
History of Erebus
Erebus was once a planet that lie beyond even Nemesis. A solitary, almost unhabited planet, it's purpose was to gurad the Black Gate... The Gate Beyond, to the Realm of the Dead. The Princess, Guardian, and Senshi of Erebus, a girl with no name, spent her days in an endless watch. But it all ended when she was tempted from her post, and the Darkness began to escape...
Erebus had once been a much more popular, and populated planet, but with the death of Queen Charyss, it began to wither. And the Princess didn't even seem to care. She reveled in the solitude her mothers death had caused, all the while reliving the last tormented moments of her mothers life...

History of Aurora
Aurora was once the planet that lie between Jupiter and Mars... The planet which is now the asteroid belt. Born to doting parents, Theia, the Princess never had want for anything. She was loved by the people of Aurora, and all seemed well.
Until the day the Dark Kingdom attempted to conquer Aurora, to use it as a base of conquest for the Inner System. But as they tried to claim the planet, the Princess, and her mother the Queen, unleashed the hidden power of Aurora... And in turn, the planet died, as it destroyed it's attempted conquerers... A power that never should have been used destroyed millions of lives...

History of Nemesis
Nemesis, in the past, was ruled by Queen Hecate, and her silent daughter also of that name. In time, the planet was overtaken by the clan of Death Phantom. After killing the Queen, he set off after the Princess. She escaped however, sending herself to the Moon... Just in time to witness the final days of the Silver Millenium.
With the Princess gone, Death Phantom cemented his rule. Millenia passed, and the Blackmon clan, exiled their by Queen Selenity, came to dwell there.
During the time of Crystal Tokyo, Death Phantom once again found the Princess of Nemesis, in Lady Titana... After being captured by the Blackmoon clan, she knew then what she had to do. So, she sent to the past a pen to aid her past self...