"A week in the life of -

Haiti Cherie"

a photo book project...

en francais

"A week in the life of - Haiti Cherie" is a project to have a photographs and essays book completed and published about Haiti. Using a select number of photographers from around the world to document the various aspects of haitian life for a specific "one week" period. One of our major goals is to capture the often-missed beauty and splendor of Haiti along with the unavoidable squalor. A wide diversity of background and experience is envisioned, as exemplified by the listing of photojournalists and advisors below. All this will produce a volume worthy of adorning your coffee table…and every public library and private collection in the world.

Corporate sponsorship along with foundations and individual financial contributions are being pursued to cover the initial costs of flying the photographers to and from Haiti from their home countries in addition to covering the costs of lodging and local transportation. Photographers will use their own equipment but film stock will be provided to all involved. Assignment editors and a host of related staff members will be assembled to successfully carry out all the phases of the project. Art and managing directors, photo editors, and production assistants along additional staff members will see the project to a successful conclusion. A publishing firm with experience in producing "large format photography" books will be retained to produce a significant first printing.


Photojournalists, Photographers, Writers, Editors...

If you are a photojournalist, professional photographer, writer or editor or know of any individual, corporation or foundation who may be interested in this project, please contact us at the email address below. Thank You.

"Haiti Cherie" as sung by Harry Belafonte (english)

"Souvni Dayiti" lyrics and melody by Othello Bayard (creole)

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Sunday, March 9, 2025
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-7739 days until the 200th anniversary of the establishment of the Republic of Haiti for which we are preparing "A Week in the Life of - Haiti Cherie"


"Background on Haiti" Click Here if you want to learn more...

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Haiti Conferences
Volunteers of Team Surfside

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