The Signing

The days went by, appearance after appearance, month after month until one day, late in the year of 1996, when Zac and I were both 11, Taylor 13, and Isaac just turned 16. I was up in my room playing sega when the doorbell rang. I went to the top of the stairs and watched my mom open the door. It was Zac. I went down the stairs and he had run over to me....

“We got a record contract!! We’re signed!” Zac jumped up on the bottom step and hugged me. My mom, still standing in the front hall got a huge hug from Zac too! “I was so happy, I had to come over and tell you!”

“OMIGOSH! Zac! AHHHH!” I screamed, jumping up and down for joy! “Congratulations! I’m so happy for you!”

“THANKS! Do you want to come with us? We’re all going to LaserQuest to celebrate!” Zac asked.

“Mom, can I?” I pleaded.

“Well, okay, you can go, just don’t be out all night....” my mom said after us, but Zac was already pulling me out the door. I hardly had time to grab my coat!

The Hanson’s van was stuffed with people by the time we got to LaserQuest. I knew everyone, all neighborhood friends. They had a party afterwards at their house, I don’t think I’ve ever had so much candy! It was such a happy day, I hadn’t yet realized that the Hanson’s were going to have to leave Tulsa to record the album.

Ike told us all about how they would be recording in LA for a few months and they would be living there in that time! I couldn’t believe it. Zac and I hadn’t been separated for longer than 3 days in the 3 years I’ve known him! I mean, three years, that’s nearly a quarter of my life...pretty long. I can hardly remember when there was a time that Zac and I weren’t friends.... A frown came across my face.

“Zac?” I patted him on the shoulder. My sugar high was coming down.

“What’s up Sam?” He asked.

“You promise you’ll call me?”

A serious look came across Zac’s face until the old silly one came back and he said, “Course I’ll call you silly Sam!”

I smiled and gave Zac a hug.

Where To Go

Chapters Index:
Chapter 5:
Stories Index: