Torah Learning

Join the Torah forum on the internet. It is a chat based forum to help people learn Torah around the world. You could learn one on one for the best kind of learning or join a session. It is all up to you. If you could just give an hour a week out of your schedule than it will be all worth it.

Just write your name, time zone, and the time you are free in the form below and you should get a partner to learn within days. To help me out, name some of your topics of intrest that you want to learn and your religious standing.

There is also an apportunity to be a Rebbi or a Rabbi meaning to teach a student or a whole class if you would like. It is an opportunity to do a big Mitzvah. It is also a big responsibility so please before signing up think very carefully if you are able to donate an hour a week. Ofcourse there will be couple of weeks where you won't be able to make it but otherwise you should be able to teach most of the classes.

Now there is also an opportunity to be a Rov. The job of a Rov is to be able to help people with Hallahos and other problems. He needs to have at least one year of experience as a Rov of an Orthodox Shul.

If you want to sign up please enter all relevant information below and then click the 'Sign In' button

If you cannot see the form below or want to sign up by e-mail click here

If you don't know what each title means, press here

Pick the title to learn Torah on the internet
Your Name::::::::::::::::::::::::
Your E-mail address::::::::::::
Time Zone::::::::::::::::::::::::  not needed if you put your state and country
Free Time:::::::::::::::::::::::::

Which way would you like (or be able) to learn on the internet: by Chat Sound Video
                                                                                             (Check all that apply)


Jewish other-- 
Years in a Hebrew School:::::
Topics of intrest::::::::::::


Age:::: City:::::: State::::::::
Postal Code::::::::::::::::::: Country::::::::::

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