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In her book, *The Cure For All Diseases, the late author Hulda R. Clark, Ph.D., N.D., theorizes that, although the suggested origin of the disease (Autism) is heredity, unfortunately parasites, pollutants, bacteria and viruses can pass through the placenta. For example, she has observed lead accumulation in all of her cases, which makes her question whether the child acquired the lead before birth. Mercury, too, can be transmitted from mother to child, and cautions pregnant women not to have any lead teeth-fillings removed during pregnancy, since the removal itself can cause a surge of heavy metal to enter the body. Clark recommends 100 mg. of thioctic acid daily, (also named "alpha lipoic acid") to remove the lead from the body. Also, she says that mercury has been found in some brands of cotton swabs and cotton balls, so avoid those brands.

Dr. Clark states that, since she has not treated (as a Naturopathic doctor) enough cases to point to particular parasites or pollutants, she recommends a parasite cleanse, in addition to a total cleanup of body, environment, dental, and diet (especially solvents and molds), as detailed in her book, "The Cure for All Diseases," for the child and all family members. She discusses how easy it is for common tiny worms such as Ascaris, hookworm, Strongyloides and Trichinellas to enter the brain, via shoes. She warns against letting children put their own shoes on until they know not to touch the soles. Also, don't let your child crawl on the floors of public buildings, no matter how shiny, and don't set shoes on furniture or tables, so as not to transfer germs or parasites to where the child might touch. Also, she reminds caregivers to make sure children wash their hands before eating, as well as after eating. Even with these precautions in place, it is easy to be reinfected, due to a child's tendency to put their hands in their mouth. Therefore, the wormlets must be killed repeatedly. Hulda Clark says, "When pollutants and parasites are gone consistently for several weeks, the pathway to the brain heals, reinfection no longer sends them to the brain, and your child can resume a normal life."

To read the entire chapter about Autism in Hulda Clark's book, The Cure For All Diseases, follow Purchase Hulda Clark's books*.

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