The Eclipse of 1999

On this glorious day, people of all kinds and stuff went to the Youth and Children Science Center to witness the once-in-a-lifetime event. Unfortunately, some freaks of nature (I said SOME!) decided to take pictures of themselves under the eclipse, thinking that the shade will make them look more handsome than under the shining sun. So I dare you to take a look at these unspeakable pictures...


The first batch of Eclipse Mutants (from left to right): Fardan Mansour, ME, Ali Al-Mahdi, Ali Nazeer, Mohsen Shukr-Allah, Habeeb (Note: I think that Ali Al-Mahdi is getting squashed by Ali Nazeer and I!!:-P)

Just look at that face!! Who would want a guy who looks like
Frankenstein with a bad hair-do as a friend?? Sheesh...:-)

A memorable picture of Yousif Al-Mas and I,
standing just outside the Main Hall. He's one
of my best friends in this World and the Next...
(Hopefully he makes it out of Hell though...:-P)

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