Isaac didn't answer. He just picked up his guitar, threw it up on his bed and climbed the wooden steps that led to the top bunk. His bed.
"Yo, Ike, what's eatin' ya??" asked Zac, getting up from his spot at the boy's computer desk.
Isaac still didn't answer. Just started strumming away at his guitar. He's known Nicole for eight years now. Since then they've been like brother and sister. Now since he's told her that he likes her more than a friend, and she laughs at him like he's a fool, he feels that their closeness, their bonding, their secrets they used to share, everything between them, was non-existent.
"Ike!! Yoo hoo!!" exclaimed Zac, while waving his hand in front of Isaac's face.
Isaac stopped strumming and looked up, "What??"
"What's up?? Why you so down??"
"It's nothing. Is there something you need??" he asked when he realized Zac wasn't leaving.
"Well yeah. Well you're real close with Nicole and all and I was wondering if she's said anything about Brittnee liking me,"
Isaac started strumming again, "Why don't you ask Nicole your self. I'm not speaking to her at the moment,"
"Oh man what hap.."
Before he could even finish the word Isaac held his hand over Zac's mouth and said, "I ain't telling so shut your trap now!"
"Fine, I'll just call her up and ask her my self," Zac walked towards the phone, and saw Isaac wasn't moving. "Yo man, this is the part where you come over here grab the phone from my hand and go 'no don't ask her this is what's wrong..'"
Isaac turned his head and just glared at Zac.
"Or..or..y-y-you could give me that look which means you're gonna kill me if I don't hang up this phone and mind my own business,"
Isaac smiled and nodded.
"D-Do you hear that?? I think I hear Mom calling," he lied, while opening the door slowly not wanting to make any sudden moves. "COMING MOM!!!" he started to walk slowly out the door and then once he got into the hallway he made a mad dash towards the living room.
Nicole stepped out of the shower, wrapped herself in a towel and went to her room. She dried her self off and put on her tweety boxers and a white tee. She stepped in front of her mirror and started brushing out the wet tangles. She stopped when she saw a picture of her and Isaac at the park when she was 6 and he was 9. She set down her brush, and picked up the picture that was on her dresser.
"I like you more than a friend," the faint sounds of Isaac's words kept ringing in her ears.
She looked at her clock, "10:30," she whispered.
She looked around and grabbed her sandles. She ran out into the hall stopping for a brief second to slip on her sandles. She ran out the front door, and grabbed her bike which was laying up against the garage door.
After about 5 minutes, she finally reached her destination. She looked at the two story house and saw all but one of the rooms were dark. She went to the side of the house where the room with the light on was located. She picked up a couple of pebbles and started to throw them up so it would hit the window. After a couple of tries the window opened and Zac's head popped out.
"Nicole, what are you doing here??" after he said this, Taylor's head popped out.
"Hey Nicole,"
"Hey guys can you tell Ike to come down??"
They went in to tell him but all Nicole heard was "No!"
"Sorry Nicole, he wont come out,"
Before she could answer the front door opened. She looked over at the door and saw it was Taylor.
"Come on in,"