Product & Opportunity Request Form

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Last Name

Street Address

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Work Phone

Home Phone



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If you would like us to call you please let us know what the best time to call you would be. Don't forget to tell us your time zone and list either AM or PM.

Add A Note If You Wish

Select any of the following options: 

Please call:  I'm not able to listen to or get Real Audio (or) I just have some questions.
I simply am not interested at this time but please add me to you mailing list and Members Only Area.
I put myself in Category A Don't Call: I am not interested, I don't want to make any changes at this time but thanks for sharing this with me.
I put myself in Category B Please Call: I would like more details on the products, their cost and how you can help me get them cheaper.
I put myself in Category C Please Call: I would like to change my life and get started right away.

You are here because you want more information on our products or business opportunities. Below you will find two links. Click on the link marked Industry Call and listen to it. At the end of the you will be asked to rate yourself as an A, B or C. If after listening to the first call you rate yourself as an A there is no need to proceed. Please put a check in the A category box and leave with our sincere thanks for listening. If after listening to the Industry Call and you rated yourself as a B or C then proceed to the Company Call and listen to it. Finally, decide what category you are in and let us know. Please fill in your data completely. Thank you for your interest and we will contact you shortly. We only call those who request us to call and do not add you to our mailing list unless you request it.


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Do you know anyone who might be interested in learning how to earn an extra $500-$1000/mo. working just 5 to 10 hours a
week with the potential of parlaying that into $30,000 to $60,000 per year still only working at it  part-time?
To learn how, just call in to a live call at any of the numbers below and listen: Tuesday or Thursday at 9 p.m. Central Time Zone, U.S. and Canada
1-303-262-2165 or 1-303-262-3304 or 1-303-262-2125 or 1-303-275-2161 (The Pass Code for any number is 8308#)
If you like what you hear, call me at 320-235-2605, or send email to and let me know that you made the call and would like me to call you back and discuss how you can get started.          Bonnie Fritze

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