Know and Avoid the "Unpardonable Sins" of Customer Service.

Customers are apt to forgive most anything over time - but a few things they will rarely forget:

And those things a customer does not forget, they are more likely to make us pay for, either in reduced business, harmful gossip, or excessive demands when the next contract or order is presented.

We can probably boil down the unpardonables to Six Customer Service Control Points:

  1. Make the customer happy, proud, with healthy ego, replete with high self esteem, enthusiastic, fulfilled.
  2. Make the customer look smart, informed, and competent.
  3. Make the customer good money or loaded with value.
  4. Make the customer highly informed, all knowing, and when possible an expert.
  5. Make the customer feel in control, aided by familiar, friendly partners, quality assurances, and reliable guarantees.
  6. Make the customer comfortable, relaxed, and with as little stress as the transaction can require.

Copyright 2013. Laurence C. Hatch. All Rights Reserved.

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