Chapter Six

Zac looked at the clock for the fifth time in the past two minutes.

"How long is that stupid movie anyway??" Zac mumbled to his self. "Ugh, I can't stand it anymore," Zac ran down the stairs, and stopped at the foyer. He quickly put on his rollerblades and raced out of the house.

After thirty minutes of rollerblading around the neighborhood, he decided to go home. His mind was racing with thoughts of what Taylor and Brittnee could be doing that he wasn't even paying attention to where he was going.

"WATCH OUT!!!" yelled a female voice. Zac snapped out of his trance and realized he was about to run into a girl that was walking on the sidewalk. She tried to get out of the way but it was to late, Zac already ran into her. "OW!!!!!" she yelled.

Zac got up, like nothing really happened, to see what happened. "Are you ok??" He looked at her with full concern in his eyes.

Tears started to fill in the girls blue eyes, "I think I broke it," she said, referring to her arm.

Zac took his rollerblades off and helped the girl off the ground. "Come on, my house is right over there, we'll see if we can get you to a hospital,"

When he got home he saw Isaac was back, "Oh Isaac thank goodness you're home, we have to get her to a hospital,"

"Who's 'her'??" asked Isaac, turning around to face Zac and the girl he ran into.

"Uh..Uh..what's your name??"

"My name's Paige," she whispered.

"You heard her," said Zac, looking back at Isaac.

"Ok, well let's get to a hospital. And we'll call your parents when we get there,"


"That was a real good movie," said Brittnee, on the way back to Taylor's house.

"I didn't think so, it was to much of a romantic movie,"

"Yeah, but Brad Pitt was so hot in it,"

Taylor looked at her and gave her look that told her she was crazy, "I didn't notice,"

"Tay, do you like me??"

"Yeah! As a friend of course,"

"No, more than a friend,"

"Not really, I mean you're really great and everything, but Zac really likes you and he'd kill me if he knew I'd like you more than a friend,"

"Forget Zac, he's like three years younger than me,"

Taylor just looked at her, "NO!! I won't forget Zac!! He's my brother thank you very much!! Gosh what kind of person are you anyway??"

She just stood there.

"A very shallow, selfish, un-considerate.... shall I go on??" asked Taylor.

She shook her head no.

"OK!! Now I'm going home, and don't follow me either!"

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Chapter Seven