![]() ![]() HIP is now 100% free online in a larger version. This is the most complete encyclopedia of ornamental tropical plant, interior landscape plant, and house plants ever written, including old cultivars, new ones from 2015-2020, and everything inbetween. Click the logo or here to access. ![]() |
Cultivar Registers: 2020 Woody - 2018-19 Woody H-M - 2018-19 Woody A-I - Coleus - Hardy Herbaceous Perennials Cultivar Registration: About OROC - Email us your new cultivar data - Woody Plant Long Form II Resources: cultivar registration - encyclopedias - cultivar conservation - plant identification - Virtual Arboretum - nursery catalog links - Cultivar-TV Nursery catalogs: Cultivar250 top catalogs - Gilbert Digital Catalog Archive.org (44,000+) - Internet Nursery Catalog Archive (INCA) Order encyclopedia: Hatch's Cultivars of Woody Plants - Hatch's Perennials - Hatch's Interior Plants New Free ebook: Taxonomy Of Ornamental Plants by Larry Hatch: 172-page PDF guide to nomenclature, identification, and classification of landscape and floricultural plants. Contact: ornamentals@lycos.com, be sure to include a very specific topic in the subject line |
![]() ![]() New cultivars of non-hardy or interior landscape type (house plants, tropicals, conservatory vines, less hardy bulbs, aroids, non-hardy ferns, bromeliads, cacti, succulents, palms, selected bedding annuals, Begonia, Coleus, and more) are being registered through the new online Hatch's Interior Plants (HIP) enyclopedia now offered as an ad-supported and Patreon-funded content free to the general public. New cultivars and new cultivar groups are being posted in the files with the existing material for a tight, integrated, and uniform presentation under each species. ![]() ![]() To register a new woody plant cultivar please complete this form. Click here or the logo above. Copy the text portion to an open email compose screen, fill out, and send. ![]() Click cover above for the latest 231 new cultivars of trees, shrubs, vines, and conifers from around the world. ![]() New for December 2019 is the International Registerof Coleus Cultivars, now free in the public interest from the International Coleus Society (ICS). This reference has over 1600 cultivars described and with illustrations and high-res images when possible. These cultivars were introduced from 1858 to 2020. The ICS has been concerned that some names are being applied in commerce and among collectors for 2-4 different clonal and seed strain entities, causing more confusion. Some trademark names are also the same epithet(s) as existing, established cultivar names, adding even more chaos. Besides trying to sort out the various origins of clones and names, the ICS wants this document to discourage future homonyms in the trade. In other words, "that name is taken...let me pick a better one". If you wish to support this project please join the ICS or subscribe to any of the Cultivar.org Encyclopedia. The ICS has more than 10 advanced, members only projects you can join including visual analytics, cultivar ID, landscape practice, phyllometric taxonomy, cultivar history studies, breeding and genetics, germplasm conservation, Coleus Art, and Cultivar Groups. Click the icon above or here to load the IRCC menu. Effective 1 January 2020 OROC cultivar registrations will be published once per year as in the categories of woody plants, hardy herbaceous perennials, and interior and tropical plants with all genera in one volume. As always these will be in PDF format and 100% free to download and share under OROC Data Sharing rules. The next free volume is slated for Spring 2020. For more frequent updates, our Cultivar Encyclopedia subscribers (who fund 90% of OROC) can receive frequent updates, as often as once a week, at no additional charge through a link on their menu pages. This new program is called OROC+NOW and is similar to the "working registers" seen in the past, showing additions as they come to us with only the least bit of delay for verification. This is our way of rewarding our absolutely necessary and loyal sponsors and also motivating new plant developers to share data with a rich marketing base to a virtual "Who's Who" in ornamental horticulture and many thousands of revoted collectors, growers, and curators with real buying power. It's new...we want it NOW! ![]() International Register of Ornamental Plant Cultivars: Woody Plants: Genera H to M (Winter 2018-2019) NEW 2.12.2019 Click the link above for 62 pages of new cultivars in the genera Halesia