
--->here's some news!!!<---
HA!! the time which everyone never thought would come (and hoped it wouldn't) has come!!! What sort of porpostierity could this possibly be?? We are recording our full length in a week or so. The responce to our two song demo was motivation enough to get back into the studio for some more lovin'. We are doin' it all DIY (where are we gonna get the money?....prostitution of course) Well if you wanna get a copy, Its on CD and will be 6 bux. C'mon you cheap suckers can afford that!!! Write us for your own copy.....check out the CONTAX page. or E-mail me at GET IT WHILE SUPPLIES LASTS!!!!
on a side note, im fucking sick of people signing bullshit on our guestbook and message board. if you're gonna sign shit, at least put a return email address or web site thing or something, because you seem to me to be a bunch of cowardly pussies just talking shit for the purpose of talkin shit. constructive criticism is helpful, but fucking shit man, im very sick of all you assholes putting garbage on our shit just cuz you don't like us. i Know some people don't appreciate what we are, but continuing without at least signing a name is total shit.

Where to now?

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