Chapter Four - Chances Are

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Kerri blushed wildly, staring up into the deep brown eyes full of concern. He had light brown hair, cut short. His light eyebrows sqinted, and he asked he wide-eyed girl below him, "Are you O.K.?"

"Umm yeah . . . sorry. I wasn't paying attention." Kerri blinked shaking her head. She stood up, straightened her shirt, and flashed a wide, toothy smile, the type that would say ‘I'm crazy, don't mind me'. "Well, uh . . ." Kerri thought to herself Talk to him. What's the worst that can happen? He'll never see you again anyway. "Can I sit here with you for a while? I don't want to go back with my family yet. They're crazier than me," she splurted out, beginning to babble. Kerri was naturally shy, and she worked hard not to be. But she still always worried that she was saying the wrong thing.

"Yeah, I'll move over one," said the boy as he scooted over to the seat next to him. "Sit here. This is my sister's seat, she'll probably be back here pretty soon. Maybe we'll trip her too. Oh yeah, I'm sorry my foot was stuck out there . . ." he trailed off. "I'm Ian."

"Oh I'm Kerri. I'm sorry you had your foot out too . . ." Kerri laughed weakly, hoping she wasn't stupid.

"Yeah me too. If you were happy you tripped, you might be a psychopath or something," Ian raised his eyebrows several times, also hoping to God this girl wouldn't think he was an idiot. The conversation going on was a very nervous one, and no one was really paying attention to what was being said. They were too busy figuring out if they were being stupid or not.

Kerri wanted to burst out laughing for some reason, so she laughed a little but tried to hold it in. She guessed Ian liked her and knew she was going to have to take a chance sooner or later, before he got bored of what they were currently doing. Kerri turned her head and raised the one eyebrow facing Kegan. "I'm not psycho, but I am psychic," Kerri said as she ran her tngue over her front teeth and nodded.

"Oh?" Ian nodded as if he believed her. "Prove it!"

Kerri was giggling and her whole body was shaking, but she managed to choke out, "I can't. It would ruin everything."


"Yeah . . . all the fun we're gonna have," Kerri added.

"Well if you're not gonna tell me, I'm not talking to you anymore. You can go away now," Ian said, pretending to be hurt. He turned away, very interested in the floor all of a sudden.

Kerri smiled devilishly as she got an idea. She made a face at the back of Ian's head for a second and then slowly inched towards his ear.

"BOO!" Ian jumped when Kerri yelled into his ear. He turned and his eyes flashed brightly. "Uh-oh," Keri smiled, waiting. Kegan seized her around the waist and pulled her down, so her head was on his knees. Kerri just smiled opened mouthed at Ian, then said, "I think this is where we started."

"Hey Ian, you and your girlfirend need to move over." Kerri switched her eyes over to a girl who looked just like Ian, but with hair halfway down her back and blue-green eyes.

"Oops, sorry." Kerri stood up and let the girl in. "Well I guess I'll be leaving now."

Ian was scowling at the girl. "I'd have you stay, but my sister . . ."

"Oh, that's your sister. Wow, can you teach me to look like that?"

"He smiled as both girls broke out laughing, and laughed more when Keri tried to imitate his look.

After a while, Ian's sister got tired of laughing and said, "Isn't tis getting a little old? It's not all that funny." She was a little jealous of the attention the other two were giving each other, and ignoring her.

"Sooooo-ry, Liiiiiind-saaaaay," Ian stretched out the words.

"You are so stupid," Lindsay retorted, rolling her eyes.

"Ecuse me, Miss," an airplane attendant tapped Kerri on the shoulder. "Could you please go back to your seat now? We're about to land."

"Yeah, sorry," she said, blushing again as she stood up. "I'l give you my address or something," Kerri said, walking backwards. "Wait for me after you get off,"she finished, and turned the right way.

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