Moon Fairy Wee One Sky Fairy
Adopt one here.
Wind Fairy
This is my Water Fairy. Adopt one here.
This is my Umbrella Fairy, Ursula. Adopt one here.
These are my Bubble Fairies. Adopt here.
This is my guardian of day and night, Dani. Adopt one here.
This is Keita, the guardian of all Forests. Adopt one here.
Arwen is the guardian of
Melinda is the guardian of
Enchanted Forest.
marriage, flowers, and spring.
She's also the guardian of the
color white.
Adopt here.
Here we have Alana. Alana is the guardian
of Fairies.
Libra is the guardian of freedom, daydreams, and fantasy.
This is Sasha, the guardian
This is Lolonyo, The
of magic and protector of all
guardian of love.
that is mystic.
Adopt here.
This is Luna, the guardian of
Crystal is a weather goddess.
the moon, She's also the
keeper of secrets.
Serenity is the guardian of everything regarding "Sailor Moon".
Future is the guardian of everything that is going to happen.
Morning Star protects all
things and creatures of water.
She represents virtue,
strength, and courage.
Gemma aurds all of the
jewels and gem stones
in the
world and all of the people out
there who are gems at heart.
Sierra is the guardian of
Passion. She guards the
hearts of lovers who fall
in love, and gives lust,
love, and passion.
Orenda guards witches like
the ones in the classical
children's books. She aslo
guards good witches.
Daisy is the Guardian of
inner strength and
individuality. She's the
protector of those who are
different and stand out
against the crowd.
Starla guard dreams and
make sure that they don't turn
into nightmares.
Sherry guards peoples Homepage.
Angel Heart guard all things of love and all heavenly things!
Sky guards the
wind, space, and sky.
Mary is the guardian of Christians.
Titania is the queen of
liturature. She guards the
works of all writers, famous or not.
Amalia is the guardian of
destiny and creativity.
Thalia is guardian of
hope,justice,poetry,and most of
all friendship.If you have a very
special friend,you should send
her to that person!
SweetDream guards giggles,
hugs, and smiles. Fairy tales
and wishes. Hope, peace,
spirit and love. And happy
thoughts and happy feelings!
Adopt here.