Welcome! You're about to enter a series of galleries started by a skating die-hard. I love the sport of figure skating - I love to watch, I love to cheer for my favourite skaters. But with time, I wanted to do more than spectate and be in vicarious envy of the skaters - so I started glint - skating zine for the obsessed masses.

And now, I have started something else: the glint galleries. This is a shrine-like space where I, like many of us skating beans, began - with drawings, with photographs, with tributes and poetry, with fan fiction - as another means of channeling the fixation. It has become my niche, a really comfy haven of sorts, and grew into a world all its own.

I hope not only that you will like your time in this space, but that you will leave something behind. Feel free to add to the gallery. E-mail me.

stuff on celluloid artist's notebook chicken scratch on ice

Right now, the glint galleries are divided into three main wings. The three main galleries are: the photography gallery - Stuff On Celluloid, the art gallery - Artist's Notebook, and the writing gallery - Chicken Scratch On Ice.

In Stuff, you will find classically elegant photographs as well as abstract, you-only-get-this-in-skating :) shots. In Artist's, you'll find sketches, drawings, and even paintings of specific skaters. Eventually, I hope to add sculpture to the page - the screen doesn't do 3d justice! Finally, in Chicken, fanfic and poetic tributes will be pasted, posted, and read by the traffic! Well, come in now and do some ready clicking - the tour's about to begin...

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