to Myrtus. The first two woody registers (out of three planned) now cover 114 pages of detailed information and high quality images. This volume also includes our "New Long Form II" for improved data collection on recently introduced trees, shrubs, vines, and conifers. This volume is also available from Amazon Kindle. ![]() International Register of Ornamental Plant Cultivars: Woody Plants: Genera A to G (Fall 2018) NEW 10.8.2018 52 pages of new cultivars from Abelia to Gymnocladus. Use OROC Book 8.1 linked below for other genera. Genera H to N will be updated for Winter 2018. Click link above or image below to download. This volume is also available fro Google Play Books. ![]() International Register of Ornamental Plant Cultivars: Hardy Herbaceous Plants (OROC Book 4.2) NEW 6.9.2018 Click link above for 77 pages of the newest perennials you may want to grow or know about. ![]() Learn more about our free cultivar registration service: OROC Presentations: PDF - PPTX (Powerpoint) OROC Main Page: oroc.html
![]() The following items are paid content and by subscription only: A MAJOR MILESTONE: As of February 1, 2019 the CULTIVARS OF WOODY PLANTS 2018-2020 Edition now contains 6145 PDF pages of detailed content. 95% of CWP volumes have been revised and updated in the last year and they contain much original research not available elsewhere in print or the web. Find out why CWP remains the "go to" woody plant reference for top plant experts, curators, breeders, collectors, professors, garden writers, garden executives, growers, and designers. We guarantee... there is nothing like it. Get what you're missing... ![]() Some of our recently revised cultivar counts include: Acer buergerianum=37 Acer platanoides=107 Acer rubrum/x freemanni=88 Acer saccharum=71 Betula=185 Cercis=92 (all taxa=113) Chamaecyparis nootkatensis=45 Chamaecyparis obtusa=351 Chamaecyparis pisifera=239 Cornus=613 Hydrangea paniculata=56 Juniperus chinensis=146 (excl. J. x media) Juniperus horizontalis=156 Juniperus x media=91 Platanus=46 Platycladus=231 Podocarpus=97 Taxodium=75 Get your full CWP subscription New cultivar counts due to revisions and updates: Hatch's Perennials 2018-2020: new totals: 58 Iberis, 39 Juncus, 185 Opuntia, 65 Origanum, and 108 Nepeta cultivars. Hatch's Perennials 2017-2018: now 68 Baptisia, 81 Bergenia, 21 Brunnera,362 Campanula, 56 Dicentra, 35 Disporum, 193 Geum, 121 Mentha, 192 Miscanthus, 162 Monarda, 297 Sedum,146 Veronica, and 97 Yucca cultivars.
![]() ![]()
Genus Central is offline and has been replacd by the OROC Registers in tandem with
the Cultivar Encyclopedia ![]() ![]() click logo above or here new cultivars based on
particular traits
GPIK: Garden Plant ID Keys
featuring identication keys you can put on your phone or tablet for in field keying. The very best keys with the most taxa, newest nomenclature
are almost all digital now
![]() Hundreds of biographical sketches on leading developers of the modern landscape ornamental plants in general, covering botanists who found them, nurserymen who refined and distirbuted them, taxonomists who defined them, plant breeders who improved them, designers and architects who made them art, authors, educators, popular "gurus", noted collectors and other special folk who made our gardens so much better. High-res images of their works are included. Available at Google Play Books for US$7.20-$9.00 ![]() Click
underlined title name to view Save
copies for your digital library
of distinguished botanical and horticultural monographs and studies Bean's Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles The British master himself and one of the most influential woody plant guides in history. It took me 10 years and about $150.00 to find all the volumes on this shore. Now it's free. Hibberd's New and Beauitful Leaved Plants One of the mostly lovely plant books ever printed. Stunning images and expert commentary. Hibberd adored variegation. Wilson's A Monograph of Azaleas From the collector of many taxa himself, this is splendid reading for even the most experienced lover of the genus Carriere's Trait General des Coniferes One of the classic, core conifer books of the last two centuries. It's amazing how many modern popular conifers this man named. Ever see Carr. after a name? That's him. Sudworth's Nomenclatural of the Arborescent Flora of the United States I regard Sudworth as perhaps America's first great woody plant taxonomist. This is a stunning catalog not just of species, their synonyms, common names, but also numerous