I'm so stupid, I'm so stupid, I'M SO STUPID!!! thought Nicole.
"Nicole??" Isaac asked again, when he didn't get an answer.
Why on earth did I do that to him??
Isaac looked at Nicole and saw tears falling from her eyes. "Nicole, what's the matter? Please tell me," he pleaded.
Nicole never even turned to face him. She just kept her eyes focused on the surroundings that the moving vehicle had passed on there way back to Nicole's home. Everything's the matter! I don't love you Isaac. I was stupid enough to tell you I did but I don't. There's someone else.....but this someone else doesn't even know I like him! And he already has a girlfriend so I have no luck with him.
Isaac pulled over on the shoulder of the highway and made Nicole look at him. "Nicole, honey, what's wrong. Please, sweetie, you're scaring me,"
I cant tell you! I don't want to hurt you Isaac. at this thought she started crying harder.
"Nicole, I can't help you if you don't talk to me. Please, I'm begging you, tell me what's wrong,"
"I can't," she said.
Thank the Lord above she's talking!! "Yes you can Nicole, just tell me,"
She started crying even more. "I can't! No, I can't,"
"Nicole, yes you can. Now please tell me!!"
"I DON'T LOVE YOU!!! I NEVER DID!! I DON'T KNOW WHY I SAID I DID BUT I DON'T!!!!" she started crying even harder than before.
Isaac looked at her in a shocked way, "Y-You what??"
"I don't love you. I'm intrested in someone else,"
"WHO!!" his grip that he had on each of her shoulders had gotten tighter.
"One of you're brothers," she whispered.
"You little %&#$* (Author's Note: sounds like witch)!! How low can you go!! To dump me and go for one of my brothers," he took his hands off of her shoulders like she was some disgusting creature that was never meant to be touched.
"HEY!!! I might be low, but don't you ever call me a %&#$*!!" she yelled. "And who said I'm dumping you??"
He looked at her with disgust in his eyes. "So you're saying you still want to go back out with me?? I don't think so missy. I'm not going out with you for as long as I live. And just to think I actually wanted this to work,"
-May 12, 1991-
"That's what my future's gonna be like??" asked Isaac.
"Yes kid now can you pay me?? I have other costumers waiting,"
Isaac stuck his hand in his pocket and handed the fortune teller, at the carnival that was held at the local fair 'Mayfest', his requested money. "Thank you," said Isaac and stepped out of the tent. "Guess what, Nicole!" he said to his friend who was standing there next to his mom, her mom, and his brothers Taylor and Zac.
"In the future, we are boyfriend and girlfriend!!"
"EWW!!! I don't want to be your girlfriend,"
A hurt expression washed over Isaac's face. "You don't like me??"
"NO!! You're a boy I don't like boys," said Nicole stuffing popcorn in her mouth.
"Well I like you,"
"That's because you're a boy and that's the number one rule: Boys are supposed to like girls,"
"Girls are supposed to like boys too,"
"Nuh uh,"
"Look at them," Diana pointed out. "They're just soo cute. How old's Nicole again??"
Nancy laughed, "She's 8. What about Isaac??"
"He's 11. I can't believe Isaac's taking this fortune tellers predictions so seriously,"
"Oh I know," answered Nancy.
On their way to the exit, both Nancy and Diana heard the most sweetest thing come from Isaac's mouth "...it makes me want to fly to the moon and around the sun for you....."