Chapter Fifty: The Funeral

It was the day of the funeral. Everyone arrived at the cemitary in two limos. When they stopped the shofer opened the door to the teen's limo and everyone started to get out. Tay grabbed Jen's hand and begin to walk out but Jennifer gently pulled him back.

"What's wrong??" asked Taylor.

She wiped the tears that were falling all through out the limo ride and said, "Please, just sit here with me for a few minutes," she whispered.

He put his arm around her and she laid her head down on his shoulder and continued to cry.

After about two minutes, Diana stuck her head in the limo.

"Jennifer, honey, it's starting," she said in a low tone.

Jennifer looked at Taylor, as if asking for encouragement. He nodded his head and with that they both came out of the limo.

"Everything's going to be ok, sweetie. Just think of all the happy times you had with her," Taylor whispered as they walked to the covered area where they held the funeral.

Jennifer nodded.

They stopped and listened as the preacher began to talk about Ms. Joyce Smith.

"Does anyone have any thing they would like to say about Joyce??" asked the preacher.

Jennifer left Taylor standing there and walked up to the podeum.

She looked at the casket and back to the family, "She was my grandmother. She provided me with everything I needed when I had to move in with her. She provided the love, and the care. I'll always remember how we used to make each other laugh. And how I loved her so much. When I moved in with her I couldn't bare it, knowing what the consequences were living with an elderly woman," she looked at Taylor. "Then after meeting some of my very close friends, who I love dearly, I began to forget all of that. They helped me forget all of that. And now..." she started cryin once more. "And now, not getting to see her face every morning when I get up, every afternoon when I get home from school, or every night before I go to sleep is gonna be the hardest thing to deal with. But I always think of it this way, 'At least she's not in anymore pain'. Thank you," with that she walked towards the casket and said one last 'goodbye'

She walked back to her spot and Taylor quickly hugged her. "Remember you always have me," he whispered.

Jennifer nodded and turned her attention back to the preacher.

"Ash to ash. Dust to dust,"

She watched as the people lowered her grandmother's casket six feet below the ground. And with that they began to throw dirt to complete the hole that was in the ground.

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This story is now finished. I would like to thank Amber for helping me out with this story! And stay tuned, cause there will be one more sequel after this!