upper left) during the fifteenth century and could only be brewed in the winter months. Large-scale production of lager beer did not begin until 1840 in Munich and Vienna. Lagers, and beers in general, were relatively dark in color because of the alkaline nature of the waters in the brewing centers of the world - Dublin, London, Burton-on-Trent, and Munich - and also because it was not possible to produce a malt of both pale color and full flavor.