cultivated varieties Bailey's The Nursery Book This was one of the most widely distributed nursery guides in the US and from the great one himself. I've always liked calling propagation by his terms of seedage, cuttage, and graftage. It seems so proper and academic.Bailey invented the word "cultivar" and conspired to be a "horto-botanical" writer, meaning that both horticulture and botany were blended into the whole. By the way he did all this while Dean of the College of Agriculture at the Ivy League Cornell University. ![]() ![]() CULTIVAR 250: Best nursery websites for general ornamentals cultivar info. ![]() Pauli is a free spreadsheet and database to 2000 of the finest Saintpauliaor African-violet cultivars ever released and it offers full search functions by flower color, color patterns, petal count, leaf shape, leaf color, breeder, and more. You can add to it and even make it the basis of your catalog or collection inventory. Visit here. ![]() A superb reference source for everything about garden plant taxonomy, especially nomenclature. This is an external site but one we very highly recommend. Hortax.org.uk ![]() The Internet Nursery Catalog Archive (INCA) is a massive archive of digitized or saved nursery catalogs from 2000 to present. It is kept by Cultivar.org for research purposes and because nearly all the material is subject to copyright, it can be shared online. Portions of it are available on request to researchers with a direct need to material that be offline and especially from closed nurseries and gardens. More than 41% of INCA content is no longer online, making these resources extremely valuable to cultivar, garden, and nursery history researchers. Remembers all those nurseries than went out of business some years back? If they did ornamental cultivar work, we probably have a catalog or ten or portions of new cultivar features. Since 2005, we decided it made INCA a more versatile, "all purpose" archive for digital research materials and it now includes PDF academic articles, JPG images of new plants, screen captures of important websites, plant identification keys, digitals floras, plant collection lists, garden maps, cultivar registers, plant databases, cultivar release notices, old nursery catalog PDF, horticultural monographs, videos of ornamentals related presentations, scanned articles, and much more. A simple search by genus or species usually produces scores if not a hundred documents which may or may not still be on the web; and now many never were there. INCA is a major part of our research for cultivar documentation, especially when revising a genus for the Cultivar Encyclopedia. Researchers often send us material to archive for them as we distribute INCA informally to several reliable libraries and partners for safe keeping. If you have a very specific research project, write us: ornamentals (at ) lycos.com and we will list what resources we have. Graduate students, professors, and independent researchers are welcome to contact us. Typically we send a thumbdrive full of files but smaller requests are send by regular email channels. ![]() 30+
![]() ![]() Variety Conservation Group (VarCon) Devoted to propagating, distributing, perserving documening, and conserving rare and endangered garden varieties of plants. |
![]() Hatch's Cultivars of Woody Plants 2018-2020 Edition Page Counts (PDF 8 x 10 in): 6142 Interface: HTML viewable on any internet-connected device Megabytes: 1400 (14GB) Taxa Range: all temperate woody plants including trees, shrubs, conifers, vines, hardy palms, and subshrubs. MIssion Statement: To be and remain the largest and most complete catalog of garden trees, shrubs, vines, and conifers ever published in any medium Subscription Duration: You will receive access to all updates through December 31, 2020 NEW 2.12.2019 $49.00 - $89.00 per user from Cultivar.org and a menu you can put on your phone, tablet, laptop, or any other internet-enabled device. Click Buy Now from our Paypal checkout site after selecting the Number of Users from the pulldown menu. |
![]() Hatch's Perennials 2018-2020 Edition You receive all updates through December 31, 2020 This is the latest version as of August 20, 2018 Here's what you get:
You will receive a download website page address/URL and password by email, usually within 48 hours of your order, to access your new resource. THIS IS NOT A PRINTED BOOK and we do not mail any content. This is a 100% digital service.
Copyright 2019, 2020. Laurence C. Hatch. All Rights Reserved. |