Herne The Hunter

Hi, I'm Herne The Hunter AKA Adrian Sanderson or Sandy to my friends.

I'm a poet, a roleplayer, a Pagan, a good friend and an all round decent guy.

I live in Stockton, a town in the North East of England in the UK.

I'm 40 years old and life never looked better. In my case, life DID begin at 40. Still, I don't look it ... so I've been told!.


Pagan Musings

Paganism is a big part of my life. I am a Pagan. I am a Tarot reader and use other methods of fortune telling to help and advise people on important events in their lives. I am also a Reiki Level 2 Healer.


I am a Role-player. This is hobby that I have followed since the late seventies and I still enjoy pretending to be a mighty warrior slaying the Dragon, or some mystic psychic in some far flung galaxy fighting the evil Empire ...

It's fun! I love it!

Check out the rest of my site.

Links to friends and other sites.:
My Poetry Section:
My Roleplaying Section:
My Pagan Section:
My Photograph section:

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