Ottawa, Canada October 25th. 1919. The President, ______ University, ________. Dear Sir, The Government of Canada is prepared to present to ______ University, a German Aeroplane (Fokker Biplane type) which was surrendered to the Allies in accordance with the terms of the Armistice, for one of the following purposes, 1. For Educational Purposes, the engine and machine to be used in experimental work in Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering. 2. For Exhibition Purposes,- the machine to be erected, under our direction, in a suitable building and to be preserved by the Univer- sity with all possible care. 3. For Educational and Exhibition Purposes,- parts to be used in experimental work and the remainder to be preserved as an exhibit. 4. For storage, under our direction, in a suit- able building until such time as it can be used for one of the foregoing purposes. The Government is also prepared to defray the cost of railway transportation and to provide skilled mechanics to supervise the erection or storage of the aeroplane. As the aeroplane is of considerable value and has been brought to Canada at great expense, it is necess- ary that a written guarantee be given that the University will preserve the machine with all possible care and not use it for any purpose other than that agreed upon. On receipt of advice that the University is desirous of accepting this offer, Capt. G.C.Johnson, M.C. an officer of this department will visit you to decide upon the suitability of the proposed site of erection or storage of the machine. This officer is authorized to make definite and final arrangements for the delivery of the presentation aeroplane. Acceptance of this offer and any further communication concerning it should be addressed to Capt. G.C.Johnson, 48 Windermere Ave., Toronto. Enclosed herewith is a descriptive note on the Fokker Biplane. Yours truly, Lt. Col. Director of War Tophies.