Chapter Twenty-Six: You Don't Even Know Me

"Zac please don't look at me like that you're scaring me," said Sami.

"Why?? I thought we had a great relationship," said Zac in a calm voice.

"Gosh, Zac, it's not what you think!!" exclaimed Sami.

Zac started to imitate Sami, "Why do you wanna ask me out??"

"I was just asking a question,"

"You were flirting," Zac raised his voice.

Sami looked around at the remaining people roaming the halls, "Zac keep it down..."

"No I will not keep it down," Zac interupped, "Gosh, I mean, I never thought of the day that my girlfriend would flirt with someone else,"

"Zac, why are you making a big deal out of this situation?? Oh wow I flirted with a guy, you flirt with girls all the time and I don't say anything,"

Zac didn't say anything.

"She's right," said a voice.

Sami and Zac turned around and saw Taylor standing there.

"Right about what??" asked Zac.

"You flirt with girls all the time,"

"Taylor keep out of this. Worry about your own girlfriend," Zac snapped.

"Hey!! Don't talk to me like that ok??" said Taylor in a calm voice, not wanting to figh with his brother in the middle of the halls, "Now come on lets just go home and you can have time to cool off. OK??"

"NO!!! Sami why?? Just answer why??" Zac was near tears. He knew he was blowing it way out of proportion but he just felt there was more behind the flirting. Like he did something wrong.

"You wanna know why I started flirting with Alex??" asked Sami, "Because you don't deserve me. I don't even know why you go out with me. I'm just some girl who you happen to fall in love with. You don't even know me ok?? You're better off without me. And I've known Alex since the 3rd grade. I've only known you for 2 years. I know what I'm talking about you probably thinks it makes no since at all but please just leave me alone ok??" Sami ran out of the school crying leaving a shocked Taylor, and a crying Zac behind.

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